DATE:Monday November 14th, 2016 LOCATION:WKMHA office

ATTENDEES:(present) (absent)


President / Crystal Dixon /  / Director of Divisions / Marnie Douglas /  / Past Pres. / Scott Tipton /  / 
1st VP / Duncan Dixon /  / Director of Programs / James Rayburn /  / Head Coach / Dave Whistle /  / 
2nd VP / Nate Olfert /  / Referee In Chief / Ryan Thiessen /  / Steering
Committee / Jeff Watson / 
Treasurer / Aimee Ward /  /  / Administrator / Toni Pickrell / 

Guests: Quorum present: 

Agenda Item / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
1. Call Meeting to Order / Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm
2. Additions to Agenda Agenda Approval / Motionby Ryan “That the Board of Directors General Meeting Agenda forNovember 24be approved and adopted as presented." Second by Ryan
3. Adoption of Previous Minutes
Attachment #1 / Motionby Aimee, “That the Board of Directors General Meeting Minutes of October,be approved and adopted as presented." Second by Ryan
4. Business arising from the minutes: / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
In Camera Meeting / Re: ongoing issue regarding member conduct. See page 3 / To be listed separately and not posted in minutes
5. Reports / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
5.1 President
Crystal Dixon / absent
5.2 1stVice President
Duncan Dixon / We need Tier 1 info. Request from Chuck and add to Dec agenda
Higher # of suspensions this year
Coach concern addressed at Bantam level
5.3 2nd Vice President
Nate Olfert / TD Canada Trust donation to go to someone in need, Toni and Aimee to review
5.4 Treasurer
Aimee Ward / Updated budget presented and attached
5.5 Dir. Of Divisions
Marnie Douglas / Ongoing communication with OIC
Look into off ice pictures for next year / Toni to look into
5.6 Dir. Of Programs
James Rayburn / Novice program review- using modified ice
Seeing successful development and results at tiered levels
5.7 RIC
Ryan Thiessen / On ice clinic-31 attended
Suspensions addressed
Note Novice games on schedule more clearly
5.8 Past President
Scott Tipton / Request for Head Coach Mentor schedule
Bantam House Goalie AP discussion
5.9 Head Coach
Dave Whistle / Review of suspensions guideline from coach to player- 1 game. Further suspension requires board review
Novice team request for assistance regarding needs of players. Recommend additional on ice helpers. Nate to communicate with the head coach
5.10 Steering Committee
Jeff Watson / absent
Toni Pickrell / AP policy review for clarification
Coaches qualifications needed on several teams
Injury process and policy/return to play discussed
9. Next Meeting / Next Meeting: Dec 12
10. Adjournment / Hearing no objection the meeting was adjourned at 1015pm

Minutes at meeting Signed: ______ToniPickrell WKMHA Administrator