31st March – 1st April 2012. UKM Kuala Lumpur.



  • Dimensions of the poster should not exceed 4 ft. wide by 4 ft. high. (Portrait format)


  • You must be knowledgeable in your subject and answer questions during your presentation.
  • Presentation timing: You are given 10 minutes to present your paper and an additional 5 minutes for Question & Answer session.
  • Presenters should mention the sponsors of their research, if applicable, in their presentation.
  • Presenters are requested to have copies of their presentation available as handouts. This is not mandatory, just an option for the presenter, to increase the impact of the presentation.
  • You are required to stay at your poster during the allocated time (closed session) and preferably during breaks throughout the meeting.


Use the following instructions when preparing your poster:

  • Your display should include the TITLE and AUTHOR(s).
  • You have complete freedom in displaying your information in figures, tables, text, photography, etc. Figures should be designed to be viewed from a distance and should use clear visible graphics and large type. Color can be effective if used sparingly; use saturated dark colors on white background and rich, bright colors on dark backgrounds.
  • The presentation must cover the same material as the abstract.
  • Briefly describe procedures and materials. Define all trade names first then,use generic names throughout. All compounds and drugs must be identified.
  • Prepare all illustrations neatly and legibly beforehand, in a size sufficient to be read at a distance of 8 feet (240 cm). Remember -- a series of typewritten sheets attached to the poster board is not an acceptable poster.
  • It is helpful to viewers if the sequence to be followed is indicated by numbers, letters, or arrows.
  • Attach a small photograph of yourself to the poster so that other participants can recognize you as the presenter.


  • Please mount your poster on the poster board according to your session between 8am – 9am on the first day of the meeting (Saturday 31st March 2012). You will be notified of your poster number upon registration.
  • Please do not write or paint on the poster board.
  • Materials for poster mounting will be supplied on site by the local organising committee ~ please register at the PRESENTER’S COUNTER on Saturday 31st March 2012 from 8.00 – 9.30 am, at Faculty of Dentistry, UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur.
  • Posters must remain up until 12.00pm on the last day of the meeting, 1st April 2012.
  • The IADR Malaysian Section will not be responsible for posters and materials left on poster boards after the stated hours.