Leeds Trinity Students’ Unionpolicy on:

House Hunting Marketing Regulation

Leeds Trinity Students’ Union notes

A1. The Unipol Code of Standards is a robust accreditation scheme for student housing in Leeds and, when used and implemented properly, acts as a means to promote good standards in the private rented sector and hold landlords maintaining bad standards to account.

A2. LTSU is influential in who students rent from and a key player in educating & advising students on housing issues and how to look for appropriate student accommodation.

A3. Letting fees (e.g. ‘admin fees’, ‘signing fees’, etc) are non-refundable fees charged by some – but not all – landlords / letting agencies upon the signing of a tenancy agreement; often with little or no explanation of what exactly the fee is supposed to cover. Letting fees are charged in addition to rent and can make house hunting a little more complicated when comparing rents as admin fees aren’t reflected in advertised rent. Many landlords do not charge such fees and companies that do charge such fees are usually paid anyway by the landlord; and / or by the tenant/s in the form of rent.

A4. Letting fees can be used to ‘hide’ costs when students are comparing rents and, it could be argued, be used as part of end-of-contract ‘bonus’ / ‘reward’ schemes as a means of encouraging tenant contractual compliance without having to charge a deposit, thus bypassing tenants’ rights under deposit protection legislation.

A5. Letting fees have been banned in Scotland and there is much national campaign work, e.g. Shelter’s ‘End letting fees’ campaign1, for the same to happen in England.

Leeds Trinity Students’ Union believes

B1. That the Unipol Code of Standards should be actively promoted.

B2. That LTSU should use its influence over who students rent from responsibly and take reasonable steps to ensure that its influence is used primarily for the benefit and wellbeing of its members rather than for financial profit.

B3. That letting fees are unethical and unnecessary; and that any additional costs incurred by the landlord or agent should be borne initially by the landlord or agent and if necessary factored into the tenants’ rent.

B4. That LTSU’s working practices should reflect its values as described in B1, B2 & B3 above.

Leeds Trinity Students’ Union resolves

C1. To promote the Unipol Code of Standards.

C2. To recommend to students that they only rent properties that are accredited under the Unipol Code of Standards (or equivalent Code in the case of ‘large developments’).

C3. To not endorse the advertising of non-Unipol Code private rented properties on campus.

C4. To not provide marketing services for non-Unipol Code private rented sector landlords / letting agencies, orlandlords / letting agencies that let non-Unipol Code properties (be it on a let-only or full management basis).

C5. To not provide marketing services for landlords / letting agencies that charge letting fees as described in A3 above.

C6. That LTSU (including its clubs & societies) will not enter into any marketing / sponsorship agreement with any private rented sector accommodation provider without prior approval from the LTSU Student Welfare Service.

Awareness of this policy

D1. This policy shall be available to view on the Leeds Trinity Students’ Union website.



Policy first came into effect: 22ndJune 2015