Hazelden’s Gambling Prevention Proposal To

The National Council on Problem Gambling

Hazelden is the leading publisher of evidence-based prevention programs in the country. Located in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota area, we have been publishing resources on addiction issues for over 50 years. We currently have a very strong line of NREPP Model Programs for Grades K-12 in both alcohol and other drug prevention and in violence prevention. The publication of an evidence-based gambling prevention program would be a great addition to this strong line of products.

Our desire is to explore a partnership with the National Council on Problem Gambling to bring an evidence-based gambling prevention program to audiences throughout the United States, so that more students are helped and the issue of gambling is addressed in more schools.

After extensive research and the evaluation of several programs, we are exploring the possibility of publishing a program called Stacked Deck that was developed at the Alberta Gaming Research Institute at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. Author Dr. Robert Williams and his colleagues have developed this program for grades 8-12. The program has shown significant outcomes in affecting both student attitudes and behavior towards gambling. We have attached a journal article that describes the program and its outcomes.

We would like to publish the program in late 2009 or early 2010, and would like to explore the possibility of a partnership with the National Council on Problem Gambling. Depending on the level of involvement NCPG would like to have, there are basically two options we would like to explore with you. We would certainly define these options in more detail, if you decide to explore this with us.

Option 1: NCPG and Hazelden Co-Publish the Program

Hazelden would cover all the costs of product development, while NCPG would help to cover the costs of promoting the program to audiences in the United States. We would look at using NCPG’s already existing channels to promote the program, thus greatly reducing promotional costs. Hazelden and NCPG would divide the revenues from the product in yet-to-be-determined amounts. Hazelden and NCPG logos would appear on the program materials, thus promoting a strong partnership between both organizations.

Option 2: NCPG earns commission through your Web site

NCPG would put an advertisement or banner on your Web site promoting the program. If people click on the advertisement or banner, they would be taken to Hazelden’s online bookstore. If people then purchase the program during this visit to our bookstore, NCPG would earn a 12% commission on the sale.

We would prefer to enter into an Option 1 partnership, because it would result in greater visibility for the program, and would result in greater revenues for both organizations.

Hazelden recognizes that gambling is a very significant issue that needs to be addressed in partnership with other organizations. Working together we can address the issue in ways that we cannot do as effectively on our own.