A copy of the requested data held by DCLG. A small number of ‘sensitive’ properties which includes those registered for housing women at risk of domestic violence, ex-offenders and those with HIV/AIDS have been removed from this list.

I should take this opportunity to remind you that DCLG only holds a snapshot of the NROSH database as at March 2010 when responsibility for this system was transferred to the Tenant Services Authority (now Homes and Communities Agency). In addition to being over three years out of date this data is of low quality. The records submitted by social landlords are of varying quantity and quality with many incomplete, inaccurate or missing records. The database is also likely to contain a large number of duplicate entries.

The dataset contains the fields as listed., we do plan to publish this data on our website.

ANNEX – NROSH fields and codes to be provided

No / Field Name / Description of Category / Allowable Entry
1 / Address / Address of property
31 / Type of Self Contained or Non Self Contained Dwelling or Other Form of Accommodation / 1.Bungalow. A dwelling which occupies only one floor at ground level and has no other dwelling or non domestic unit either above or below it. / BUNGALOW
(Type) / 2.Dormer bungalow. A dwelling which occupies primarily only one floor at ground level, but has limited additional accommodation in the roof space, and has no other dwelling or non domestic unit either above or below it. / DORMER_BUNGALOW
3.House. A dwelling other than a dormer bungalow, which occupies more than one floor and has no other dwelling or non domestic unit either above or below it. / HOUSE
4.Flat. A dwelling which occupies only one floor and is located in a structure which contains other dwelling or non domestic units on floors above and/or below. / FLAT
5.Maisonette. A dwelling which occupies more than one floor and is located in a structure which contains other dwelling or non domestic units on floors either above or below. / MAISONETTE
6.Caravan/mobile home. / CARAVAN_MOBILE_HOME
7.Boat / BOAT
8.Other / OTHER
32 / Form of Structure within which the Dwelling is Located / 1. Detached. A single dwelling which is free standing from any other structure except its own outbuildings. / DETACHED
(Form) / 2. Semi detached. A dwelling which shares a structural party wall with one other dwelling forming a pair which are free standing from any other structure except their own outbuildings. / SEMI_DETACHED
3. Terraced. A dwelling forming part of a group of three or more dwellings linked by side party walls in a linear layout, excluding those defined as end terrace. Crescent layouts would be included. / TERRACED
4. End terrace. A dwelling at the end of a terrace of dwellings which therefore shares a side party wall with one other dwelling only. / END_TERRACED
4.1 Back to back terrace. A dwelling forming part of a group of three or more dwellings linked by side and rear party walls in a linear layout. / BACK_TO_BACK
5. Grouped Design. A dwelling which shares a party wall with one or more other dwellings set out in a non linear layout such as a cluster or around a courtyard. Entrances will normally be private. / GROUPED
6. Residential block. A dwelling in a block, defined in field 11, which is entirely designed for residential or related use. / RESIDENTIAL_BLOCK
7. Mixed use block. A dwelling in a block, as defined in field 11, which contains a mix of units designed for both residential and non-residential use. / MIXED_USE_BLOCK
33 / Number of Floors in the Dwelling (DwellingFloorCount) / Number of floors within the dwelling including basements and habitable attics. / 1 to 9
43 / Number of Private Living Rooms (LivingRoomCount) / The number of habitable rooms including reception rooms, dining rooms, studios, and box rooms but excluding kitchen dining rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, toilets, storerooms, pantries, cellars, garages and any other rooms not designed for living. A room which was intended in the design of the dwelling to be a living room but is being used as a bedroom should still be counted as a living room. Non self contained dwellings should be treated the same as self contained. / 0 to 9
The entry for a dormitory will always be zero and for a bedsit always 1.
44 / Number of Bedrooms (BedroomCount) / Number of rooms intended for sleeping. Where a bedroom has been converted to another use such as an office, it should still be counted as a bedroom. Conversely a living room now used as a bedroom (e.g. for an invalid) should not be counted as a bedroom. Non self contained dwellings should be treated the same as self contained.Both dormitory accommodation and bedsits should be categorised as 0. / 0 to 9
45 / Number of Bed Spaces (BedSpaceCount) / A bedspace is an area in a dormitory or a private bedroom for one single bed. A double bedroom would count as two bedspaces; a small bedroom which could only accommodate a single bed would count as one bedspace. A single bedsit would count as one bedspace; a double bedsit as two bedspaces. In some housing management systems this is the permitted number of occupants or capacity / 1 to 99
14 / Report Date / Date to the nearest second that the report was created. / yyyy-mm-ddT11:11:11
(ReportDetails/Created) / The format is standard date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time (hour:minute:second). This record should be automatically be created by the data extract toolkit or module. In the case of spreadsheet uploads the time should be omitted.
This is a mandatory Field. Any records which lack a valid entry in this field will be automatically rejected.