
To ensure that:

•the outcome is robust and defensible

•that workload is manageable and interesting

•that progress is achieved

Phases / Stages / Actions / Timetable
(Note Months are inclusive)
Laying the foundations / Stage 1: Starting up /
  • Getting started: Parish Council Authority
  • Defining the Neighbourhood
  • Submission of letter & map to Cornwall Council
  • Cornwall Council Advertisement of Designation
  • Cornwall Council approve designation.
/ June 2013
June 2013.
July 18th July 2013.
19th July 2013 to 30th August 2013
18th November 2013
Stage 2: Organisation /
  • Set up Neighborhood Planning Steering Group
  • Agree ToR
  • Develop and keep under review Project Plan
  • Assess and keep under review the budget requirement
/ July 2013
July 2013
Oct 2014
Annually agreed
Stage 3: Develop communication and engagement strategies /
  • Understand nature of area, demographics, key stakeholders, accessibility needs etc.
  • Develop communications methods (website, twitter, Facebook, press releases, etc)
  • Identify sources of support
/ July 2014
??– To Be Revisited (June 2017)
?? – To Be Revisited
Stage 4: Ensuring community support for the neighbourhood planning process, community awareness raising. /
  • Presentations, open days and initial questionnaire
  • Analysis and feedback
/ Sept - November 2014
Dec 2014
From capacity to action / Stage 5: Use initial feedback to ‘scope’ plan themes and ongoing work programme /
  • Initial scoping of Key Themes:
Village character development
Green spaces / Wild habitats
  • Initial Vision adopted
“To conserve and enhance the quality of life, environmental attributes and economic sustainability of the neighbourhood and to ensure the infrastructure is in place to create a sustainable community for the future generations through the empowerment of local people”.
  • Initial Working Groups set up
  • Working Groups research activity
  • Detailed survey designed
/ Nov 2014
Jan 2015
Jan 2015
Jan 2015 to …
March 2015 to July 2015
Stage 6. In depth Community and stakeholder engagement /
  • Detailed survey, workshops, visits, talks and a travelling exhibition
  • Analysis of engagement feedback
  • Working Groups continuing…
/ Sept to Oct 2015
Nov 2015 to Jan 2016
Jan 2016 – to date
Stage 7: Evidence gathering /
  • Building the Evidence Base from the research and feedback
/ Concurrently with Stage 6
Stage 8: Developing the evidence base /
  • Basic Evidence Report covering:
  • History of the area and basic population demographics
  • Heritage assets (Statutory and non-statutory)
  • Landscape
  • Biodiversity
  • Employment and economy, census data, wages,benefits, range of firms, agricultural diversity, tourism,
  • Facilities and amenities, transport, inclusion access to services
  • Housing supply and requirements
  • Other significant local factors (land contamination, WHS etc).
  • Other plans and strategies, e.g. the NPPF, Cornwall Local Plan, AONB management Plan, WHS documentation, Parish Plan etc)
  • Some aspects need more detailed and original study:
•Housing supply and requirements –a housing needs survey and assessment?
•Heritage assets (Statutory and non-statutory) - a more formalised Heritage and Character Assessment.
•Landscape –a full Local Landscape Character Assessment?
•Village edge assessment –on a field by field assessment based on the 12 sustainability principles in the NPPF.
•Biodiversity –Clearly seen as important locally, a detailed data set derived from MAGIC, CWT Resource Map, LLCA results etc.
•Transport, inclusion access to services –Full audit of what’s available, where, when, accessibility etc
•Use of Parish Online to record all mappable data / June/July 2017
June/July 2017
Aug 2017
July/Sept 2017
Aug/Oct 2017
July 2017
Aug 2017
Stage 9 Revisit – Deepening engagement /
  • Write an engagement statement of intent and improve communications
  • Stakeholder engagement –identify and ensure they are involved.
  • Questionnaire on site and policy options?
  • Getting a younger view
/ June 2017
Producing the Draft Plan / Stage 10: Drawing conclusions, vision and aims, policies and proposals - Narrowing down the options and technical writing of draft plan. /
  • Community workshop 2 to generate overall vision and aims from the evidence baseand to put together outline principles of the Plan with policy intentions identified
  • Data for each village area drawn-out from evidence base and area working groups to come forward with proposals for their areas
  • Options consultation (see Stage 9)
  • Steering group draw up first draft plan
  • Steering group prepare Sustainability Statement
  • ‘Sign off’ of NP by Steering Group & Town Council, finalization of paperwork
  • Preparation of consultation materials
/ Sept 2017
Oct 2017
Oct 2017
Oct 2017 – Dec 2017
Nov/Dec 2017
Nov/Dec 217
Jan 2018
Jan 2018
Refining and ‘Making’ the Plan / Stage 11: Testing and approving the Neighbourhood Plan /
  • Pre-submission Consultation (Reg14)
  • Review feedback and prepare response changes
  • Submission Plan approved by Steering Group
  • Submission Plan approved by Parish Council
  • Finalization of Submission Draft
  • Commission additional evidence if required
  • Seek further grant aid to assist with additional requirements
  • Submission to Cornwall Council
  • Technical checks and Reg16 Consultation
  • Independent Assessment
/ Jan / March 2018
April 2018
May 2018
May 2018
May 2018
May 2018
June 2018
Aug 2018
Stage 12: Making of the Plan /
  • Referendum
  • Formal ‘Making’ as part of the planning policy framework.
/ Sep 2018
Oct 2018
Into action… / Stage 13: Delivering and monitoring the plan /
  • Delivery of plan provisions….
/ Thereafter….