District BoardLeadership Team

A.Purpose of the District BoardLeadership Team

The District BoardLeadership Team, hereinafter referred to as the BoardLeadership Team, shall manage and administer the work of the District as authorized by District Conference. The BoardLeadership Teamis the legal agent of the District and shall be empowered to act on behalf of the District Conference ad interim except for those actions specifically reserved for District Conference. The specific purposes of the BoardLeadership Teamare:

1.To serve as a liaison agency to promote and carry out the program of the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren in the Shenandoah District Serve as a conduit for the sharing of information and the building of relationships between the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren and its agencies and the Shenandoah District of the denomination. The Shenandoah District iscomprised of the congregations of the church in the counties of Albemarle, Augusta, Bath, Frederick, Highland, Greene, Louisa, Orange, Page, Madison, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Shenandoah and Warren, in the State of Virginia, and the counties of Hardy, Pendleton and Pocahontas, in the State of West Virginia, and in such other counties in either of those states as may hereafter be added to the District by action of the District Conference, and, in addition to such counties, in the cities and towns located therein.

2.To maintain and supervise an adequate ministry for local churches of the denomination in the District;

3.To provide financial support for home mission churches of the denomination in the District in the areas of ministry, building and program;

4.To support leadership training opportunities to members of local churches;

5.To provide a Christian Education program for all age groups; including camping facilities and activities;

6.To cooperate with other agencies of the Church in the promotion of church extension through the building of new churches in the District, and in the revitalization of existing churches therein; and

  1. To purchase, or otherwise acquire land, and to hold, improve, operate, lease, sell, and otherwise dispose of the same in and about accomplishing these purposes.
  1. Facilitate the calling, credentialing, education, placement and support of pastoral leadership within the district;
  1. Cultivate a vision for mission and ministry that encourages and inspires existing congregations and promotes the starting of new fellowships within the district;
  1. Provide training opportunities, resources and guidance that will promote healthy leadership practices within congregations;
  1. Facilitate worship and fellowship opportunities beyond the local congregation within the district;
  1. Resource and support the disciplining ministries of congregations; and

7.Serve as trustee of all district property and of endowment and other funds.


The District BoardLeadership Teamshall be incorporated under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Virginia and the office of the district executive shall be named as the principal place of business. The chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary of the BoardLeadership Teamshall be the legal officers of the corporation. Any two of these shall be authorized to sign legal documents.

C.Leadership Team

District Conference shall confirm the slate brought by the Gifts Discernment Team. The district moderator, moderator-elect, treasurer, financial secretary, standing committee delegatesBridgewater College Trustee, Bridgewater Home Trustee, any General Board Ministry & Mission Boardmembers and Bethany Seminary Electors residing within the District, shall be ex-officio members without vote. A person called to any of these positions, except standing committee, with an unexpired term on the boardLeadership Teamshall have the former position on the Leadership Team declared vacant. The term of service forboardLeadership Team members shall begin at the conclusion of the District Conference at which they are called. Any electedcalled boardLeadership Team member absent from two consecutive Team meetings without an excuse from the chairperson of theboardLeadership Team will be deemed to have resigned and the position will be declared vacant.

D.Relationship with District Conference

TheboardLeadership Team is a creature of and responsible to the District Conference. It shall report annually to the Conference and all its voting members shall beelectedconfirmed by the Conference. No action shall be taken by theboardLeadership Team in violation of Conference directives.

E.BoardLeadership TeamOfficers and Organizations

The Leadership Team chairperson shall be called by District Conference and serve a term of three years. Each Ministry Team chairperson shall also be called by District Conference and serve a term of three years. The vice-chairperson ofthe Leadership Team shall be selected by members of theLeadership Teamfrom among itscalledmembers. The district executive shall be secretary for the Leadership Team.

The Leadership Team shall appoint a treasurer and financial secretary.

1.The treasurer shall: custodian of all District funds, disbursing them as authorized by the District Conference and theboardLeadership Team,

b.submit the accounts for an annual examination,

c.make written reports to the boardLeadership Team and the District Conference as requested, an ex-officio member of the BoardLeadership Team and shall serve on the commission of stewardsDevelopment Advisory Team.

2.The financial secretary shall:

a.receive all current District funds and deposit the funds promptly in a depository designated by theboardLeadership Team.

b.prepare at least quarterly a report of giving from member congregations and of all other receipts, and make the report available to the Development Advisory Team, theboardLeadership Team, and the churches,

c.submit accounts for an annual examination,

d.serve as an ex-officio member of the commission of stewardsDevelopment Advisory Team.

All members of theboardLeadership Teamwill be called by District Conference. Other members of ministry teams and committees will be called by the Leadership Team and Gifts Discernment Team.

