Film Studies

Mr. Friedman

Dunlap High School

E-mail –

Office Hours: before school in room G5

Dear Students,

Welcome to Film Studies! I am so excited about this school year as we explore all the components that this class has to offer you as a student and an individual. I ask that you bring your best into the classroom, fully participating in class activities and assignments! I want our class to be a comfortable place for you to learn and share your thoughts and ideas.

Film Studies is an English class where we will be learning about techniques used in film and viewing and analyzing film according to different topics of analysis. Film Studies is a class that teaches the analytical approach to film viewing. Over the course of the semester, you will learn film terms and be expected to use them in our assignments, essays, and discussions. Each film is discussed in class and accompanied by a response essay of one or two pages that answers essay questions about that particular film. You are expected to use your writing and analyzing skills to effectively compose essays over each film.

Please read the following class information so you know what I expect of you as Film Studies students. I look forward to working with all my students to have a productive and exciting semester!


Mr. Friedman

Our Class Objectives

·  To comprehend and interpret various film styles including narrative, allegorical, and documentary.

·  To further practice analytical thinking and writing skills by completing in-class and formal essays.

·  To demonstrate the practical application of proper grammatical construction in a variety of writing experiences.

·  To learn and apply a variety of vocabulary and film terms

Other Important Information

Good Habits

There are a number of good habits that will help ensure your Film Studies experience is a great one! Here are a few:

·  Keep up with the writing and movie viewing assignments and essays!

·  Take notes – whether in class, over PowerPoints, or on movies.

·  Be open to critique – both from your peers and your instructors.

·  Be open to learning something new about film, other than it’s just “A good movie!” Look for film techniques we learn about in class and apply what you are learning to the analysis of the films you watch. Then, communicate that analysis through your essays.


Plagiarism is defined as taking another’s “language, ideas, thoughts, or expressions” and submitting it as your own. As a member of this class, you will be expected to write using your own words. It is also your responsibility to properly cite and credit the original author when using quotes and other sources as references. When in doubt about plagiarism, paraphrasing, or quoting, ask one of us!

Materials Required

Three ring binder

Black or blue ink pen/pencils

Policies and Procedures

Binder: Everything that is handed out or produced (question answers, essays, and notes) must be kept in the binder, which should come to class with you every day. The binder should be devoted to this class alone (I will collect it from time to time and need to keep it overnight).

Participation: Each day in class will be graded for participation. Two points will be available. One point will be given for general good student traits (showing up on time, being prepared, actively being engaged, etc.), and one point will be given for being actively involved in discussion. Participation points will be compiled and recorded at the end of each week.

Assignment Format: All assignments will be written in MLA formatting. Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1” margins all around. You can view the MLA/Works Cited Packet through Dunlap High School’s website. Click on Departments, Language Arts, and then scroll to the bottom to find the link to the “Works Cited Website”.

Here is the direct web address:

Headings for your Essays: Type your full name on the first line, the teacher’s name on the second line (Mr. Friedman), the unabbreviated class name on the third line (Film Studies), and the unabbreviated date on the fourth line. For the date use international format (23 September 2020). Do not use a comma. A header should also accompany your typed essays. For your heading, include your last name, a space, and then page number.

Dismissal: You are to remain in your seat or engaged in an assigned activity until you are dismissed as a class. The bell does not dismiss the class. Students are not to line up at the door at any time. You will be asked to stay after as a class if students line up at the door before the bell rings or I dismiss you.

Dress Code: You must follow the Dunlap High School Dress Code Guidelines (please see your student handbook). If there is a dress code violation you will be handed a pass. With this pass you will have three choices: 1) fix the problem 2) use it as a pass to the restroom or your locker to change or 3) go to the Administration Office to dispute my claim.

Food: NO food, gum, or beverages (other than water bottles) are allowed in class.

Assistance: I am available at the beginning of the school day.

Late Homework: Daily homework assignments will NOT be accepted late. If you are absent, the homework assignment is due on the day of your return. It is also your responsibility to check your calendar and check in with me (or a classmate) to see what you have missed. You will be allowed one day, for each day that you have missed, to turn in your missing assignments. Since we will be watching films in class, it is encouraged that you talk to me BEFORE your absence so you know what you’ll be missing and how to make up the parts of the film you will miss during class.

***“The printer would not print” does NOT count as an emergency. If you have problems with the printer, you MUST e-mail your paper to me before class. Note that you WILL NOT be allowed to leave class to go print off an assignment or paper when it is due. Also, please do NOT wait until the day the paper is due to finish your paper.

NOTE: If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz, you will be expected to take it on the day you return. A test will be scheduled far enough in advance, where you should be well prepared for it. Exceptions will be made for any extenuating circumstances, but you need to find me on the day of your return and make arrangements to make up the test or quiz that day. You will rarely be allowed to make up the test or quiz during class, so it is recommended you find me in the morning before school.

Passes: Washroom passes will be given only in the case of an emergency! Hall passes will not be given to retrieve forgotten materials or homework.

Cell phones/Electronic Devices: As outlined in your student handbook, cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed to be used. Please keep all electronic devices and cell phones out of sight. If one is seen during class, it will result in confiscation for the class period or full day, and further action with the main office.

Respect and Responsibility: We all have the responsibility to treat each other with respect in and out of the classroom. Respect includes respecting yourself, your peers, your teachers, and your classrooms. You also have the responsibility to do what is expected of you when it comes to class work and how you behave in the classroom. Misbehavior, crude language, racial or derogatory remarks will not be tolerated and are cause for further discipline. In addition, you must pick up after yourself when you leave class. Respect the environment in which we all learn in and those around you, and it’ll be a fabulous semester!