Project Initiation/Planning/Implementation

Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form

All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code

Project Governance

Project Name

/ CDLIS Modernization (C-Mod)
Date / August 24, 2011
Lead Agency / Taxation and Revenue Department
Other Agencies

Executive Sponsor

/ Keith Perry – Director, Motor Vehicle Division
Agency Head / Demesia Padilla, CPA – Cabinet Secretary, Taxation & Revenue Department
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Greg Saunders – CIO/Director, Information Technology Division
Project Manager / Loretta Silva – IT Project Manager, Contractor
Project Abstract (Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
The HP/Saber contract for the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) Reengineering project (Milagro) was canceled in May 2011 making it necessary to modify the legacy driver systems to meet Commercial Driver License Information System (CDLIS) 5.2 mandates by January 30, 2012. Completing the C-Mod project serves two purposes: (a) ensures compliance with federal mandates, and (b) guarantees inclusion in new MVD system because the changes become part of legacy applications and will automatically be in scope for migration to the new MVD system.
The CDLIS Modernization (C-Mod) project is comprised of the following modules:
1.  Name Expansion – Expand client name to meet federal guidelines
a.  First Name = 40 characters
b.  Middle Name = 35 characters
c.  Last Name = 40 characters
d.  Suffix = 5 characters
2.  Ten-Year History Check/Driver License Number Survey – when applying for an initial issuance, renewal or transfer of a CDL, a driver must provide a list of all the States where the driver was licensed to operate any type of motor vehicle during the past ten years. Before issuing, renewing or transferring a CDL, a State must request the driving record from each State listed by the driver.
The Driver License Number (DLN) Survey is used to obtain a DLN and status information from a previous jurisdiction when a Ten-Year History Check is needed and the DLN is not known. Once a DLN is obtained, the history check is performed.
3.  Patriot Act - requires any commercial driver who has or will seek a hazardous material endorsement (HME) to their Commercial Driver's License (CDL) to undergo a background check. C-Mod changes require MVD to capture and store the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Result Date, TSA Result (Approval, Denial, and Denial with immediate revocation), and expiration date as part of the CDL license.
4.  Medical Certificate – requires the electronic capture of medical certificate information and storage of same for all Commercial Driver License holders who are required to provide a medical certificate. After fifteen days of CDL issuance or renewal, drivers will no longer be required to carry the physical medical certificate with them while they are driving. NOTE: Until electronic Medical Certificate availability is coordinated with law enforcement agencies, drivers may have to continue carrying the physical medical certificate. The medical certificate information is stored in the state database and must update the driver record on AAMVA’s CDLIS central site within ten days of CDL issuance or renewal. If a driver fails to renew their medical certificate, the CDL will be downgraded to the base license and the CDLIS driver record must be updated within ten days.
5.  Admin Per Se – requires MVD to notify other states when CDL drivers are served with certain ACD actions (A61, A94, and A98):
a.  A61 – Underage Convicted of Drinking and Driving at .02 or higher BAC
b.  A94 – Administrative Per Se for .04 BAC
c.  A98 – Administrative Per Se for .08 BAC
A report is sent to other states only after final adjudication is made.
6.  Passenger 16+ – Commercial vehicles designed to transport sixteen or more passengers (including the driver) are impacted by Motor Carrier Safety Information Act (MCSIA) disqualification rules. When a CDL driver has an out of service order in effect and is found driving a commercial vehicle with sixteen or more passengers, the driver can be disqualified. Disqualification revokes commercial driving privileges, and the driver’s license is downgraded to a base license. In order to comply with this mandate, the legacy driver applications must store a data element for Passenger 16+. The changes will impact database table definitions and program logic.
Planned Start Date / May 20, 2011 / Planned End Date / March 31, 2012
Amount Requested this Certification / $1,473,430
Amount Previously Certified / $0
Remaining Appropriation not Certified / $0
Total Appropriated Amount / $1,473,430

Certification History (Include any previous project or phase certifications and this request)

/ Amount / Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.)
8/24/2011 / $1,473,430 / Laws of 2008: Chapter 3, Section 7, Item 5

Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)

Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source
FY09 / $4.12 M / Laws of 2008; Chapter 3, Section 7, Item 5
Proposed Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measure

Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure

/ Budget /

Due Date


Project Phase

Project Management
PMP, Schedule, Budget, Risk Management, Project Status Reports, Monthly DoIT Reports / $157,932.00 / Ongoing / Implementation
IV&V Plan and Reports / $72,520.31 / Ongoing / Implementation
C-Mod Requirements Specifications
User Acceptance of UC/UI documents / $96,003.60 / 8/15/11 / Implementation
C-Mod Design, Coding and Unit Testing
IT Review/Acceptance of C-Mod changes / $890,060.32 / 10/31/11 / Implementation
C-Mod User Acceptance Testing
User Acceptance of Test Scripts/Results / $101,807.20 / 12/16/11 / Implementation
C-Mod AAMVA Casual and Structured Testing
AAMVA Certification / $54,687.20 / 1/20/12 / Implementation
C-Mod Training
Delivery of Trainer and MVD personnel training / $88,409.44 / 1/27/12 / Implementation
C-Mod Implementation
Successful Go Live / $12,009.44 / 1/30/12 / Implementation
Once the HP contract was canceled, it became necessary to make C-Mod changes to the legacy driver applications in order to meet the January 30, 2012 deadline. Therefore, we are requesting that $1,473,430 of the MVD Reengineering C2 funding be transferred to the C-Mod project.

