Appendix 5

LGBT History month in Camden - 2007

A. Overview:

  1. Largest History month programme in the UK ( ever) with 31 events in 26 days.
  2. Overwhelmingly positive feedback from audience members and examples of increased learning and understanding
  3. Audience figures up by 40% on the Out in Camden event. Other events generated over 2,085 logged attendances ( completely new programme) and in excess of 800 viewers to exhibitions ( Gays the Word – this figure does not include exhibitions in libraries as no figures have been forthcoming) etc
  4. Partnerships with a number of community groups have been strengthened including Polari, UCL LGBT students, Gays the Word bookshop, Older Gay Mens group at Age Concern etc New partnerships include Bi-con (national bisexual conference), Trans Youth Arts project, Transfabulous (transgender events and arts project), Film Wotever ( queer film org), Enigma ( trans swimming club), the Poetry Society, Chroma Journal, London Lesbian Kickabouts ( football team practising in Camden), Rainbow Seniors etc In addition we have strengthened existing links and formed new ones with venues such as the Black Cap, the King William IV, the Poetry café, the 52 club etc
  5. Police LGBT Liaison Officers attended the following events: Out in Camden III, ( and ran a stall), the Lily Parr Exhibition Trophy, Older Gay Mens Cabaret, all 3 self defence classes.

B. The Official Launch event

This year’s theme at the launch event, Out in Camden III was ‘one size does not fit all’ and the day was introduced by Cllr Keith Moffitt (Leader) and included speakers on a range of topics within this theme – Sue Sanders introduced the importance of LGBT History month, Lindsay River from Polari spoke of issues of concern for both the older and current LGBT population ; Neil McKenna spoke of the experiences of gay men criminalised under the Gross Indecency Act and Dr Jenny Alexander spoke of the way in which heterosexist assumptions work. Some 95 people attended the speeches and there were 18 stalls and, later, refreshments (provided by Equalities)

C. Other Events:

These included:

  • A programme of 3 events at Camden’s Swiss Cottage library including 2 films about Ruth Ellis and Justin Bayard and a book display
  • 5 sporting events including 3 self-defence events (where participants also met local Camden Police LGBT Liaison Officers), a major international football match commemorating Lily Parr, one of only 2 women in the Football hall of Fame and a Trans swimming event attended by 38 people.
  • A series of 6 film sessions run by Film Wotever at Swiss Cottage Library and the Black Cap.
  • 4 workshops/discussions including one on bisexuality, one on ‘putting the T in LGBT’, one for older LGBT people about their involvement in LGBT history, one from Hall Carpenter archive and LAGNA about the Sexual Offences Act
  • Book display, talk and signing by Matt Houlbrook at Gays the Word
  • A 70s disco valentines night commemorating Sylvester
  • A dance event co-financed by Islington LGBT History month (Strictly Bona Ballroom)

D. Audiences:

About 2,085 people attended these 29 events with a further 800 attending exhibitions (excludes library exhibition figures which we have not got) Some of the events were particularly successful with 600 people attending the Strictly Bona Ballroom event. The Transplash event saw some 38 people in the pool and four times as many people attended Word Out! – the open mic poetry event - as usually attend the Poetry Society’s open mic nights! The Older Gay Mens cabaret night saw some 75 people attending and the other major event for older people , We Made History had some 55 people attending. Additionally, some 120 people attended the Lily Parr exhibition trophy and 225 people danced to Sylvester at the Black Cap on Valentines night (see appendix A for full breakdown).

E. Audience breakdown:

Although some of the monitoring information had to be ‘guesstimate’, from sample information, it can be estimated that 36% were gay men, 24% lesbian or gay women, 11% heterosexual ( which includes Trans people who are heterosexual) 9% bisexual, 12% Trans or gender variant 7% Queer and 1% other.

77% of people were from White groups, 7% were from Black groups, 5% from Asian groups and 10% from Mixed Ethnicity groups with 1% other.

Age wise 22% of people came from age band from 16-25, 26% from 26 -35, 36-45 and 45+

5% of people identified as having disabilities.

F. Partner organisations involved in development of the Festival/event:

The Hall Carpenter/Lesbian and Gay News Archive, Arc du Ciel ( French Lesbian Football Team), Polari, UCL LGBT students, Gays the Word bookshop, Older Gay Mens group at Age Concern, Bi-con, Trans Youth Arts Project, Transfabulous, Film Wotever , Enigma swimming club, the Poetry Society, Chroma Journal, London Lesbian Kickabouts, Rainbow Seniors, the Black Cap, the King William IV, the Poetry Society, the 52 Club, British Transport Police, met Police, the Beaumont Society, Kings Cross Stealers, CLASH, and a number of individuals including Terry King ( from Wandsworth LGBT Forum), Lindsay River, Dr Jenny Alexander, Simon Powell ( GMFA), Neil McKenna, TDC Emma Whitehead ( Met Police)

G. Feedback:

This is the first year of such an enormous programme and, therefore, an accurate comparison with 2006 cannot be made. We have reports from individuals on events they attended (in a variety of formats e.g. hand- written etc). Many of them said it was a fabulous event or that they really welcomed the work of the Forum in setting it up. One of the often repeated comments by participants was how welcome it was to have so many mixed events and there have been many requests for us to continue organising something for the different communities. Additionally, the Diversity Directorate of the MPS has particularly praised some events including Transplash. We have been in dialogue with Camden Council Equalities about accessing refugee and faith communities for other events and in meetings with other groups about ongoing involvement in the Forum and for further events in Camden.

H. Marketing and Press

From monitoring information 34% heard about the event through word of mouth, 21% from the Camden brochure, 9% from the website, 3% from mailing list and 24% from another source.

An A6 20 page colour brochure was produced, listing details of all 29 events throughout February 2007. 3,000 programmes and 150 posters were initially printed, but unfortunately the first distribution seems to have gone awry and a second print run was made with the Forum distributing these. We consider the lack of initial distribution to have had an impact on figures during the first days of History month.

All comments on brochure and programme were highly complimentary to both the design and lay out. Although there was an initial problem with distribution the Forum staff, volunteers and MC managed to secure good distribution and high profile in the Press and on the Internet with Internet streaming broadcasts ( and radio ( Gaydar and Camden Central Radio. There was also publicity throughout History month via the Council’s Message of the Day

In addition, the Forum website was improved this year, with the full programme and updated information online. Additionally, we sent out press releases and had write ups in/on the following:

Positive Nation, Out in the City, Pink paper,,,,,,, Time Out, QX, Gaydar radio, Camden central radio,, plus ads circulated by partner orgs.

Please note we have copies of releases but not in electronic format.