BLM 3-12

Lesson 1.10Unit 1 Practice Test

GoalDemonstrate your understanding of the information presented in Unit 1.
What to Do

Carefully read the instructions before answering each set of questions.

Multiple Choice

Circle the letter for the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Which statement best fits the currently accepted model of the atom?

(a) Electrons associated with specific energy levels surround the nucleus of an atom.

(b) An atom is a sphere of positive charge in which electrons are embedded.

(c) An atom is a small indivisible sphere.

(d) An atom has a nucleus surrounded by positively charged particles.

2. When metal atoms form ions in compounds, they tend to

(a) gain electrons and form positive ions

(b) lose electrons and form positive ions

(c) gain electrons and form negative ions

(d) lose electrons and form negative ions

3. Two isotopes of an element have

(a) the same number of electrons but a different number of protons

(b) the same number of neutrons but a different number of protons

(c) the same number of protons, electrons, and neutrons

(d) the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons

4. An Al3+ ion contains

(a) 13 electrons and 13 protons

(b) 10 electrons and 10 protons

(c) 10 electrons and 13 protons

(d) 13 electrons and 10 protons

5.A sodium-23 isotope contains

(a) 11 protons and 12 neutrons

(b) 11 protons and 23 neutrons

(c) 12 protons and 11 neutrons

(d) 23 protons and 23 neutrons


BLM 3-12

Unit 1 Test(continued)

Use the following information to answer the next two questions:

Your teacher gives you the nuclear notations for four elements, which are identified as AA, BB, CC, and DD. The nuclear notations are shown below.

6. Unknown element AA can be described as having

(a) 26 protons, 26 neutrons, and 26 electrons

(b) 26 protons, 30 neutrons, and 26 electrons

(c) 30 protons, 26 neutrons, and 30 electrons

(d) 26 protons, 56 neutrons, and 30 electrons

7. Which unknown elements are isotopes of the same element?

(a) AA and BB

(b) BB and CC

(c) CC and DD

(d) AA and DD

8. Br– is an example of

(a) a formula unit

(b) an anion

(c) a cation

(d) an isotope

9. The number of electrons transferred from an atom of calcium as it forms a cation in an ionic compound is

(a) 0

(b) 1

(c) 2

(d) 3

10. What does the diagram on the right represent?

(a) a nickel ion

(b) a silicon atom

(c) a nickel atom

(d) an oxygen ion


BLM 3-12

Unit 1 Test(continued)

11. If you were asked to draw electron energy level diagrams for the following elements, which element would have a different number of occupied energy levels?

(a) Mg2+

(b) F–

(c) Ne

(d) Cl–

Use the following diagram to answer the next four questions:

12. Which unknown represents an element in the halogen family?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

13. Which unknown represents an element that can be classified as a metalloid, having properties of both metals and non-metals?

(a) B

(b) C

(c) D

(d) F

14. An experiment shows that an unknown element does not easily lose or gain electrons. Which unknown represents this element?

(a) B

(b) F

(c) C

(d) E


BLM 3-12

Unit 1 Test(continued)

15. An element is found to be highly reactive in water. Because the element spontaneously produces hydrogen gas, which ignites, the element is usually stored in oil. It has a shiny luster when it is sliced with a knife. Which unknown represents this element?

(a) A

(b) D

(c) E

(d) F

16. The correct name for the molecular compound CF4 is

(a) carbon fluoride

(b) carbon trifluoride

(c) carbon(IV) fluoride

(d) carbon tetrafluoride

17. A correct name for the reactive compound H3PO4(aq) is

(a) aqueous dihydrogenphosphate

(b) aqueous hydrogen phosphorus oxygen

(c) hydrophosphoric acid

(d) phosphoric acid

18. The accepted IUPAC name for the orange compound (NH4)2Cr2O7(s) is

(a) ammonium chromate

(b) ammonium dichromate

(c) diammonium chromate

(d) ammonium chromium oxide

19. Which list includes only substances with no ionic bonds?

(a) N2O4, HBr, LiCN

(b) CO2, NH3, N2

(c) SO3, BaCl2, O2

(d) NaCl, CH4, Al(OH)3

20. The reaction of solid copper(II) oxide with hydrogen gas at high temperatures produces copper metal and water. Which chemical equation represents this reaction?

