Outline – February 12, 2017

John 13:5-15, Philippians 2:3-8

Proverbs 4:20-23, Corinthians 13:1-8; 13

Can two people stay in love . . ?

  1. What we must know (understand)
  1. Love is not a noun
  2. Love is a verb/action

1.Love may begin with attraction but requires action

  1. There is a desire in most people to stay in love
  1. What we must do
  1. Recognize what’s going on inside of you
  1. Proverbs 4:23 – Watch over your heart, for from it flow the springs of life
  2. We depend on our spouse and loved ones to bring value, love, hope into our life
  3. When things happen, when we are “bumped” by our spouse, (by those we love) what’s inside spills out
  4. What’s in you comes out eventually
  5. Do you know what’s inside you? Anger, abandonment, disrespect, betrayal, bullied, fear, loneliness, insecurity, feeling robbed, feeling ugly, jealous, envy
  6. When you identify it, confess it, and work on it, these emotions lose their power, and you lose your excuse
  7. As these things are worked out in your life you invest in five basic responses in life
  1. The five basic responses (healthy couples say often)
  1. I am sorry
  2. I was wrong
  3. Please forgive me
  4. I need your help
  5. I need help, or
  6. You can pout, stay angry, give the “yeah buts” and “you shouldn’t feel that way”
  7. And those latter things will drive you further apart
  1. Who we must follow
  1. The example of Jesus (Phil. 2:3-8)
  1. Don’t do anything out of selfish ambition
  2. Treat the other as if they are more important
  3. If you were hanging out with Tom Brady
  4. People who stay in love, treat each other intentionally with what came naturally when you first met
  5. Mutual submission creates a love that lasts
  6. When you show interest in what they are interested in (Getting into their world)
  7. To stay in love, you must get out of your comfort zone
  1. The attitude of Jesus
  1. He emptied Himself
  2. He chose to serve, submit and sacrifice
  3. Jesus could have stayed in heaven or he could save us . . . couldn’t have it both ways
  4. Jesus put us above His comfort
  1. The results
  1. When two people values the other - mutually submits, serves, sacrifices,then you see love last
  2. You can’t have it both ways – being right always or having a loving relationship

Love is a verb

It’s not always easy

But it’s better than a loveless marriage

It’s a decision you make

It’s something you do