Clerk: Mrs Lisa Horritt



Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 3rdOctober 2016 at 7.30 pm at the New Staff Room, Tillington Manor Primary School, Young Avenue, Holmcroft.

1. Attendees and Apologies
Chairman CllrMrs M RedfernCllr J RedfernCllr B Cross (MBE)
Cllr J CantrillCllr P BowenClerk Mrs L Horritt
Meeting was Quorate
Borough Councillor Stephen Leighton,Borough Councillor Ray Sutherland
Public: Mr R Thomas


County Councillor Frank Chapman

2. To accept Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests relating to items on the agenda

Cllr Cross – Item 6 Planning. Cllr Cantrill – Item 6 Planning

3. To consider signing and approving the minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on 5thSeptember 2016.

Proposed Cllr P Bowen, seconded Cllr B Cross.

4. To review Matters Arising from those minutes

Wilkes Wood signage – it was queried whether Wilkes Wood could have a no through road sign like Valley has had installed. Clerk to investigate.

It was reported that the bus stop sign has been retrieved and re-stuck by Mr Millward. The Councillors are very grateful for this.

5.To receive Borough and County Councillors Reports

There were no updates required

6. To discuss and approve response to planning applications received:

None received. There is a planning application which has been publicised for 2 new units at Primepoint, this has not been validated by SBC Planning Department yet.

7. To consider any Highways and NHT matters that need action and to review any previously reported

The Clerk updated the Council about the removal of the tree behind the bench in Wilkes Wood. This is to be carried out by a different team and has been scheduled.

8. To discuss missing bench on Primepoint and actions required

The Clerk has been following this up. It has been reported to the Police and the Insurance Company, quotes for replacement benches have been received and the Clerk is awaiting fitting quotes. The policy excess is £250.

9.To receive Councillors Reports

Cllr B Cross– reported that the A34 layby was full of litter again. Clerk to report.

Noted that graffiti on Stone Road and Eccleshall road has now been cleared.

Cllr J Cantrill–Nothing further to report

Cllr M Redfern:Queried whether a defibrillator could be placed in the BT phone box? Clerk to investigate.

Reported that the grass has been cut in Creswell Grove and also the grass on the M6 access roads.


Cllr J Redfern– Nothing further to report

Cllr P Bowen – Raised the ongoing issue of a van dumped outside Wilkes Wood. The Clerk has been in touch with the police and they have written to the owner. As this is on private ground, if this doesn’t resolve the issue then the owner of the land would need to look into removal.

Lighting left on at Arnold Clark had been reported. The Clerk will look into this.

10.Clerks Report

The Clerk updated the Councillors about the new collaboration of Parishes meeting on 20th October at Gnosall. Cllrs M&J Redfern and the Clerk will attend.

There are discussions about capping Parish Precepts and the requirement for a referendum if the precept is to be lifted above a set level. The Council will respond to this when it arises as this could be restrictive and costly to small parishes.

Current Financial Situation – Clerk

  • To approve financial payments, receipts and transfers

Items for payment.£35 Information Commissioner, £100 David Wright – milestone repaint (reinvoiced to SCC), Office Exps £38.57, £800 transfer to reserves. Agreed by all present

  • To discuss initial budget thoughts for 2017/18

Clerk to circulate budget information to all. Councillors to suggest projects for 2017/18.

11. To consider items for the next agenda

Clerk’s salary to be discussed under confidential business.

12.Dates of future meetings

November 7th, December 5th at 7.30pmin the staff room.

13.Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 8.20pm
