Opportunity Camp Prayer Guide 2015

Thank you for taking the time to pray for camp this year!

We feel your prayers every day in the highs and lows of our work to love and share the love of Christ with these refugee children.


Counselors – They are caring for the children 24/7.

They need strength, patience, love, grace, and a Christ-like attitude.

Bible Study Teachers – They are with the children for 1 hour each day.

They need clear teaching, discernment, understanding, patience, and sensitivity.

Craft Helpers – They are with the children an hour each day.

They need endurance, patience, and creativity to share Christ's love through art.

Recreation Leaders – They are with the children an hour each day.

They need energy, keen eyes and ears for problems/injuries, patience, and love.

Opportunity Camp Staff – They oversee all activities, solve problems, equip leaders, and stay all week with both camps. For a year they have been prayerfully planning camp. They need endurance, understanding, patience, love, mercy, grace, discernment, wisdom, and fervor. Their names are: Elesia Turner, Richard Bushart, Beth Cox, Amy Dale, Emily Mewborn, and Kristy Vassar. Daisy Diaz and Rosario Selabe will be joining us this year as well.


Sudanese and other Africans – They come from war-stricken countries and still fight discrimination in their own communities here. Some are Muslim. Some are Christian. Many of them feel and are told they cannot accomplish things their peers can do. They need encouragement to grow into who God wants them to be.

Vietnamese and other Asians – They come from communities that fled former wars. They are struggling to make better lives for their families. Many of them are shy and are not open to sharing about their life. They need courage and openness.

Hispanics – They come from protected communities that are very proud of their heritage. Many are Catholics but have no real understanding what a relationship with Christ is like. They need discernment and wisdom to see the difference in what they have always known and what they need.

Overall – There are other groups that attend camp. Regardless who they are or where they're from, they all need: CHRIST, love, conviction, wisdom, grace, and salvation.


Harmony & Unity - With children of so many different races, religions, and backgrounds, it's imperative that there is a positive and loving atmosphere at camp.

Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual needs met- So many needs are brought to light when the children are at camp. There are many obvious physical needs: clothing, hygiene items and more but there is also much emotional and mental brokenness as many of the children come from difficult circumstances. Pray they will be met and healed as they attend camp and are showered with love and provided with things that will help them meet their needs in all aspects.


Worship Service - At 7:00 each night there is a worship service. Music with fundamental truths is taught. A Bible story is taught and the Gospel is clearly presented each night. Pray for us during this time.

Bible Study – This is the time when if a child is going to give their life to Christ, this is it. Pray for attentiveness and that God's word would not be distracted. Because it is so important to the kids, here are the exact time when it will be happening:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 1-2pm and Friday 9-10am