2016 Call for Papers
27th Advanced Research Techniques Forum

Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA

June 26-29, 2016

To:Marketing Research Professionals

Re:Proposal Submissions for 2016 ART Forum

Deadline:Deadline for submissions is November 30, 2015

Where:Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA

When:June 26-29, 2016

Please accept this invitation to submit a presentation or poster proposal for the 27th Annual Advanced Research Techniques Forum (ART Forum).The submission deadline is November 30, 2015.

What We Are Looking For

The ART Forum is a unique conference where practitioners and academics come together to discuss how new techniques can be used to meet current challenges in the marketing research industry. We are looking for papers that:

  1. Describe techniques that solve real-world problems in marketing research, and
  2. Provide guidance for practitioners who will implement the techniques with real data.

The ART Forum welcomes recently-published/forthcoming papers as well as unpublished research. Preference will be given to submissions that describetake-home materials that will be provided for conference attendees, including, for example, working papers, sample codes, and/or how-to guides for implementation.

Who Attends This Conference

Since its inception in 1990, the conference has focused on how sophisticated methodologies and quantitative techniques can support strategic and tactical marketing decisions. Most of the attendees are experienced research practitioners who use advanced methods in their jobs.

Topic Areas

Topic areas of interest to the program committee are listed on the next page. These areas reflect ongoing research issues and suggestions from past conference attendees.Many of these topics fall under the umbrella of data science and big data analytics, and these areas are of continuing interest to the program committee.

The “topic areas” should not be considered an exhaustive list; we are interested in any submission that meets the “What We Are Looking For” criteria.

All proposals are reviewed by the entire program committee. All authors submitting papers for review will be notified about selection in mid-December.

27th Advanced Research Techniques Forum


The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2015. The conference committee would like to encourage submission on the topic areas described below, and will evaluate all proposals submitted that develop the effective use of advanced research techniques that improve marketing decisions in all areas of application.

Preference will be given to submissions that describe take-home materials that can be provided for conference attendees, including, for example, working papers, sample codes, and/or how-to guides for implementation. For academic submissions, the program committee wishes to emphasize that it welcomes academic papers that have been recently published or are forthcoming, particularly those for which supplementary materials may already be available.

Exploring New Data Sources / Advancing Research Methods
Mobile and Social Media Data:
  • Customer touchpoints
  • Brand tracking
Path-to-Purchase Data
  • Multimedia touchpoint attribution
  • Online attribution
  • Returns to advertising
/ Conjoint and Choice Modeling:
  • Pricing analysis
  • Design of experiments
  • Sparse data sets
  • Using the upper-level of an HB model
  • Ensemble methods

Survey Data
  • Sampling on mobile platforms
  • Managing online panels
  • Correcting sampling and response biases
/ Modeling Customer and Market Behavior:
  • Agent-based modeling
  • Customer heterogeneity
  • Market response modeling

Large and Unstructured Data:
  • Text mining and image analysis
  • Machine learning
  • Data visualization
  • Crowdsourcing
/ Neuroscience and Non-Conscious Response
  • Decision neuroscience
  • Implicit association
  • Facial coding

Presentation & POSTER Parameters

Presentations will be 30 minutes long.Your proposal should:

  • Demonstrate an innovative and methodologically rigorous approach;
  • Integrate a marketing problem with one or more analytic methods;
  • Clearly communicate methods and practical benefits;
  • Provide explicit and useful conclusions and recommendations for practitioners and academics.

Posters are standard academic poster session format: 40” by 60” with a horizontal layout. They are expected to have similar structure and attributes as papers, but may report an informative case study related to advanced research techniques or a methodological advance in progress.

Papers and posters must be legitimate research offerings, and not sales presentations or pitches for proprietary methods.