(a) CuO2(s)+ 2 H2(g) → Cu(s)+ 2 H2O(l)

(b) Cu2O2(s)+ 2 H2(g)→ 2 Cu(s)+ 2 H2O(l)

(c) CuO(s)+ H2(g)→ Cu(s)+ H2O(l)

(d) Cu2O(s)+ 2 H(g)→ 2 Cu(s)+ H2O(l)

21. In a chemical reaction, solid iron metal reacts with chlorine gas to produce solid iron(III) chloride. Which equation is the correctly balanced chemical equation for this reaction?

(a) 2Fe(s)+ 3Cl2(g)→ 2FeCl3(s)

(b) Fe(s)+ Cl2(g)→ FeCl2(s)

(c) 6Fe(s)+ Cl2(g)→ 2Fe3Cl(s)

(d) 2Fe(s)+ 2Cl2(g)→ 2FeCl2(s)


BLM 3-12

Unit 1 Test(continued)

22. How would you classify the following reaction?

HNO3(aq) + NaOH(aq) H2O(l) + NaNO3(aq)

(a) combustion reaction

(b) formation reaction

(c) decomposition reaction

(d) double replacement reaction

23. The molar mass of Al2(SO4)3(s) is

(a) 123.04 g/mol

(b) 150.02 g/mol

(c) 278.02 g/mol

(d) 342.14 g/mol

24. The amount (in mol) of 1.40 g of copper is

(a) 0.0220 mol

(b) 0.500 mol

(c) 1.40 mol

(d) 45.3 mol

25. The mass of 0.500 mol of sodium hydroxide (lye), NaOH(s), is

(a) 20.0 g

(b) 40.0 g

(c) 80.0 g

(d) 200.0 g

Numerical Response

Record the answer to each numerical response question as indicated.

26. The following scientists are associated with models of the atom. Reorder the diagrams below so that they correspond to the scientists in the following order. Record your four-digit number in the numerical response box.





/ / 2.
/ / 3.
/ / 4.


BLM 3-12

Unit 1 Test(continued)

27. How many electrons are contained in each of the following energy levels for phosphorus, P?

energy level 1: first digit

energy level 2: second digit

energy level 3: third digit

energy level 4: fourth digit

Record your four-digit number in the numerical response box.

28. Four of the chemicals in the table below are classified as ionic compounds. Which numbers correspond to the ionic compounds? Record your four-digit number in the numerical response box. (Be sure to write the digits in order, from lowest to highest.)

1. NaCl(s) / 4. HgCO3(s) / 7. K2SO4(aq)
2. H2O(l) / 5. HF(aq) / 8. C3H8(g)
3. PF5(g) / 6. Sb3N5 (s) / 9. CaF2(s)

29. The coefficients that are needed to balance the following equation correctly can be expressed as ABCD. A, B, C, and D each represent a number. Record your four-digit number in the numerical response box. Although you do not normally write the coefficient 1, use it here if required.

_____Al2(CO3)3 + _____CaBr2 _____CaCO3 + _____AlBr3


Extended Response

Answer each question in the space provided. Use complete sentences, show problem-solving methods (with formulas), and include diagrams (with labels) when required.

30. Butane gas, C4H10(g), is mixed with pure oxygen gas. The mixture is ignited and burns.

(a) Write the balanced chemical equation to represent the reaction.


BLM 3-12




Unit 1 Test(continued)

(b) Is the reaction endothermic or exothermic? Explain your answer.

(c) Classify the reaction as complete or incomplete combustion. Explain your classification.

(d) Explain how the law of conservation of mass is illustrated by the reaction.

(e) Determine the molar mass of butane.

(f) What amount of butane, in mol, is 35.0 g of butane?

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