Application for Use of University Spaces

Organization sponsoring the event:______

Officerofsponsoring organization or contact person:______


  • Walkway between JE and BR
  • The crescent between MC and ES facing Payne Whitney Gymnasium
  • Swing Space courtyard
  • Grassy area on Tower Parkway outside of the Swing Space
  • SSS courtyard
  • Becton courtyard

Date of the event:______

Time begins:______Time ends:______

Describe the event (include speaker, performer, or other activity):______


Number of people expected:______Are you going to use a grill? ______

Amplification? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, exact hour:______

I agree to be responsible for the orderly use of the space and agree to the terms in the document entitled Policies on the Use of University Spaceson the back of this form.

Name (please print):______Signature:______

Telephone:______Email:______Today’s date______


Approved by:


Dean of Student Organizations and Physical ResourcesYale University Police

Tel 203/432-2906 – Fax 203/432-7369203/432-4407 – Fax 203/432-4416

______Office use only: Calendar ______OCF ______

Yale, Fire Code Compliance ServicesEmail ______

Email this completed form to or hand deliver to Yale College

Dean’s Office, SSS 102, at least 48-hours in advance of your event.

Policies on the Use of University Spaces

Anyregistered undergraduateorganization that wishes to sponsor an activityin a University space must completetheApplication forUse of University Spacesand submit it to Dean John Meeskein theYaleCollegeDean’s Office, 105 SSS. The formfor registration requires adescription ofthepurposesoftheorganization and the identification ofofficersorotherleaders. Non-Yaleorganizations arenot permitted to use outdoor spaces at Yale.

Thegrantingofpermission to usetheUniversity space is based on the followingconditions:

  1. Users will remove ALL trash at the conclusion of their event.
  1. The activitymust not promote an outside commercial interest.
  1. The activitymust not involvethe collection orsolicitation ofmoney.
  1. Ifsponsored bya registered undergraduateorganization, the activitymust comply with theUndergraduateRegulations ofYaleCollege.
  1. The activitymust not disrupt regularor essential operations oftheUniversity.
  1. The activitymust not significantlyinfringeon therights ofothers. SincetheUniversity space is nearworkplaces, residences and studyfacilities ofstudents, facultyand staff, thereis aparticularconcernabout noise.Inmost instances, amplification will be allowed onlyduringthenoon hourorbetween5pmand 6:30 p.m.
  1. Users shall beresponsible forreimbursement to theUniversityforanydamages to Universitypropertyand fortrash removal.
  1. Grills will beallowedonly afterapproval ofFireCodeCompliance203.432.9923.

•Tent structures will bepermitted subject to the followingcriteria:

  1. Stakes driven into theground will bepermitted onlywith thepriorapproval of theplacement byaYaleUniversityGrounds Maintenancesupervisor (203.764.9661).
  1. Tent structures and solidflooringinstallations will bepermitted to remain in place forno morethan two days.


  1. Vehicularactivityis notallowed on grassy areas. Theonlyexception is forthegolfsized carts that areused byYale’s custodial staff. Thesecarts are limited to paved areas only.