
LP Rev. No: 00
Date: 24.12.2012
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Sub Name : EE2252- POWER PLANT ENGINEERINGUnit: I Branch: EEE Semester: IV

Unit I


Basic thermodynamic cycles, various components of steam power plant-layout-pulverized coal burners- Fluidized bed combustion-coal handling systems-ash handling systems- Forced draft and induced draft fans- Boilers-feed pumps-super heater- regenerator-condenser- dearearators-cooling tower


To make the students familiar with the various parts of the thermal power plants and their functions.

No / Topics to be covered / Time
(Min) / Ref / Teaching Method
1 / Introduction-power plants / 50 / 2,4 / BB, OHP
2 / Layout of Thermal power plant / 50 / 2,4 / BB, OHP
3 / Rankine cycle and its efficiency and its problems / 50 / 2,4 / BB, OHP
4 / Reheat and regenerative cycle and its problems / 50 / 2,4 / BB, OHP
5 / Modified rankine cycle and its problems / 50 / 2,4 / OHP
6 / Pulverized coal burners, Fluidized combustion / 50 / 2,4 / OHP
7 / Coal handling system & ash handling system / 50 / 2,4 / OHP
8 / Forced and induced draught fans, feed pumps / 50 / 2,4 / OHP
9 / Boilers,types of boilers,super heater,feedpumps . / 50 / 2,4 / OHP
10 / Regenerator,condenser,dearearators & cooling tower / 50 / 2,4 / OHP
11 / CAT - I / 50 / -- / --
/ LESSON PLAN / LP-131402
LP Rev. No: 00
Date: 24.12.2012
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Sub Name : EE2252- POWER PLANT ENGINEERING Unit: II Branch: EEE Semester: IV

Unit II


Layout-dams-selection of water turbines-types-pumped storage hydel plants


To make the students familiar with the various parts of the hydro electric power plants and their functions.

No / Topics to be covered / Time
(Min) / Ref / Teaching Method
12 / Introduction of Hydro electric power plants / 50 / 2 / OHP
13 / Layout of hydro electric power plant / 50 / 2 / BB,OHP
14 / Classification of hydro electric power plants / 50 / 2 / BB,OHP
15 / Types of dams,spillways,surgetanks &draft tubes / 50 / 2 / BB
16 / Conduits , power house & equipments. / 50 / 2 / BB
17 / Hydraulic turbines-classification / 50 / 2,3 / BB, OHP
18 / Specific Speed,Efficiencies ,Cavitation ,Performance & governing of hydraulic turbines. / 50 / 2 / OHP
19 / Selection of hydraulic turbines, Hydro electric power plant controls / 50 / 3 / BB,OHP
20 / Safety measures in hydel power plants. / 50 / 3 / BB,OHP
21 / CAT – II / 50 / -- / --
/ LESSON PLAN / LP- 131402
LP Rev. No: 00
Date: 24.12.2012
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Sub Name : EE2252- POWER PLANT ENGINEERINGUnit: III Branch: EEE Semester: IV

Unit III


Principles of nuclear energy- Fission reactions-nuclear reactor-nuclear power plants


To make the students familiar with the various parts of the Nuclear power plants and their functions.

No / Topics to be covered / Time
(Min) / Ref / Teaching Method
22 / Introduction of Nuclear Power plant / 50 / 3 / OHP
23 / General aspects of Nuclear Engineering / 50 / 3 / OHP
24 / Main components of Nuclear power plant / 50 / 2,3 / BB,OHP
25 / Pressurized water reactor(PWR) / 50 / 2,3 / BB
26 / Boiling water Reactor(BWR) / 50 / 1 / BB,OHP
27 / CANDU Reactor / 50 / 1 / BB
28 / Liquid metal cooled reactors, Breeder Reactor / 50 / 1,3 / OHP
29 / Nuclear plants in India & Future of Nuclear power / 50 / 1,3 / OHP
30 / Safety measures for Nuclear power plants / 50 / 1,3 / OHP
31 / CAT - III / 50 / -- / --
LP Rev. No: 00
Date: 24.12.2012
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Sub Name : EE2252- POWER PLANT ENGINEERINGUnit: IV Branch: EEE Semester: IV

Unit IV


Types, open and closed cycle gas turbine, work output & thermal efficiency, methods to improve performance-reheating, inter cooling, regeneration-advantage and disadvantages- Diesel engine power plant-component and layout


To make the students familiar with the various parts of the gas and diesel power plants and their functions.

No / Topics to be covered / Time
(Min) / Ref / Teaching Method
32 / Gas Turbines-Introduction,Applications ,merits & demerits / 50 / 1,3 / BB,OHP
33 / Layout of gas turbine power plant & site selection / 50 / 1,3 / BB,OHP
34 / Open and closed cycle power plant / 50 / 1,3 / BB,OHP
35 / Brayton cycle ,work output,thermal efficiency,problems / 50 / 1,3 / BB,OHP
36 / Reheating,Regeration & intercolings- Method to improve performance / 50 / 1,3 / BB,OHP
37 / Layout of diesel engine power plant / 50 / 1,3 / BB
38 / Clasification of I.C.Engines and its parts / 50 / 1,3 / BB,OHP
39 / Combustion ,knocking,advantages and disadvantages of diesel power plant. / 50 / 1,3 / BB,OHP
40 / CAT-IV / 50 / ---- / ----
LP Rev. No: 00
Date: 24.12.2012
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Sub Name : EE2252- POWER PLANT ENGINEERINGUnit: V Branch: EEE Semester: IV

Unit V


Solar energy collectors, OTEC, wind power plants, tidal power plants and geothermal resources, fuel cell, MHD power generation-principle, thermoelectric power generation, thermionic power generation


To make the students familiar with the various non conventional power generation sources and their functions.

No / Topics to be covered / Time
(Min) / Ref / Teaching Method
41 / Conventional and Non conventional energy sources / 50 / 2 / BB
42 / Solar power plants / 50 / 2,3 / BB,OHP
43 / Types of different solar collectors / 50 / 2,3 / BB,OHP
44 / OTEC power plant / 50 / 2,3 / BB
45 / Wind power plants / 50 / 2,3 / BB,OHP
46 / Tidal power plants & geothermal power plants. / 50 / 2,3 / OHP
47 / Fuel cell and its types / 50 / 2,3 / OHP
48 / MHD power generation and its principle / 50 / 2,3 / OHP
49 / Thermoelectric & Thermionic power generation / 50 / 2,3 / OHP
50 / CAT-V / 50 / --- / ------

Course Delivery Plan:

Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II
Units /
Unit I / Unit II / Unit III / Unit IV / Unit V


1. A Course in Power Plant Engineering by Arora and Domkundwar, Dhanpat Rai and

Co.Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi.

2. Power Plant Engineering by P.K. Nag, Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition , Fourth reprint 2003.


1. Power station Engineering and Economy by Bernhardt G.A.Skrotzki and William A. Vopat- Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 20th reprint 2002.

2. An introduction to power plant technology by G.D. Rai-Khanna Publishers, Delhi-

110 005.

3. Power Plant Technology, M.M. El-Wakil McGraw Hill 1984.

Prepared by / Approved by
Name / S.Arumugam / G.Kirubakaran / Dr.A.Venkatesan
Designation / Assistant Professor / H.O.D / Mechanical Engineering
Date / 24.12.2012 / 24.12.2012