Dear <insert manager name>,

We are constantly looking for ways to improve our efficiencies, reduce costs and increase overall effectiveness. SYSPRO, the provider of our ERP system, is holding an end-user conference in Anaheim, CAonMay 22-25, 2016. The conference is focused on education and the transfer of knowledge with an overall goal of enabling companies such as ours to better utilize and leverage the SYSPRO ERP solution. I have reviewed the conference website, and there are a number of areas that are extremely pertinent to what we are trying to achieve.

The agenda offers a rich curriculum, and I feel that we can achieve specific benefits in the following areas:

·  Gain a clearer understanding of the power of the technology behind the SYSPRO product

·  Learn about additional and new product functionality we can leverage for immediate and long-term benefits

·  Find out about future product enhancements that would facilitate our ability to plan ahead. The net result is that we would be in a better position to utilize the SYSPRO system and ready to profit from future enhancements.

SYSPRO has prepared a full program for the conference which includes a number of networking opportunities. We will have the ability to meet with management and support staff from SYSPRO, as well as network with companies that are facing the same market forces with which we have to deal each day. There is also a third party vendor showcase, providing the chance to identify a number of solutions that may benefit our company.

This is a huge opportunity for me to increase my knowledge of the SYSPRO ERP system, develop better contacts with SYSPRO staff and consultants as well as gain a deeper exposure and understanding from our peers.

I believe that my attendance would be a solid investment that will continue to deliver immediate as well as ongoing benefits to the company.

Best Regards,

Your Name