Volunteer Application Form

Personal details

First name (s):
Preferred First Name (if different from above):
Surname/Family Name:
Home address:
Contact address (if different from home address):
Phone number (home):
Phone number (day):
Email address:
We do not currently have volunteering opportunities for anyone under the age of 18, please tick to confirm you are over 18 years of age:

What type of volunteer roles are you interested in?

When are you able to volunteer (eg days, hours etc)?

Employment details

Please indicate if you are at present:

Student / Employed / Unemployed
Retired / Other (please specify)

Why do you want to volunteer with Bletchley Park Trust?

Please give details of any relevant skills, experience or training you feel may be relevant to your application. Please add extra sheets if necessary

Please provide details of any injury, medical condition or allergy that might affect your ability to perform your role :

To comply with legal requirements we ask you to supply us with the details of your Next of Kin or Person to contact in case of emergency. These details will be treated in confidence by Bletchley Park Trust and will only be used by the appropriate Duty Manager in an emergency, ie should you sustain an accident, or be taken ill whilst acting as Volunteer at Bletchley Park.

Next of Kin (NOK) or person to contact in case of emergency:

Phone number (s) (day)
Relationship to you:

Please notify the above person that you have supplied their details to Bletchley Park Trust and the reason for it.

Signed: ______Date: ______

By signing this you have agreed for these details to be made available to members of the Bletchley Park Trust and Duty Managers. Please notify us immediately if these details change or need updating.

We require two written references for all applications for volunteering opportunities. Please give the names, addresses and phone numbers of two referees (not related to you) who can advise on your experience and testify to your honesty and trustworthiness.

Suitable people to ask for a reference include an employer or previous employer, a professional friend you have regular contact with and a personal friend. Please check with them before giving their names as referees.

Please note that we do normally need two satisfactory references before you can start as a volunteer.

1st Referee:

Phone number (day):
Email address:
Relationship to you:

2nd Referee:

Phone number (day):
Email address:
Relationship to you:

Criminal convictions

If you have a criminal conviction, please give details of any unspent convictions. A conviction will not necessarily exclude you from volunteering, but will need to be taken into consideration when assessing your suitability for a particular role.

Certain volunteering roles will require Enhanced Disclosure of criminal convictions and you will be notified of this requirement when the role profile is discussed.

Please provide details of unspent criminal convictions below:

Data Protection

The information in this form will be handled in line with the Data Protection Act. Should you be engaged as a volunteer, your form will form part of your personal record. All other applications will be held on file for a maximum period of 6 months before being securely disposed.

Thank you for your interest. Please note we cannot always guarantee a suitable role.

Please sign and date your application.

I declare the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Return to:

Volunteer Engagement Officer
Bletchley Park Trust
Sherwood Drive, Bletchley Park, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK3 6EB

For office use:



V2 September 2016