Friends of Axson Montessori Elementary

4763 Sutton Park Court · Jacksonville, FL 32224

Friends of Axson Montessori Elementary, Inc. (FAME) was formed in March 2006 as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization to generate funding for the paraprofessionals for J. Allen Axson Montessori School.

It’s that time of year again! FAME is kicking off its annual Capital Campaign Drive February 1st through May 23, 2014. We are up and running and off to a great start.

So far this school year, we have raised money through these events:

Fall Festival Auction Square One Art Axson Nutcracker DVD Private Donations

Staff Jeans Day (Friday) Smashburger

Holiday Bazaar Tijuana Flats

We also have families who are making monthly monetary donations. We will recognize each family’s level of giving during our campaign. We are grateful to all who have participated in these fundraising events!

Our successes:

In August 2011, we were pleased to be able to present J. Allen Axson with a check for $43,000.00 to help provide part-time paraprofessionals (assistants to help the lead teachers) in every classroom. In July 2013, we were able to present Axson with a check for $24,000, which provides a para for the gifted classroom.

Our goal:

FAME’s goal is to raise $35,000 this year. In addition to our fundraising events, we are asking Axson families for monetary donations. If every family donated just $100 we would meet our $35,000 goal! We will be working closely with Mrs. Vanhoy to distribute our funds prudently. If you, as a parent and stakeholder of the school, have suggestions for new ways FAME can support our school, please email us at . As always, we welcome your donations and continued support of FAME in its efforts to foster the Montessori Method at J. Allen Axson. Our continued success depends on the support of our Axson Families.

If we make our fundraising goal by Friday, May 23th Mrs. Vanhoy will entertain us. Pie in the face? Shower of slime? Human water balloon target? Have a suggestion? Include your idea with your check!

Why You Should HELP: Each year, our school’s budget changes depending on the amount of funding received from the state and district. We never know from one year to the next if a priority will be given to funding our paras or not. Paras have a critical role in instructing and directing children to an appropriate work when the lead teacher is conducting lessons. You chose Montessori as the education for your children – FAME will continue to help Axson function as it’s designed.

HOW TO HELP: 1) Make a donation- it is tax deductible (our EIN is 83-0374970). 2) Apply for matching funds through your employer (please inform us if your employer contributes so we can give you the proper credit!). 3) Participate generously in fundraisers. 4) Share our goal with your friends and extended family. 5) Volunteer with FAME (grant writing, asking for community donations, event planning)!


Platinum Level $1500.00 and above

Gold Level $1000.00 to 1499.99

Silver Level $500.00 to $999.99

Bronze Level $180.00 to $499.99

Copper Level up to $179.99

Your support will be acknowledged through FAME Capital Campaign Updates.

Please make your checks payable to FAME You can drop donations at the off front office or send in an envelope with your child marked FAME. A receipt will be given to you for tax purposes. You may also send money via PayPal to

Now is a great time to get started on your 2014 deductions. Thank you for your support!

If every family donated just $100 we would meet our $35,000 goal!

***********************************CUT HERE *********************************

NAME to be listed as Sponsor (or anonymous): ______

Amount of Donation: ______Check No. ______or Cash or PayPal

Address: ______

Zip: ______Phone No: ______

Email: ______