HCE Wind Energy Meeting Notes 02/08/09

Attending: Karin Busch, Stan Busch, Gerry Chartier, John Elberfeld, Nelson Kent, Gerry Lenseth, Jane McLean, Kathy Moore, Amy Pokorny

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM by Vice President Gerry Lenseth.


·  Amy will draft language to amend the by laws to say the executive committee shall be made up of the four officers and up to three elected directors. Anyone interested in serving please let Amy or Gerry know.

·  Karin offered to serve as a director.

·  Question was raised about need to buy liability insurance for officers and directors. When we receive funding we may need it. Could add about $350 per year to our expenses.

Legislation and Networking:

·  Gerry L reported on the ACENY meeting for networking he attended. He spoke with:

o  Carol Murphy, executive director of ACENY, not for profit coalition dedicated to public education and outreach efforts, legislative and regulatory affairs, and the oversight of electricity markets;

o  Patrick Doyle, treasurer of ACENY

o  Jenny Burke , Business Manager for Iberdrola Renewables,Maple Ridge developer

o  Jim Adams, Director of Project Services for AWS TrueWind, wind mapping and consulting

o  Doug Ward, Young and Summers Attorneys – specialty permitting from Saratoga, Albany areas.

·  HCE could consider joining, but membership fees for community wind projects have not been established.

·  Gerry C attended Kirstin Gillibrand’s recent meeting in the Hudson Valley where energy issues for farmers were discussed. He met representatives from Delaware County Rural Electric Cooperative. They (Greg Starheim) met with us in July 2007. Question was raised about cooperative model for our project. How are they established? We could reestablish contact with them to learn more.

Knox Issues:

·  Suggestion was made that we file landowner letters of intent with Albany county clerk

·  We will request time at the March 12 Knox Planning Board meeting to address issues they have raised.

·  Kathy spoke about a Foresters conference she attended (Tom Wolfe from the Knox Planning Board was there). The presentation on wind was packed. The foresters asked/had concerns about wildlife biology and about cutting down forests.

·  Foresters represent landowners, and some of the best wind resources in NYS are on forested ridges.

·  Land leases should specify how landowners will benefit from logging/forestry. We should have a consulting forester for our project to support landowners; to make integrated land management plans for forestry, agriculture and wind.

·  We will add this issue to the FAQ document; specifying our intent to have a forester prepare a plan to conserve a working landscape including forest, habitat, and agricultural uses of land and wood.

·  Need to cut trees in about 3 acres from forested areas to allow assembly of rotor for each turbine on ground to lift to tower. Trees could be allowed to grow back.

·  Access roads could be used for logging.

·  Upwind forests cause turbulence, which wears on bearings, etc and shorten life of turbines.

·  Nelson will ask Bob Price about the bat experts he knows. A bat detector has been placed on the top of our met tower so there will be more data after this summer.

Education and Outreach:

·  The website should be changed to distinguish between supporting consultants and contracted consultants.

·  Petition/statement of support was discussed. A petition with a list of spaces for signatures will be developed.

·  A separate data sheet without signatures will also be developed that we will complete so it is legible. Completed sheets could be placed in binders organized by town.

Not for Profits:

·  Gerry will call Loren to see about rescheduling the meeting with Hudson Mohawk Resource Development Council and ask about timing for the USDA grant application deadline.


·  Stan and Karin will talk to Dennis Decker and/or Bruce Countryman to see what they know about the capacity of the distribution line on route 146 at the Knox Cave Road intersection to accept power for the Altamont substation.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Next meeting: (February 22 meeting has been cancelled) March 8, 2009, 7 PM, octagon barn.

Next meeting agenda items:

Election of officers, amendment of by laws, budget and dues, Not for Profits, petition of support.