The National Association of Catholic Chaplains

Monday, January 5, 2009

Read this issue online:

1.  Executive Director’s Reflection

2.  Contacting Kathy Eldridge

3.  Deadline for completing the important SCC Survey is next Tuesday

Summit ’09 approaches!

4.  This coming Friday, January 9th – final online registration for the SCC ’09 Summit!

Other News

5.  Chicago area members! Mark your Lenten calendar!

6.  Healing Tree: a request for prayers

7.  Recent job postings

1. Executive Director’s Reflection

In the most recent Health Progress, January-February 2009, Ron Hamel, Ph.D., Senior Director Ethics, Catholic Health Association (CHA), wrote an insightful article entitled, “Fostering an Ethical Culture: Rules Are Not Enough.” He reflected on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) efforts to shape the culture and environment of the Department in a way that supports sound ethical behavior. The challenge is to move beyond a rule-based culture to one that inspires and fosters good practices and exemplary behavior. (Read the article at

Dr. Hamel enumerated the VA’s indicators that a healthy ethical culture exists. They include:

·  Appreciate that ethics is important.

·  Recognize and discuss ethical concerns.

·  Seek consultation on ethics cases when needed.

·  Work to resolve ethics issues on a systems level.

·  See ethics as part of quality.

·  Understand what is expected.

·  Feel empowered to behave ethically.

·  View organizational decisions as ethical.

How does that list match your ministry setting?

As chaplains and leaders in pastoral care, you are called upon not only to facilitate ethical decision making but also to help share the ethical culture of your work environment. The NACC revised Standards, Part Two, Section 100, give us the Code of Ethics for Spiritual Care Professionals. 102.12 states, “Promote ethical and moral values by following The Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services.” In 2009, NACC plans to offer audio conferences on the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care. Many chaplains have mentioned that such series would be helpful. At the November 4, 2008 St. Louis Chaplain Event at Ascension Health, Thomas Nairn, Senior Director Ethics, CHA, gave an excellent overview of the ERD’s. One chaplain who had been at several ERD presentations noted she learned more at that session than any of the others! Tom made his PowerPoint presentation available to us. You can access it at St.Louis110408.ppt.

What else can we do to assist you to grow in your role as ethical leaders in your ministry settings? Please let me know at .


David A. Lichter

NACC Executive Director

2. Contacting Kathy Eldridge

For any of you who would like to contact Kathy Eldridge directly, you can e-mail her at . Also her home address is: S104 W20421 Tina Drive, Muskego, WI 53150.

3. Deadline for completing the important SCC Survey is next Tuesday!!

If you have not yet completed the SCC survey, do so TODAY! Next Tuesday, January 13, 2009 is the deadline for completing it. It takes less than 10 minutes! The results of this survey will provide critical information for the professional spiritual and pastoral care cognate membership groups and for the SCC leadership as it sets strategic direction for its future. We need your counsel. Log on now at

Summit ’09 Approaches!

4.  This coming Friday, January 9th – final online registration for the SCC ’09 Summit!

If you have not yet registered for Summit ’09 “Health and Hope: The Hard Reality of Living Intentionally in a Village of Care,” February 1-4, 2009 at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort and Convention Center in Walt Disney World® Florida, REGISTER TODAY. This Friday, January 9, 2009 is last chance for on-line registration for the SCC ’09 Summit. After Friday, only on-site registration is possible, which will not include any meals for any registration category.

Other News

5. Chicago area members! Mark your Lenten calendar!

Our Illinois state liaisons have been busy preparing an enriching Lent Workshop for chaplains and those in pastoral ministry on “The Mystery of God and Human Suffering: Implications for Ministry to the Sick and Dying” being presented by Rev. Robin Ryan, CP. It will take place on Saturday, March 7, 2009, 8am to Noon, Mulcahy Center, Loyola University Medical Center, 2160 S. First Ave, Maywood IL 60153. For details (brochure) go to

6. Healing Tree: a request for prayers

Please continue to keep in prayer Judy Novak (radiation treatment for colorectal cancer), Sr. Rose Grabowski, SSJ-TOSF (stomach surgery), Bro. Brian Boyle, CPPS (broken foot); Rev. Jim Radde, SJ (recovering from surgery), Teddi Tomsic (major surgery), Sr. Hilda Mallet, MHS (undergoing cancer radiation treatments which followed chemo), and Dennis Eldridge (Kathy’s husband, for cancer treatment).

7. Recent job postings

The following positions have been posted in the last two weeks. Please go to for more information about them.


LaCrosse, WI -- Gundersen Lutheran Health System


Everett, WA -- Providence Regional Medical Center


Owensboro, KY -- Owensboro Medical Health System

* * * * * * *

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