F. CommissionsF. Ministry Teams

1.The work of theboardLeadership Teamshall be implemented by the Ministry Teams. The number, names, and focus of these teams may change as the needs of the district change at the discretion of the Leadership Team. Initial Ministry Teams are:

a. Ministry

b. Church Development & Evangelism

c. Leadership Development & Spiritual Formation

d. Service Ministries

e. Outdoor Ministries

f. Property Development/Facility Management

2.The Ministry Teams shall be responsible to the Leadership Team. Each Ministry Team shall have at least three but no more than five members and will select its own vice-chair and secretary from its membership.

3.Any Ministry Team member absent from two consecutive meetings of his/her Ministry Team without excuse shall be removed from the Ministry Team and the position declared vacant.

G.Outdoor Ministries Committee

Brethren Woods and any other camps organized in the District shall remain the property of the Board. A committee of 12 persons appointed by the Board shall constitute an outdoors ministries committee. It shall serve as an advisory committee under the control of the Board and shall monitor the camp activities. It shall report regularly to the Board.


1.Executive Committee

a.There shall be an executive committee of the Board consisting of eight members, namely: the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the Board, who shall be the officers for the committee, and the four commission chairpersons. The District treasurer and moderator shall be ex-officio members without vote.

b.The executive committee shall recommend staff for employment by the Board and shall counsel with the staff regarding their work and record of agreement. The executive committee shall assist the chairpersons of the Board and commissions in developing the respective agendas. The committee shall serve ad interim when the work of the Board can be expedited without infringing upon the Board's responsibilities and authority.

2.Historical Committee

a.There shall be a historical committee of three members appointed by the Board.

b.The historical committee shall be concerned with all the matters of historical interest to the District and shall collect, preserve, write and, as authorized, publish such materials.

G. Committees Audit Committee

1.There shall be an audit committee of three members, appointed by the Leadership Team for one term without being eligible to succeed themselves.

2.The audit committee shall review annually the financial records of the District treasurer, the financial secretary, and other such agencies handling District funds as may be requested by the Leadership Team. The committee shall submit a report to the Leadership Team.

With the consent of the Leadership Team, a public accounting firm may be employed to assist with examination of financial reports and records.


1.The BoardLeadership Team shall meet at least six times per year. Special meetings of the BoardLeadership Teammay be called by the chairperson.

2.Thecommissions and committeesMinistry Teamsshall meet regularlyat least quarterly or as the BoardLeadership Team may direct.

3.Adequate advance notice of all business meetings shall be given to the membership involved.

J.Special Interest GroupsTask Teams and Short Term Project Groups

As requested or as the need arises, the BoardLeadership Team or Ministry Teamsshall give direction to the formation of special interest groups within the District. All such organizations shall exist to aid in fulfilling the mission of the Church at large in the District. All such organizations shall be subject to such oversight and direction as the BoardLeadership Teamor its respective commissionsMinistry Teamswish to assert. Task Teams and Short Term Project Groups shall disband at the completion of their task.

The logo of the Church of the Brethren, the names "Church of the Brethren" or any identifiable variation thereof may not be used by any congregation of the Church of the Brethren unless such person or organization first obtains the written consent of the Board or District Conference. No person or organization is to act as the agent of the Board unless expressly authorized in writing.

No other organization, entity, or body shall be deemed to be the agent of adistrict, the General Board, or Annual Conference. Only the AnnualConference, the General Board, a district, or a congregation dulyrecognized by a district shall be entitled to use the name “Church of theBrethren” in its own name or to indicate in any way it is an agent ofanother Church of the Brethren entity without the express writtenauthorization of Annual Conference, the General Board, or a districtboard. Unless expressly recognized as an agent of another Church of theBrethren entity, no institution or interest group should suggest in itsdocuments, publicity, or communications that it is the agent of a Churchof the Brethren organization. Consent to use the name “Church of theBrethren” will not, unless otherwise indicated in writing, indicate anintention to create an agency relationship but will merely indicate theinvolvement of members of the Church of the Brethren in theorganization.6


1.The chairperson will be called by the Gifts Discernment Team and affirmed by District Conference for a 3 year term with 2 term tenure and will serve on Leadership Team.

2.The Team consists of Chair and two people called by the Gifts Discernment Team from each District Section.

3.Meets on consistent basis with Pastors, Board Chairs or Deacons in ones assigned territory to provide support and discern congregational needs and direction.

4.In conjunction with the appropriate ministry team, plan events and training to assist congregations in their work.

5.Be knowledgeable about a variety of resources to enable congregations in their work.

6.Report on a consistent basis to Leadership Team regarding issues and opportunities.


1.Chairperson will be called by the Gifts Discernment Team and affirmed by District Conference for a 3 year term with 2 term tenure. There will be a minimum of three members on the team.

2.The team assists Leadership Team with resource development and fund raisingby developing policies, plans, procedures, and schedules for fund-raising.

