Wickersley Parish Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting of

7.00pm 6th April 2009 held at Wickersley Community Centre

Members:Cllrs G Forster (Chair), E Bowmar, J Bullen, S Charmak, G Cuthbert, B Cutts, S Ellis, A Gibson, C Grimes, J Horsfield, G Martin, P Thirlwall and S Underwood

In Attendance:Mr G Pacey (Clerk)

4077To receive apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr E Duncan

4078To note any declarations of interest on items to be discussed at this meeting

There were no declarations to note.

4079To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 9th March 2009

Resolved: The minutes of the meeting were accepted as a true record.

4080To receive a report from the Police and consider community matters

4080.1 PCSOs were called away to an incident, but had left crime statistics for February 2009. These were circulated and it was noted that there had been 28 offences recorded during the month.

4080.2 The Clerk had been asked by an RMBC Engineer to enquire whether a site meeting was needed regarding a proposed second CCTV camera installation at Wickersley Roundabout. The camera was to face the Morthen Road area. It was agreed that the engineer or an appropriate representative should be invited to the next Council Meeting to discuss the matter.

4081To note any issues from members of the public in attendance

Residents reported a number of incidents of anti-social behaviour and criminal damage from an area of Wickersley known as the ‘tree estate.’

The issues arose around the area between Warren Road and Larch Avenue and were that gangs of youths were moving through the estate in the evenings: -

  • Causing damage to property, including cars
  • Throwing stones at property and people
  • Using abusive language when confronted
  • Openly drinking alcohol and behaving under the influence of alcohol on public streets

The residents reported they were currently organising a petition and contacting the press, as they did not feel the Police were taking the matter seriously. When these incidents are reported to the Police they say there is either no response or a delayed response such that youths have moved on before the Police arrive. When asked why these incidents were not reflected in the monthly crime statistics, the answer given was that residents had lost confidence in the ability of Police to respond and had given up contacting the Police.

Therefore, the Council had been approached for support and were now asked that a senior member of the Police meet the Council and residents so that a course of action can be agreed to deal with the problem.

Resolved: The Clerk to write to the Chief Superintendent at Rotherham Police Station to invite a senior Police Officer to a special meeting of the Council with residents in attendance. To copy this correspondence to Wentworth Valley Area Assembly and ask that the area be identified for further Police action.

4082To consider co-option to fill the casual vacancy in the South Ward

Cllr Forster noted that a letter of resignation had been received from Cllr Cuthbert with effect from today, and he thanked him for his exceptional contribution and dedicated service during his many years on the Council. This meant that there were now two vacancies for Councillors. Following the last Council Meeting an advert had been placed in the newsletter and five potential candidates had come forward.

Resolved: To consider co-option of Councillors at the Council Meeting in June. The Clerk to seek and circulate written applications from candidates with the agenda papers and invite applicants to attend the meeting.

4083To review the operation of the assets of the Council which are managed by ‘arms length management committees’ to include the Allotments on Second Lane, the Bowling Green at Doorstep Green and Wickersley Sports Club at the Bob Mason Recreation Ground.

Cllr Forster confirmed that papers had been received from each club, including constitutions, AGM minutes and financial records – and these had been circulated with the agenda papers together with a summary schedule. He further noted that the earlier constitutions of the clubs required members from the council to attend. Cllr Ellis suggested that at least two Councillors should be nominated each year to liase with the clubs.

Wickersley Allotment and Garden Association. Jim Gunn attended to answer questions.

Cllr Ellis asked what proportions of members were from the Wickersley area and whether there were any issues with parking from Winthrop Gardens.

Wickersley Village Bowling Club. Colin Mangham attended to answer questions.

Cllr Thirlwall asked about maintenance costs including green fees, rates and so on. Mr Mangham said that RMBC pay these costs at source. Further, that club members perform much of the regular maintenance free. Cllr Ellis asked about casual users. Mr Mangham noted that the club were offering a programme for newcomers on Saturday mornings 10.30-12 noon and asked for support in promoting this from the Council.

Wickersley Sports Club. Marje Mason and Lynne Cochrane attended to answer questions.

Cllr Ellis asked about fee-setting policy. Mrs Mason said this year the fees would be increased from £27 to £30, Mrs Mason said that interior decoration was now required for the pavilion and was subject to roof repairs. It was agreed that Ms Cochrane would seek quotes, arrange for the work and seek payment from the Council as in previous years.

4084To note matters arising from the minutes of the Council Meeting of 9th March 2009

4067.2 Signage for Community Centre. Reported to RMBC but no progress so far.

4067.3 Lighting to pathway near Churchfield Drive. Cllr Cutts advised this was currently out for tender.

4068.1 Thinning of trees at rear of Spring Garden Quarry Recreation Ground. Cllr Bowmar reported that four trees and some shrubs had already been taken out under instruction from Listerdale Estates.

4079.10 Twinning Committee. Cllr Ellis reported that the Committee had decided to host four Öhringen representatives during the weekend of the Community Centre Opening Ceremony Anniversary in 2009. The Clerk said that this decision was contrary to the resolution passed at the last Council Meeting and also that a budget had not been set for this for 2009-10. Cllr Charmak noted a date could not be set for this until the WCCA met in June. It was agreed to table the minutes at the next Council Meeting and further discuss the matter before writing to Öhringen.

