Chapter 1 Questions:

1.  Why do Mark and Bryon go to the pool/hall? What is the Bartenders name & how does Bryon know him?

Mark and Bryon go to the pool to hustle people at pool to make some money, but they don’t find anyone to hustle. The bartender’s name is Charlie. Bryon knows him because he used to date Charlie’s sister and they stayed friends.

2.  Who is looking for the boys in chapter 1? How is he described?

M&M is looking for the boys in chapter 1. M&M is described as a hippie kid who is a little weird, but a nice kid. He has a very nice smile and he also has many siblings who he babysits. He says he wants to have a big family himself one day.

3.  Describe the relationship b/w Bryon and Mark.

Bryon and Mark are very close friends; Bryon says they are like brothers. Mark’s parents died in a tragedy and Mark has been living with Bryon since they were 10.

4.  Why does Mark have a probation officer?

Mark has a probation officer because he got caught hotwiring and stealing cars. He now has to check in with his PO during the week at lunchtime.

5.  What does Mark take from the boy he jumps? Why is this important?

Mark takes 3 dollars from boy he jumped, it important b/c Mark and Bryon owe this money to Charlie.

6.  Why is M&M so upset? Do you agree with his reasoning?

M&M gets upset b/c he doesn’t believe in violence and Mark and Bryon were going to jump a random person after they had just saved M&M from the same thing.

No I don’t agree b/c M&M was their friend, while the other guy was not.

Yes I agree b/c he was an innocent person that they didn’t know and didn’t deserve it.