February Garden Info

“Springtime planting is upon us and it is time to decide what to grow.” from Month-By-Month Gardening in Texas by Groom and Gill, Horticulturists. They warn that you should plan so that you can best utilize the space that you have. Like, did you have more cucumbers than you could give away last year, or squash, and then did not have space for later paintings.

The tilling and filling is past for those whose beds were low or that you wanted tilled. A good spading with a spading fork can still get your bed in shape.

The less that the bed are walked upon after tilling can have good results when weather gets really dry or prevents soaking in when it is watered.

Vegetables to plant in February are: beets, broccoli, carrots, collards, lettuce, mustard, radish, Swiss chard and turnips. Vegetables to transplant in February include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and onions. Those to plant in late February or early March are: corn, eggplant and snap beans. Brave souls may set out tomatoes and peppers in late February in hopes that they will not get killed by a late frost. They can be protected from mild frosts but not hard frosts (below 25 degrees0.

Corn planted in flats Feb. Or early March will have fewer earworms.

Early season plants may need watering just about every day until seeds are up and new transplants can enjoy some t l c also. Tender, succulent foliage is what from leafy vegetables. Applications of fertilizers containing nitrogen will encourage lush tender growth unlike that in the grocery store. Radishes will become hot to the taste if not kept growing fast, 15-5-10 or any 3-1-2 ratio is recommended.

Holes in vegetable leaves may mean caterpillar, slug or snail activity If in doubt, put out a bowl near the plant and fill it with beer. Snails and slugs will crawl in and cannot get out. If you get a lot of snails or slugs it is time to put out snail bait or add more beer traps.

Caterpillars can be hand picked or killed with appropriate insecticide.

February is time for planting perennials such as canna, daylily, blue phlox, and daisy in flower beds. Fertilize them next month. Prune dead growth from old plants

Annuals, such as pansies, Dianthus, oriental kale, viola and snapdragons are fairly hardy and will withstand temperatures below 20, but protect pansies well below 29. Sweet peas are ok into the low 20s.

Prune roses if you have not already to get early blooms. Fertilize next month with a 3-1-2 ratio fertilizer such as 15-5-10 etc.

Do not fertilize houseplants with fertilizer meant for outdoor use. It can burn house plants unless you are very careful. It is better to use water soluble or slow release fertilizers labeled for houseplants. One all-purpose houseplant fertilizer will generally do the trick.

February is a good time to plant amaryllis and gladiolas