ICAN- MANAGEMENT INFORMATION (I.T. Aspect of the syllabus)



NOTE: Watch the video lecture chapter 4 parts 1 before answering the following questions


1. Which of the following is an approach to system development?

A. System boundary

B. System Environment

C. Transformation system

D. Prototyping

E. Adaptive system

2. The most popular approach to system development is




D. End user development

E. End user developer

3. Which of the following is one of the methods of financing a new system?

A. leasing

B. outright sales

C. advertisement

D. procurement

E. factoring

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of installing or developing a new system?

A. Increased efficiency or effectiveness

B. Cost saving

C. Improve customer service

D. Timely and accurate information

E. increase in overhead

5. The acronym SDLC stands for

A. System Developer Life Cycle

B. System Designer Life Cycle

C. System Development Life Cycle

D. Systematic Development life Cycle

E. System Development long cycle

6. Planning stage is also known as

A. System acquisition stage

B. System Maintenance stage

C. Initiation stage

D. Feasibility study stage

E. feasibility report stage

7. Which of the following stages of SDLC involves change over procedure?

A. System implementation stage

B. Planning stage

C. Post implementation review stage

D. Out sourcing

E. Feed back s

8. Steering committee should be set up at the

A. system acquisition stage

B. system operation stage

C. system maintenance stage

D. system installation stage

E. planning stage

9. In system development, it is important to involve______from the planning stage

A. customers

B. suppliers

C. users

D. vendors

E. tax consultant

10. JAD is an acronym for

A. Just Applicant Development

B. Joint Application Development

C. Joint Application Developer

D. Joint Appliances developer

E. Just Appearance development


1.  Define the term SDLC

2.  Identify FIVE benefits of developing a new system

3.  Mention FIVE cost of developing a new system

4.  Identify FIVE factors to be considered in the development of a new system

Hello professional students, in case you need any explanation or clarification on any of the above questions, you can call me on 08171237282 on Mondays and Saturdays between 6.00pm and 7.00pm for more clarification

I wish you best of luck


Mr. Adebayo Yinusa A.

I.T. Lecturer


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