3. Helps the Leadership Team to educate churches and their leaders about the district's ministry plans and the resources needed to realize those plans.

4.Familiarizes Leadership Team members with fund-raising skills and techniques so that they are comfortable raising money.

5.Serves as the Leadership Team's central source of information about fund-raising climate in general, and about the status of the district's fund-raising activities in particular.

6.Plays a strong role in identifying, cultivating, and approaching major donors.

  1. Works work to resource congregations for funding issues.


Employed Staff

A.District Executive

1.The District BoardLeadership Teamshall employ an executive who shall be qualified by training, experience, and personal dedication to Christ and the Church to guide, counsel and encourage District and local church workers in the development of vital and well-balanced church programs.

2.The executive shall: the executive officer of the BoardLeadership Team.

b.give general oversight to the implementation of District work

c.serve as secretary of the BoardLeadership Team, arranging for someone to record the minutes custodian of all official papers of the District an ex-officio member without vote on the BoardLeadership Team, the commissionsMinistry Teams and the committeessubgroups of the District

3.The executive shall give guidance and assistance for pastoral placement in the District.

B.Additional Personnel

Additional personnel may be employed by the District BoardLeadership Team.


Staff Employment Procedures

A.The selection and employment of an executive and associate executive as well as the termination of such services, shall be the responsibility of the BoardLeadership Team in keeping with the approved pastoral placement procedures and in consultation with the General Board director of district ministriesdenominational Office of Ministry.

B.The office secretary and other staff shall be employed by the BoardLeadership Teamupon the recommendation of the executive. The staff shall report directly to the executive.

C.The terms of employment for all employed personnel shall be carefully stipulated and reviewed annually. When the terms have been mutually accepted, such terms shall be set forth in writing on approved forms and shall be considered an agreement between the contracting parties.

D.When there is a multiple staff, the division of responsibility and the lines of authority shall be clearly defined and periodically reviewed by the executive committeeLeadership Team. Although there must be close cooperation and harmony between staff members, in the final analysis all personnel are responsible to the BoardLeadership Team.

E.There shall be a written job analysisposition description for each employee.


District BoardLeadership TeamFunctions

The District BoardLeadership Teamshall:

A.Fulfill the directives of the District Conference and make an annual report to the Conference.

B.Assign, supervise and coordinate the work of the commissions. The listing of responsibilities in Article VI shall be regarded as suggestive.

C.Interpret rules of procedure for commissions and committees.

D.Study the member congregations and strive to help them meet their needs and to fulfill their mission.

E.Project long-range planning, set goals and initiate new programs.

F.Promote, administer and supervise through the commissions the program in the District.

A.Engage in visioning, strategic planning and goal setting.

B.Initiate, coordinate, and discontinue mission and program.

C.Oversee the work of the Ministry Teams, the Audit Committee and any other groups that fall under the oversight of the Leadership Team.

D.Fulfill the directives of the District Conference and make an annual report to the Conference.

E.Empower the member congregations and strive to help them meet their needs and to fulfill their mission.

GF.Employ and direct the work of a District executive and such other personnel as may be authorized by the District Conference.

HG.Make all appointments for which theBoardLeadership Teamis responsible and provide a written job descriptionexpectations for each. Active membership in a Church of the Brethren in the Shenandoah District is a qualification to appointment to sub groups that report to and have decision making authority delegated by the BoardLeadership Team,or represent the district in ecumenical activities. Sub groups that report to or act on behalf of commissions or the Board, and have no authority to take actions on behalf of the Board, may have members appointed who are not members of a Church of the Brethren in the district.

IH.Fill the vacancies in electivecalled District offices occurring between District conferences and fill such vacancies not provided for otherwise. Persons appointed to fill such vacancies will serve until the next District Conference, with the Nominating CommitteeGifts Discernment Team responsible for adding to the ballotslateany positions with unexpired terms.

JI.Have custody of all District capital funds, endowments, and annuities, and hold title to District properties. Distribute current District funds and invest permanent funds as authorized by the District Conference. Negotiate the purchase and sale of property, and the borrowing and lending of money in behalf of the District.

KJ.Prepare the District budget for presentation to the District Conference.

LK.Provide for the annual examination of finances.

ML.Allocate and define authority with respect to the establishment of bank accounts and the signing of checks and other legal documents.

NM.Arrange for bonding for appropriate staff and officers.

ON.Receive, consider and make disposition of concernsbrought by any person or church group.

PO.Coordinate the District program and prepare the District calendar.

QP.Bring queries, or other business to District Conference and process queries from local churches for District Conference actionaccording to Annual Conference guidelines.

RQ.Plan or otherwise provide in-service training opportunities for BoardLeadership Teammembers, employed staff and other District personnel.

SR.Determine when a new church development shall be officially recognized as a fellowship and recommend to District Conference when a fellowship is to be chartered as a congregation.