Blasdell Elementary PTA Minutes10-8-2014

Board Members Present: Cate Horucy, Julie Selansky, Wendy Gorczyca, Heidi Dvornski, Lori Best, Bonnie Gordon, Mrs. Zarbo and Mrs. Dansa

Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Moment of Silence

Cate Horucythanked those present for coming. Great turn out – a lot of new faces – great to see. Board members introduced themselves and parents in attendance introduced themselves.


Mrs. Dansa described what the BLT is and what it does.

Wendy Gorczyca reviewed what was discussed at the last BLT Meeting. A lot of great ideas were discussed regarding upcoming Red Ribbon Week.

We are looking for another parent to sit on the BLT. If anyone is interested, please let Mrs. Dansa know.

Teachers’ Report

Mrs. Zarbo thanked the PTA for picture day and helping hands.

She mentioned many teachers are interested in joining the PTA. Heidi Dvornski is going to email them the form to join.

Mrs. Zarbo also thanked the PTA for Kindergarten Welcome Night, said it was a lot of fun.

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Principal’s Report

Mrs. Dansa reminded parents that Open House is next week.

Picture Day went beautifully.

Co-curriculars are starting in the next couple weeks.

Mrs. Dansa reminded parents that report cards are viewable online but if you would like a hard copy, there is a form to complete in the main office.

Field trips have begun. The fire department made a trip to the school because the children couldn’t walk to the firehouse due to the inclement weather.

Play 60 sponsored by Independent Health starts 10/9. Children are to log their daily physical activity for one month – aiming for 60 minutes per day. Prizes will be given.

The annual Scavenger Hunt will be 10/27 at 6:30 pm.

Mrs. Dansa thanked the PTA for funding prizes for Red Ribbon Week. There are many fun activities planned.

As always, if parents have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mrs. Dansa.

Council Report

No one could attend the last council meeting, therefore, nothing to report.

Treasurer’s Report

Lori informed parents that the PTA gives Blasdell Elementary approximately $18000 for activities – all money is earned through fundraising.

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Old Business

Entertainment books should be in within one week. About 140 books were sold. They can still be purchase throughout the year, and you can designate Blasdell Elementary to get credit for the sale.

Kindergarten Welcome Night was a great time.

Yankee Candle fundraiser will be starting next week. There will be samples in the main office.

We held 2 raffles at the last PTA meeting and we will continue to hold raffles when there are more than 10 parents in attendance.

New Business

The PTA is looking for another parent to share banking duties with Mrs. Gelyon. If anyone is interested, please let us know.

Square 1 Art is due tomorrow. Their products make great Christmas gifts.

Fall Book Fair is next month. Mrs. Valenti is chairing the event along with Mrs. Govenettio. They have some great ideas to go along with the Medieval theme. There will be crafts, prizes and raffles, jugglers and other surprises.

Cate mentioned the need for volunteers and indicated the volunteer sign-up sheets.

Please visit and vote for Blasdell Elementary. The winner will be awarded $30000 for a new playground.

We will also be having a Chuck E. Cheese fundraiser night. We are currently working on a date. Any families that go to Chuck E. Cheese on that particular night will have 20% of their spending donated to Blasdell Elementary.

Heidi Dvornski explained the Target red card. Every time you use your Target card (after you link it to Blasdell Elementary on their website), 1% of those sales goes back to Blasdell Elementary. Tops does something similar and gives 5% back to Blasdell.

Superintendent Dr. Bret Apthorpe is interested in coming to an upcoming PTA meeting. Mrs. Dansa emailed him our next meeting date.

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Mrs. Fanning is helping with the yearbook. She would like to take pictures at the school events and wants to make sure that’s okay. Mrs. Dansa said that would be great. Mrs. Santillo will make sure there are no children’s photos included in the yearbook that shouldn’t be.

Mrs. Errington has contacts within the NYS Troopers if we would be interested in having them do something for Red Ribbon Week.

Raffle for $25 gift card to Blasdell Pizza

Next meeting will be on November 5th at 6:30 pm.

Motion to adjourn – Bonnie Gordon, seconded by Connie Govenettio.