Microsanctuary Movement SEED GRANT Application

Thank you for your interest in the Microsanctuary Movement Seed Grant program!

Microsanctuary Movement seed grants are small grants meant to help microsanctuaries (both individuals and non-profit organizations) with funding small projects, be it for startup or expansion and improvement.

Please read the Guidelines for Grant Recipients on our website before filling out this application to determine if you are eligible to receive a grant. Note that we screen applicants and will keep in touch after you receive your grant in order to help you be successful.

Grants will not be given to projects or individuals using animals in any way. Veganism is central to the Microsanctuary Movement.

If you have any questions along the way, feel free to get in touch with us at !

Reporting Requirements

If you receive a grant, you will be asked for the following:

1.  ASAP: At least one photo of you and/or your microsanctuary residents, as well as a profile of your microsanctuary. Examples of profiles can be found on our website: http://www.microsanctuarymovement.org/microsanctuaries/profiles/.

2.  ASAP: Grant Agreement form, which is your contract by which you agree to use funds as described in your application and keep in touch about progress, problems, and questions along the way.

3.  Within 12 months of acceptance: A Final Report describing how you used your funds, completion of the project, and impact it has had. Please save receipts for expenses covered by the grant, in case they are later requested by the IRS.


About You



Name of microsanctuary (if applicable):





Facebook (personal and organization):

Other relevant contact/social media:

I am over 18 years old (yes/no):

If under 18, my age is:

If under 18, my birth date is (month/day/year):

If under 18, my parents are aware that I am applying for this grant (yes/no):

2. Are you vegan? If so, for how long? Do you use any animal products in your personal life, or for others? If you are not vegan, are you transitioning?

3. What is your experience with rescuing and caring for farmed animals, and other species?

4. Do you have experience with budgeting, tax filing/accounting, and other administrative tasks?

5. What areas of sanctuary work do you think you could use the most help with? What are you good/comfortable with?

6. Do you own or rent your property? If rent, please provide details about your lease agreement, any restrictions on animals or use of property, etc. (We discourage rescuing too many animals on rented property.)

Funding Request

1. Which grant are you applying for?

·  Seed Grant (general funding):

·  Hen Reproductive Healthcare Fund:

2. Provide an overview of your proposed project/use of funds (you will discuss budget below, so focus on the narrative right now). What do you want to accomplish, and why is it important to you and your residents? Please note that Seed Grants can be used broadly for a variety of expenses related to running your microsanctuary; Hen Reproductive Healthcare Fund grants may only be used for contraception and other reproductive healthcare for hens.

3. Please discuss the anticipated timeline for your project. How long will it take to complete? Is it a one-time project, or will it be ongoing?

4. How will successfully completing this project impact your community (local and online)?

5. If this is a project you have already started, what have you accomplished so far? (If you have not yet started, do not worry!)

6. In addition to yourself, are there other people involved in this project, such as volunteers and supporters? If so, how many?

7. Is there anything else you want us to know?


1. How much do you expect the TOTAL project to cost? If an ongoing project, will the costs stay consistent, increase, or decrease over time?

2. Have you already raised or spent any money for this project? If so, approximately how much have you raised or spent so far (in U.S. dollars or the equivalent)?

3. Where did this money come from? Your personal funds, loans, contributions from others, sponsors, sales of goods/services, etc.? How will you cover general expenses in the future?

4. If you need more funds than the grant provides, how will you cover the additional expenses? Please be as specific as you can; we understand that this may be difficult to predict.

5. In the table below, please list what your grant is expected to cover. Feel free to provide estimates if you don’t have exact figures yet.

Amount needed / Expense / Why you need it

6. Anything else we should know about the budget?

By inserting my name below, I signify that the information above is accurate.

Enter name again:


Please send this completed application as an e-mail attachment (as a Word document or PDF) to .