Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 6th July 2010

Committee:Ian Collier (IC)Captain

Norman Basson (NB)Vice Captain

George Nelson (GN)Secretary

Ron King (RK)Treasurer

Brian Dennard (BD)Match Secretary

Graham Hull (GH)Opens Secretary

Graham Cameron (GC)Internal Events

John Beatty-Pownall (JB-P)Ladies Liaison

John Price (JP)Away Days

Brian Carlin (BC)Trophies

Baas Aldred (BA)New Members Liaison


1.Attending:IC, NB, GN. RK,GC, BD

Apologies:JB-P, GH

2.Minutes of Previous Meeting. Reviewed and approved.

3.Matters Arising. None

4.Captain’s Report

4.1As a consequence of some exceptionally low scores in the Jubilee Trophy

competition a review of particular players handicaps was undertaken. As

a result one player was cut by 4 strokes another by 2 strokes.

This review procedure is normally carried out annually but can be

implemented if there appears to be significant anomalies in handicaps.

4.2GH has offered to oversee seniors handicaps in the future.GH

4.3An e-mail has been received by the Captain seeking clarification about

voluntary reduction in an individual handicap. The reply is to confirm that anyIC

player can request a reduction in handicap of any magnitude.

4.4Several members have expressed concern regarding players who cannot play

to an acceptable handicap i.e. 28. Such players lose balls frequently, slow down

the game and cause frustration to other players, particularly in team format


One proposal would be to insist that members joining the seniors must prove

that they can achieve a genuine handicap of 28 or better within one year of

joining the seniors. The Senior’s Captain agreed to look into this issue.IC

5.Programme Matters

5.1There will be no entry list for the forthcoming Seniors Championship. Payment

of £3 will be taken on the competition day. However a notice has been published

allowing seniors to state their preferred starting time period. A fixture list will be

published showing start times and particular starting courses. Players groups will

be selected where possible with approximately similar handicaps. GN

5.2A notice is to be prepared to state that seniors who do not put their name on an

entry form by the specified closing date will only be accepted as individual

reserves. A group of reserves will not be eligible to compete for any prize

other than a two’s competition. Players failing to appear on time may be

eliminated if reserves have already been allocated in their vacant position,

and no other starting position is left vacant.


5.3A question was asked regarding match play competition cards being valid for

entry as a T&A competition card. It is to be clarified that no winter or summer

competition cards can be accepted as entry cards for any roll-up competition.GC

5.3NB offered to organise the rota for Tuesday roll-up starter personnel.NB

6.Treasurer’s Report

6.1.Nothing of significance to report.

7.Match Secretary’s Report.

7.1.To date the results of friendly matches are 4 wins, 6 losses, 2 halved. 53 seniors

have taken part in matches to date.

7.2Various enquires are now being received regarding 2011 fixtures. The attached

sheet shows the possible situation for 2011, with the red items being provisionally

agreed, whilst the orange entries are not yet agreed.

Wrag Barn had proposed a return to the 2009 dates for home and away matches.

Our response is to request Cumberwell in October, and Wrag Barn in May, bearing

in mind the less clement weather in October and the propensity for the greens at

Wrag Barn to flood quickly when rain occurs.BD

7.3NB explained that as a consequence of the accident to a player during a recent

friendly match at Cumberwell, he had invited the injured player and his partner

back to Cumberwell for a game and lunch. This action was well received by the

players and the incident is now closed.

It was agreed that any expenses incurred in the foregoing should be reimbursed

out of seniors funds.RK/NB

7.4Arising from the incident in 7.3 above, the seniors are to investigate the position

regarding insurance cover, either as individual cover or possibly as cover as a

representative of Cumberwell in official matches.IC/GN

8.New Members

8.1.Nothing new to report.

9.Seniors Open

9.1.GN explained that the purpose of using the Club “credit card” (available from Jane,

the Club Financial Director) is to keep tabs on miscellaneous food and drink

offered to helpers. The card is held by the Open organiser or representative and

is available to helpers on request, and assists the Club in identifying those persons

qualified to have free issue food and drink.

10.Any Other Business.

10.1.The autumn away day is still under investigation.JP

10.2The proposal for a Committee away day is to be considered, possibly at Rushmore,

or at any club with buggy facilities.GN

11.Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 17th August 2010.