4085To consider financial matters including: -

4085.1 The authorisation of payment of accounts since the last meeting

The Clerk noted that the Tanyard Toilets Non Domestic Rates bill of £885.13 was significantly in excess of the budget for the year as RMBC had advised that a transitional relief payment from previous years had now ceased, and 2009-10 was the first year that full payment was required.

Resolved:That payment of the following accounts be authorised.

To Whom Paid / Particulars of Payment / Net (£)
Godwin, Mary / Completion of accounts for Wickersley Village Hall / £120.00
RMBC / Tree work at Wickersley Wood / £575.08
Cooper Typographics / Newsletter - March 2009 / £240.00
Ellis Whittam Ltd / Legal Advice re J Bullivant / £400.00
Hunt, Eddie / Cleaning Supplies / £8.87
Dave Parkin Landscapes / Monthly gardening + willow dome + topsoil + Tanyard hedge / £2,919.31
LBM Ltd / Handypersons materials / £33.93
Yorkshire Local Councils Association / Membership 2009-10 / £724.00
RMBC / Non Domestic Rates 2009-10 - Tanyard Toilets / £885.13
Sage / Instant Payroll Licence / £95.00
RMBC / Tanyard Refuse Collection 2009-10 / £2,029.69
Lightmain Company Ltd / Re-site youth shelter at Doorstep Green / £300.00
WCCA / Grant 2009-10 / £7,500.00
Goodall, Peter / Exp to 23/3/09 Refreshments re SOVA event / £22.50
Co-Op Bank / Interest on Current Account / £0.19
WCCA / Recharge - Caretaking Costs 2008-09 / £9,402.88

4085.2 To approve a national final salary award for 2008-09 of 2.75% noting that an interim salary award of 2.45% was paid out in December 2008

Resolved:That a final salary award of 2.75% be awarded for 2008-09 according to the SLCC National Pay Scales. An adjustment of 0.30% to be paid out with salaries in April 2009.

4085.3 To arrange a meeting of the Finance Committee to review the effectiveness of the system of internal audit for 2008-09

This matter was deferred to the next Council Meeting.

4085.4 To appoint Yorkshire Internal Audit Services as internal auditors and BDO Stoy Hayward as external auditors for the accounts 2008-09

Resolved:That Yorkshire Internal Audit Services be appointed as internal auditors and BDO Stoy Hayward as external auditors for the accounts 2008-09

4086To consider any general correspondence and publications

4086.1 Yorkshire Local Councils Association – Nomination papers for South Yorkshire Branch. Noted.

4086.2 Yorkshire Local Councils Association – Training & Development Programme 2009. Noted.

4086.3 Yorkshire Local Councils Association – White Rose Update March 2009. Noted.

4086.4 Wickersley Kids Club – Letter of enquiry. Cllr Thirlwall agreed to meet the Club to discuss further collaboration.

4086.5 John Healey MP – Letter of thanks to Martin Goodge, Caretaker of Wickerlsey Community Centre & Library, for help with recent MP’s surgery. Noted.

4086.6 RMBC – Play Partnership Programme, The Clerk noted that Groundwork Dearne Valley was currently conducting consultation with residents of Wickersley regarding provision of play equipment.

4086.7 Letter from Mrs Walker regarding location of a memorial for Nick Walker. The Council were supportive of the request. Cllr Underwood agreed to raise the matter with Wickersley School governors and ask why a location could not be found at the School. The Clerk was asked to place this on the agenda of the next Environment Committee and meanwhile write to Mrs Walker to explain the actions of the Council.

4087To consider planning and licensing matters including new planning applications in Wickersley

The Council had no objections to the following planning applications: -

  • RB2009 Retrospective application for temporary siting of a caravan at 148 Morthen Road
  • RB2009 Two storey side extension, front porch, rear conservatory and detached garage to side at 13 Warde Aldam Crescent

The Council objected to the following applications: -

  • RB2009/0267 Retrospective application for erection of boundary wall and fence and construction of hardstanding to front at 15 Sorby Way, Wickersley. The Council noted that, as the application may have a detrimental effect on the site lines at the corner junction, that the matter be referred to the appropriate highways department for comment prior to determining the application.
  • RB2009/0283 Conversion of bungalow to two storey dwelling house including front & rear extensions and first floor balcony to rear at 32 Wood Lane, Wickersley. The Council objected on the basis that the proposed property is effectively three storeys and that this is detrimental to the amenity of the surrounding area.

4088To receive reports from Committees and other meetings not previously considered

  • Environment Committee – 16th February 2009
  • Wickersley Community Planning Steering Group
  • Woodland Management Committee – 2nd March 2009

Resolved: That the Council accept the minutes of the meeting, confirm the actions taken and approve the recommendations contained therein.

4089To note dates of future committee meetings, events and the next Parish Council meeting

  • Easter Egg Hunt – 12.30pm 11th April 2009 – Meet at pedestrian entrance on Wood Lane
  • Environment Committee – 7pm 20th April 2009
  • Gorse Wander - 7.00pm 6thMay 2009. Meet at the Bob Mason Recreation Ground car park off Sorby Way
  • Parish Council Annual Meeting – 7pm 11th May 2009
  • Annual Assembly – 7pm 13th May 2009

It was noted that this year Bluebell Wood would be organising the Christmas Fair at the Community Centre and the date would be Saturday 21st November 2009.

The following is an item for which the Press and Public were excluded (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, S1 (2)): -

4090To consider any human resources issues arising since the previous meeting

There were no issues to discuss.

The meeting was closed at 9.00pm

Chairperson…………………... Date……………