BTEC First Diploma

For ICT Practitioners

Introduction to Computer Systems

Legal Requirements and threats facing hardware and software

Assignment No 4
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Now that all staff have access to a computer at St Clements College the network manager has suggested that they should be given some guidance on the legal requirements and threats facing hardware and software. Staff often complain when they cannot access certain websites and he hopes that a guide will help them be better understanding. You have been asked to prepare an electronic slideshow presentation that explains the basic aspects of data security and legal issues associated with computers, your manager has stressed that the presentation must be easy to understand and have minimal technical terms. Your manager has jokingly referred to this presentation as a ‘Dummy’s Guide to Security!’


  1. Produce a suitable electronic slideshow presentation that will cover the following aspects in an informative way:
  2. Common data security concerns (P7)
  3. Legal issues when using a computer in this type of business environment (P7)
  4. How to protect data, software and hardware from potential threats (M4)
  1. Add a slide showing your ‘Top 5’ list of current threats to security of data stored in computer systems. Your ranking of these threats should be based on your evaluation of their seriousness and likely impact on the college. Explain how you reached your decision (D2)
  2. Finally, include slides which conclude the presentation recommending improvement measures that will protect the college’s system and ensure that they are complying with legal requirements. Explain which threats each measure is designed to tackle (D3)

Grading Criteria

Grading Criteria / Evidence can be found / Achieved yes/no
Give feedback on decision
P7List the possible data security and legal issues when using a computer in a given situation / Task 1a
Task 1b
M4Describe how hardware, software and data can be protected from potential threats / Task 1c
D2Evaluate current threats to the security of data stored in computer systems / Task 2
D3Recommend measures in a given situation that will protect the commercial systems and comply with legal requirements / Task 3

D Stainton/ICT/Btec/Computer Systems2006/2007