FY09 & Prior

/ FY10 / FY11 / FY12 / FY13&After
Staff - Internal
/ $494,250
Consulting Services / $27,672 / $951,508
Total / $1,473,430 / $27,672 / $1,445,758

IT System Analysis (On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary description of the technical architecture)

Because the C-Mod changes are being made to legacy applications, TRD’s existing infrastructure will continue to support the MVD systems. Both the mainframe and servers for the C-Mod project are located within the DoIT Data center in TRD racks, and are administered by TRD staff.
Network demand is expected to be consistent with the current MVD load since all MVD transactions are already using the web-based MVD 2.0 application.
Mainframe processing is expected to be consistent with the current MVD load since all MVD transactions are already using the mainframe legacy applications.
Applied for TARC waiver.

Independent Verification & Validation (Include Status of IV V Process)

IV&V functionality will be incorporated throughout the implementation of this project. Vendor selected from the Statewide Price Agreement and contract is being finalized.

Significant Risks and Mitigation Strategy

Risk 1: Funding not available

Mitigation 1: Ensure senior management and stakeholders are involved and support the project. Obtain certification for the project and approval to shift MVD Reengineering C2 funding from the Driver Reengineering project to the CDLIS Modernization project.

Risk 2: ITD resource availability

Mitigation 2: Ensure senior management and stakeholders are involved and support the project. Evaluate use of contract staff to help ensure MVD activities continue at high level especially during project implementation phase.

Risk 3: MVD Subject Matter Expert (SME) resource availability

Mitigation 3: Ensure senior management and stakeholders are involved and support the project. Evaluate use of contract staff to help ensure MVD activities continue at high level especially during project implementation phase.

Risk 4: AAMVA availability for casual and structure testing

Mitigation 4: Reach out to AAMVA early in the project to make them aware of TRD’s C-Mod project and timelines. Maintain ongoing communication with AAMVA to keep them apprised of C-Mod status. Finalize C-Mod casual and structured testing window with AAMVA.

Risk 5: Demanding schedule

Mitigation 5: Manage resources, tasks and timelines closely. If possible, increase project staff to meet deadlines. Keep management informed of progress and overall project status.

Interoperability (Describe If/how this project interfaces with existing systems/Applications)

The C-Mod project will directly impact the following systems:
1.  MVD 2.0 – legacy system utilized by MVD field office personnel to process transactions for MVD services and/or products;
2.  Driver mainframe systems – systems utilized by MVD to process and store Driver transactions and records. The mainframe is the system of record for Drivers.
The C-Mod project will require changes to the following interfaces:
1.  UNI Server – all C-Mod modules;
2.  Camera Station – name expansion;
3.  L1 Card Production – name expansion, medical certificate, and Patriot Act;
4.  Central Issuance Return Mail – name expansion;
5.  Driver Written Exam – name expansion;
6.  Organ Donor – name expansion;
7.  Voter Registration – name expansion;
8.  New Mexico Interactive (NMI IVR & VRS) – name expansion;
9.  Data Warehouse – name expansion;
10.  NLETS – all C-Mod modules;
11.  Human Services Department – name expansion;
12.  Address Change (RPD) – name expansion;
13.  Citations (Metro Court) – name expansion;
14.  Citations (TRACS) – name expansion;
15.  Citations (RPD Data Entry) – name expansion.
TRD Active Directory - the existing TRD Active Directory services to provide authentication.
Transition to Operations: (Describe agency plan to migrate project solution to production. include agency plans to fund and maintain this project after deployment. )
After successful User Acceptance Testing as well as AAMVA casual testing, structured testing and certification, the C-Mod database and program changes will be migrated from the MVD test environments on both MVD2.0 and the mainframe into their respective production environments over a weekend. The changes will be migrated on Friday evening. ITD personnel will verify successful migration, and both ITD and MVD personnel will staff a “war room” in Santa Fe on Saturday. MVD field office and headquarters personnel will verify the results in production on Saturday and certify successful implementation of C-Mod mandates.
MVD personnel will be trained using a train-the-trainer approach. MVD supervisors will train their employees on Saturday of the rollout weekend.
Because the C-Mod changes are being made to legacy applications, there is no impact on current operations, maintenance and expenditures.

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