Project Proposal

Please Submit Completed Forms by July 31

LIVE UNITED DAY is the 3rd Friday in September

Prior to completing this form, please read and initial the items in the requirements section below. Before submitting your completed proposal, print a copy for your records. You will be notified via email no later than August 15 (or later if we receive your form after this date).


Please initial each item below to indicate that you understand the requirement:

___ Projects must be located in Cass County.

___ All LUD projects proposals must have an accompanying signed Project Release/Wavier.

___ Complete a proposal form for each project.

___ Contact your Town Chair to discuss the project (listed by school district below).

___ Define a “Plan B” project for all projects in case weather or other issues cancel the first one.

___ List a Site Coordinator and Organization Contact for each project. (These roles may be filled by the same person.)

___ On the back of this form, provide a list of needed materials.

___ Go through brief “Get Connected” orientation with United Way staff.

___ Obtain materials needed to complete the project.

___ For outdoor projects, provide access to restrooms.

___ Provide basic refreshments for volunteers, such as water and snacks.

___ Return completed volunteer information/release forms to the UWCC office by 12 PM on the second Friday of September.

___ Organizations submitting proposals on their own behalf are encouraged to also volunteer for Live United Day.

United Way of Cass County’s Role

We rally volunteers, and in some cases, skilled trades professionals, to work at your project site.

We do not provide funding for projects, but we will gladly work with you to identify possible sources of funding.

Live United Day Town Chairs

Contact your Town Chair to talk about your proposal:

Caston: Paige Woodhouse

Logansport: Amy Cunningham

Pioneer: Cassie Kindley or Jessica Smith

Southeastern: OPEN

Town Chair

§  Identifies projects for the towns in a school district.

§  Identifies site coordinators for all sites.

§  Works with Site Coordinators to acquire material resources and when possible, volunteer resources.

§  Understands the roles of the Town Chair, Site Coordinator, and Organization Contact.

§  Serves on the LUD committee and provides input and direction for the LUD plan.

§  Attends the UWCC campaign rally, LUD send off, and campaign celebration.

§  After the event, completes a LUD evaluation.

Site Coordinator

§  Assists Town Chair with planning and implementation for a specific site.

§  Works with Town Chair to identify and acquire material resources.

§  Works at the site on Live United Day.

§  Understands the roles of the Town Chair, Site Coordinator, and Organization Contact.

§  Attends the UWCC campaign rally, LUD send off in your area, and UWCC campaign celebration.

§  After the event, completes a LUD evaluation.

Organization Contact

§  Assists Site Coordinator with planning and implementation for organization.

§  Works with Site Coordinator to identify and acquire material resources and tools.

§  Prepares the site to be ready for LUD volunteers to do their work.

§  Works at the site on Live United Day.

§  Understands the roles of the Town Chair, Site Coordinator, and Organization Contact.

§  Attends the UWCC campaign rally, LUD send off in your area, and UWCC campaign celebration.

§  After the event, completes a LUD evaluation.

Project Proposal

Although it is our intent to meet all of the needs of the community on Live United Day, United Way of Cass County reserves the right to accept or deny applications based upon available skills of the volunteers performing the work. Some projects may require specific skills developed through training, certification, and/or licensing. Although we will try to match skills to meet project needs, if the proper volunteer is not aligned with a project, we may have to decline the opportunity to work on all or portions of a project. Examples of such projects include: heavy equipment operation, cutting/sawing operations, working at heights or in lifts, electrical or mechanical work, and so on. Please do not hesitate to submit projects that include these skills, however, please understand if we cannot secure volunteers with the skills necessary to complete the work, the project may be denied. It is our goal to work “UNITED” and safely for Cass County to make this a better place for all.

Requesting Organization:

Organization Contact:

Address, City, State, Zip:

Work Phone: Cell Phone:

Email Address:

Site Coordinator:

Work Number: Cell Phone:

Email Address:

Project Title:

Project Address:

Project Description (Please be specific.): ______

REQUIRED: “Plan B” Project (in case of bad weather or the first project falls through: ______

Materials to be used:

Will your agency supply all materials? (If no, please list the funding source for the materials):

Minimum Number of Volunteers Needed:

Maximum Number of Volunteers Needed:

Minimum Age of Volunteers:

Indicate below skilled trades volunteers needed for the project (circle all that apply):

1. Electrician, 2. Plumber, 3. Carpenter, 4. An expert in building construction,

5. If new equipment is being installed, the equipment manufacturer’s representative, and/or

6. Other______

How should volunteers dress?

Estimated time for project’s completion:

Volunteer Work Hours (Circle all that apply. Multiple shifts are welcome.)

8-12 AM 1-5 PM 6-9 PM


Please Submit Completed Form by July 31.

Please submit via email:

Or in person: United Way of Cass County, 1 Cass City Center, Suite 216, Logansport

Live United Day

Project Release/Waiver

I/We, ______, of ______

(name – please print) (address)


(city, state)

1. I/We hereby release United Way of Cass County and its respective affiliated companies, subsidiaries, member organizations, agencies, and their respective officers, directors and employees and the Live United Day sponsors (and their respective affiliated companies, subsidiaries, member organizations, agencies, officers, directors and employees from any and all liability whatsoever under any theory of law, including contract or tort, and any claims, demands, and causes of action for personal injury and/or damage, theft, loss, or any other harm suffered in connection with this Program in connection with the preparation, participation or travel to any Program-related activity.

2. It is understood that Live United Day involves travel and activities that may pose risk of personal injury.

3. I/We hereby authorize and consent that United Way of Cass County, a not-for-profit corporation, its legal representatives, successors or assigns, shall have the absolute right to copyright, publish, use, sell or assign any and all quotes, written remarks, stories, photographic images, case studies, or any part thereof, they have taken from or made of me or in which I/we may be included in whole or part, whether apart from in or connection with, illustrative or written printed matter, story or news item, press release, motion pictures, television or radio spots, video footage, world wide web published, or for publicity, advertising or any other lawful purpose whatsoever, in conjunction with my own or a fictitious name, or in reproductions thereof in color or otherwise.

4. I/We hereby waive all claims for any compensation for such use or for damages.

5. I/We hereby waive any right that I/we may have to inspect and/or approve the finished product or the advertising copy that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it may be applied.

6. I hereby warrant that I am of full age and have the right to contract in my own name or in the name of my employer in the above regard. I state further that I have read the above authorization and release prior to its execution, and that I am fully familiar with the contents thereof.

Date: ______

Signature: ______