Regular Meeting

February 2, 2009

1)  Call to Order - Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm.

2)  Approve minutes of the January 26, 2009 meeting

MOTION: To approve the minutes of January 26, 2009

Steve Wawruck Seconded by Steve Brown

Motion passed unanimously

3)  Public Input –

Phil & Victoria Thomas, Windsor Locks residents, Phil is the President of the Windsor Locks Jets program and Victoria is on the board as well. Phil stated that he is involved with children with his teaching profession, coaching the Granby football team and as president of the WL Jets football program. He said that the Vice President is forming a relationship with Suffield as safety is a concern for them and the lack of lights at the end zones of the practice field is an issue. The area not lit is where the 6-8 year olds and cheerleaders play/practice. The doors are open on Suffield’s part. Nothing official is being done at this time, but Phil wasn’t sure what the long-term decision will be.

Dave Farr from Parks & Rec department noted that last year, there was a separate issue with the lights, where they weren’t able to turn the lights on because of an issue with CL&P and work that was being done at Southwest. There are four teams sharing an 80 yard football field.

Steve Wawruck said the snafu with the power was due to the utility house being built and some timing issues. He apologized for the fact that it happened. He asked how many children were involved in the program. Victoria confirmed that there were approximately 150, including cheerleaders, with a breakout of about 30% Windsor Locks and 70% Suffield residents. Steve spoke about this being a difficult year budget-wise and noted that their input at the meeting was appreciated.

Dave Farr next spoke about the estimate for the Pesci Park Concession stand. The estimate came in at around $160,000. Dave provided paperwork that supported the estimate.

4)  Discussion of mill rate impact

Neal said that his goal was to come in at 10% less than last year. The original intent was to have the budget be approximately $2 million for capital improvements, including debt service (which includes bonds and ban interest or other payments). Debt service was $2.1 million last year and is $2.2 million this year. With that in mind, he is hoping to get the budget number for the pay-as-you-go portion to $1.5 - $1.6 million as a bottom line.

5)  Discussion and fine-tuning of capital improvement rankings – To be done at the next meeting.

Ambulance – Was changed to $0 for this year and $33,333 for the next three years. Ron asked that the amount not be reduced for the upcoming years so that there isn’t a problem four years down the road when an ambulance needs to be purchased.

Board of Education – Terry Hoffman provided documentation for several of the items that were requested at the last meeting, including the costs for grease traps, NS school roof, HS windows & heating, NS parking and the SS tractor.

Grease traps – There was discussion around the costs that were given for grease traps, due to the fact that the businesses on Route 75 are dealing with the same issue now and their costs are much less. The BOE will followup to see what businesses on Route 75 are being quoted to determine why their costs are so much higher. The cost for this item is being reduced from $120,000 to $66,400.

NS School Roof – The estimate for this is $912,500, with a little less than half falling into a reimbursement program. This cost will be put into a ban.

HS windows & heating – The cost for engineering and architecture documents is $144,790. $140,000 will remain in the budget.

NS Parking – The cost for this is $223,500. The BOE would like to complete this project in one year, so the funds will be shifted from this year and next all into this year.

MS Parking – The cost for this is being moved into next year.

SS Tractor – Reduced from $48,000 to $39,135

Instructional Technology – Reduced from $165,000 to $85,000

Computer Equipment – Reduced from $92,200 to $77,200

Selectmen’s Budget

Senior Center Bus – reduced from $30,000 to $15,000

Town Hall Renovations – reduced from $75,000 to $50,000

Engineering Account – increased from $0 to $25,000

CNR bond issue expense was reduced to $45,000 from $90,000.

Infrastructure – $650,000 to be bonded, with remainder left in pay-as-you-go portion

Police Department

Cruiser – Reduced from $54,000 to $27,000

Radios – Reduced from $28,500 to $21,000

**Radio committee is meeting this week, so the numbers for the Police and Fire Departments should decrease.

Park and Recreation

Lights at Southwest – $40,000 moved to next year

Bottom line amount after the changes noted above is $1,566,077 for the pay-as-you-go amount.

MOTION: To accept the budget as amended based on the changes made this evening.

Steve Wawruck Seconded by Steve Brown

Motion passed unanimously

Barbara will email everyone with the updated numbers. Please get any changes to her asap.

6)  Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:18pm

The CIAC review for the Board of Finance is on February 23rd.

Respectfully Submitted,

Peg Spath

Recording Secretary