Each year, ART Forum attendees rate each presentation and a “best paper” is selected. These are excellent examples of the kinds of topics and presentations that are suitable for the ART Forum. Recently honored papers include:

  • Quantitative Trendspotting: Identify Common Trends Hidden Behind a Large Number of Time Series. Rex Yuxing Du and Wagner A. Kamakura. (2011)
  • Do We Halo or Form? A Bayesian Mixture Model for Customer Satisfaction Data. Joachim Büschken, Thomas Otter, and Greg M. Allenby. (2011)
  • “Buy Till You Die” to Improve Operational Efficiency: Realigning the Sales Force Using the BG/NBD.Steven Lerner, Peter Fader, Bruce Hardie (2012)
  • Consumer Preference Elicitation of Complex Products using Support-Vector-Machine

(SVM) Active Learning. Lan Luo, Dongling Huang (2012)

  • Developing an Advanced Preference Based Simulator – A Flexible and Scalable Approach Using R and the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. Charles Carpenter, Jeffrey Dumont,

Nelson Whipple (2012)

  • Models of Sequential Evaluation in Best-Worst Choice Tasks.Tatiana Dyachenko, Rebecca Walker Naylor, Greg M. Allenby (2013)
  • Monitoring Shifts in Product Feature Importance via Trends in Online Searches. Ye Hu, Rex Yuxing Du, Sina Damangir (2014)
  • Beyond Pairwise Similarity: The Category Covering Problem for the Analysis of Sorting Task Data in Marketing Research. Simon J. Blanchard, Wayne S. DeSarbo, Daniel Aloise (2015)

For other questions, please contact Lynn Reyes, AMA: 312.542.9075,

Rex Du - Chair
Hurley Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Houston
Melinda Thielbar – Chair
Senior Research Statistician Developer, JMP Software
Simon J. Blanchard
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Georgetown University
Dino Fire
Chief Science Officer, FGI Research
Jack Horne
VP Marketing & Data Sciences, Market Strategies International
P.K. Kannan
Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing Science, University of Maryland
Charlotte Mason
C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Chair of Business Administration, University of Georgia
Bryan Orme
President, Sawtooth Software Inc.
Submission Form

Deadline: November 30, 2015

This completed form must accompany your submission.Fill it out as accurately as possible and submit in .DOC format. Online Submission Form Now Available – CLICK HERE

Primary author submitting the proposal is:  ACADEMICIAN  PRACTITIONER

Please consider my paper for:  Presentation Poster

Abstract Title:
Univ. /Organization:
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Co-Author Information
(name, title, & affiliation)


In the event your paper is chosen, we would like to include a description in the conference promotional materials. (This is not your proposal summary. In addition to your title, please write a 4-5 sentence description of your talk/presentation. List all co-authors as you would like them to appear in the brochure.

Presentation Title:

Session Description:


Using the following outline, describe your paper in 800 words maximum (total for items 4 – 7).

  1. Title of the proposed paper
  1. Names of authors
  1. Subject matter of the proposed paper, stating the specific topic in the call to which it applies
  1. Specificationof the research methods and techniques used (type of data, modeling approach, etc.).
    What are the data sources (simulated data, choice model observations, survey, market basket, etc.)?
    With respect to analytic methods or programs:are they (1) commercially available, (2) privately available (consultancy proprietary or custom programming), or (3) available as open/shared source?
  1. Status of research: Proposed, underway or complete (including forthcoming/recently published).
  1. Relevance and Importance: Reasons why the proposed paper will be of interest and practical value to the ART Forum audience of advanced research practitioners and academics.
  1. Take-Home Materials: Materials that will be provided as guides for conference attendees to implement the methods. Examples of potential take-home materials includes working papers, sample code, and/or how-to implementation guides.
  1. References:If available, please list (selected) earlier work by the authors to provide a context for the contribution; if applicable, please list other conferences where this paper has been presented.

Please send submissionsby November 30thas .DOC fileswith the

subject line: 2016 ART ForumSubmissionto: Lynn Reyes,