Appendix B – Offeror Response Form Attachments


RFP Title: Sealed Offers for Consulting Services to Develop Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCOA)

Table of Contents

1.0Offeror Experience Reference Form

2.0Offeror Key Staff Experience Reference Form


1.0Offeror Experience Reference Form

Section 1. To be completed by the Vendor – Offeror andSub-contractor (if applicable)

Vendor Name: / Vendor Contact/Name:
Services/ Project Dates: / Vendor Contact Phone:
Customer Organization: / Customer Contact Name:
Customer Contact Phone:
Customer Address: / Customer Contact E-Mail:
Total Budget (Operating and Capital) of Organization:
Services / Project included working with governmental accounting and reporting requirements:
Yes No
Services / Project included assessment and refining/ restructuring chart of accounts:
Yes No
Services/ Project involved government organization:
Yes No
Services/ Project involved K-12 organization:
Yes No
Services/ Project involved government and/or K-12 organization located in the State of Hawaii
Yes No
Scope of Services/ Project:


2.0Offeror Key Staff Experience Reference Form

Vendor Name:______

Proposed Team Member’s Name: ______

Proposed Project Role(s): ______

Meets Key Staff Qualifications:  Yes  No

The Offeror must provide a completed Offeror Key Staff Experience Reference Form for each Key Staff Member of the project team and attach a resume that reflects the staff person’s experience. Resumes shall be included in Attachment 5 (for Offeror Staff and Subcontractor Staff).

Services Provided/ Projects Where Team Member Performed Role:

For each services provided/ project experience listed, indicate the customer name and contact information, whether the services provided/ project was for a public sector agency, whether the services provided/ project was for K-12 organization, services provided/ project name and description, proposed team member’s role in services provided/ project, start and end dates the proposed team member performed the role, and the duration of the experience. Each Proposed Key Staff must include a minimum of three references in the Offeror Staff Experience Reference Form:

Customer Organization
Name of Organization
Contact Name
Contact Phone #
Contact E-Mail Address / Public Sector Yes/ No / K-12
Yes/ No / Services Provided/ Project Name and Description / Team Member’s Role in Project / Dates/
e.g., “Y” Benefit Fund, Jane Jones (808-555-9000; ) / Services provided / 07/2006 –06/2007
12 mos.