Your Name: ______

PERIOD 2: Years 1607–1754: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 and 3 test on ______

DIRECTIONS: Your answers to the questions below must be handwritten on your own paper and turned in the day of the test for full credit. All answers must be in complete sentences unless otherwise directed (“define”, “list”). You may use pen or pencil. Staple this handout on the day you turn in.

LATE WORK: Every reading guide loses 10 points for each day late. No late work on guides will be accepted after 2 days from the due date test.

WHAT’S ON THE TEST? Remember, everything from class is “fair game” for the test, not just the textbook. Any questions marked “APUSH format” on the test are usually NOT from the green book. Short answers can use info from green book and other sources in class, including videos.

There WILL be questions on this test from the green book reading that ARE NOT in this reading guide. You MUST read the entire chapter and in an ideal world, take notes on the chapters. Good luck, college bound students! You can do it!


1.  Who/when/why was Jamestown founded?

2.  What were problems with this colony?

3.  In 1619, there were two important events that took place. LIST these with a header so you can review later.

4.  LIST 3 examples of agricultural techniques the Europeans learned from natives. List with a header so you can review later.

5.  Over what region and what type of ruler was Berkeley?

6.  What was Bacon’s Rebellion?

7.  Explain two main reasons why this rebellion is important in history.

8.  Summarize in your own words the following:

o  Proprietary colony

o  Joint-stock colony

o  Royal colony


9.  Who/when/why was Plymouth founded?

10.  What is the significance of the Mayflower Compact?

11.  Who was John Winthrop?

12.  Why is the historical significance of the Massachusetts Bay Company?

13.  Why is the historical significance of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?

14.  What is Anne Hutchinson remembered for in history?

15.  What event(s) caused the shift in the European view of Natives to change from one of interest and admiration to “savages”?

16.  In what ways did Europeans decide to deal with the Indian “problem” from this time period on?

17.  How did technology factor into battles like King Phillip’s War and the Pequot War?


18.  What was unique about the settlements of the Carolinas, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania? (the motive behind these as a group)

19.  What incentives were given to settlers to come to these colonies?

20.  Summarize in one sentence, how the Carolinas came to be divided into North and South.

21.  Who were the Quakers?

22.  What colony did they found? Why?


23.  Describe life during this time period on the Caribbean Islands, both economically, and socially.

24.  List the two major reasons the colony of Georgia was founded.

25.  What types of things did Georgia prohibit?

26.  Make sure to also read “Where Historians Disagree” on page 58-59 and summarize what is meant by the “middle ground” time period.


27.  Describe the idea behind mercantilism.

28.  Summarize the purpose of the Navigation Acts.

Directions: Make sure you understand the short answer essay question, as one of these from your Period 2 readings will appear on the test. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TURN IN ANSWERS FOR THIS SHORT ANSWER QUESTION WITH THIS GUIDE. However, smart skill-building techniques would be to jot down your thoughts and think about HOW you will answer this if it appears on the test.

Possible Test Short Answer Essay

1.  Chesapeake and Massachusetts Colonies

A.  What is one way land use in the Massachusetts colony differ from that in the Chesapeake?

B.  How did their systems of government differ from one another?

C.  Give one additional example of how Puritan influence made social life in Massachusetts quite different from life in the Chesapeake.