Martin Grade School

Student Handbook

2010 - 2011


Mission Statement

Empowering our Students to reach their Full Potential


The students, parents, staff and the community of the Martin Grade School are a partnership committed to creating

+ A child centered school based on communication, cooperation, and

involvement among all members of the partnership

+ A challenging school atmosphere that is safe and nurturing where all students achieve personal

success, academic excellence and a desire to become life long learners

+ An enriched learning environment utilizing technology and an expanded curriculum,

focusing on problem solving, creative and critical thinking and literacy for ALL

+ Students with healthy practices of integrity, honesty, responsibility, and

respect for others regarding individual difference


MGS Office685-6300Superintendent685-6112

High School685-6330Bus Barn685-6109

Kool Kids Club685-6415


Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome Back!! Summer is over and it now time to get back into the swing of things at MGS. Staff has been busy getting ready for a SUCCESSFUL school year!! Please take time to read the Handbook, Behavior Guide and Alternative Learning Program Guides as these contain the rules, policies and procedures necessary to allow us to provide a safe and orderly learning environment.

Once again, in an effort to promote better communication, a PURPLE folder will be provided to each student in the elementary school. Our staff will use it as a homework/communication folder. It will go home with students each WEDNESDAY. This folder will provide you with important school and classroom information that will keep you informed of your student’s progress.

Assignment notebooks are available to students in grades 4-6. This notebook will help students with organization and will also provide communication to parents concerning assignments and notes from the teacher.

The district monthly newsletter will be provided to each family in the district. It will contain information about events that will be happening that month. Other notes of great importance will come from the office on BRIGHT paper.

Parent involvement, ownership, and responsibility with school activities are vital to the success of our students. We welcome you to get involved by regularly conferencing with teachers, eating lunch with your child, assisting with homework, attending parent teacher conferences, Family Fun Nights, volunteering in the classrooms and joining Parents and Educators as Partners. We appreciate your support!!

At any time during the school year, if you have a question or concern, please contact me at 686-6717. We appreciate your involvement and look forward to working with you to meet your child’s needs.

Education Matters,

Stacy Halverson

MGS Principal

SCHOOL HOURS (8:00 – 3:50) Monday – Thursday

School hours are from 8:00- 3:50 each day. Please have your child at school no later than 8:00 each day. School doors will not open until 7:30 a.m. each day. Supervision IS NOT being provided for students who arrive before 7:30. The above procedures are designed for the safety and well being of the students.

CLASSES START AT 8:00. Any student arriving after 8:15 is counted tardy (THREE TARDIES WILL COUNT AS A HALF-DAY ABSENCE). Students will need to get a tardy slip at the MGS Office.

Students will be dismissed for the day at 3:50; they are to leave the school as soon as their class has been dismissed. Teacher and parent permission is required for students to stay later (unless they are participating in the Kool Kids Club.


Please keep pets at home unless the classroom teacher and the principal have given permission. Pets brought to school (with permission and with an adult) should be taken home as soon as the approved activity is completed. Animals on the playground constitute a real hazard. For the students’ protection, it may be necessary that the school call the police department to transport animals that are on school property



Anotification letter from Superintendent Wayne Semmler, concerning the Bennett County School District’s asbestos management plan can be found on the last page of the handbook.


For your information, a schedule of tests administered to our students is included in the registration packet. You may receive a flyer from the school prior to some tests that may be administered explaining the test. Students in Grades kindergarten through sixth grade take the AIMSWEB test throughout the school year to provide guidance in reading and math instruction. Other assessments that occur may include STAR Reading, STAR Math, DACS, CBM Math and other curriculum specific tests. Students in Grades 3 – 6 are required by SD Law to take the Dakota STEP annually each the spring. Dates and information about this test will be sent home prior to the testing dates. Results to the Dakota STEP will be made available to all parents as soon as the results become available. Parents are welcome to come in for any explanations or clarification.


Regular attendance is ESSENTIAL to success in school. Frequent absences may lead to poor academic work, lack of social development and possible academic failure. NO SINGLE FACTOR MAY INTERFERE WITH A STUDENT’S PROGRESS more quickly than frequent tardiness or absence. Students are counted absent for half a day if they arrive after 11:30 a.m. or leave before 2:30 p.m. According to state law, it is the obligation of every parent to insure that every child under his care and supervision receives adequate education and training, and if of compulsory age, attends school.

Parents must notify the school to clear absences in writing or by a phone call. Absence and tardy slips need to be picked up at the office prior to returning to class. Parents will be notified when a student has been tardy and / or absent for FIVE DAYS and after TEN DAYS an attendance contract will be developed with the parents and school staff.

If a student accumulates more than twenty (20) absences in a year and a review of their academics shows the student behind, they will be retained. The parent or guardian may appeal the retention, with an initial meeting with the classroom teacher(s), building principal and superintendent. The Bennett County School Board will make the FINAL decision in the appeal.

Daily attendance of students is required per school board policy, state law, and the No Child Left Behind Act. Following are a few state statutes and a summary that deal with school attendance.

13-27-1Parents and guardians of children, ages 6 –18, are responsible for making sure students regularly attend school. This statute mandates compulsory attendance for children ages 6-18.

13-27-11 Parents/guardians that fail to send children, ages 6-18, are guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor for

the first offense. For each subsequent offense, the parent/guardian is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

13-27-14 School Boards are authorized to appoint Truancy Officers to enforce the compulsory attendance


Additional statutes dealing with Compulsory Attendance: 13-27-16; 13-27-19; 13-27-12; 13-27-15; 13-27-17; 13-27-18; and 13-27-20.


Students in grades five and six may participate in band. Lessons will be arranged with the band instructor for individual or small group sessions. Whole group band is scheduled to best meet the needs of each grade level.


Students may ride their bicycles to school, but it is not possible to provide supervision of the grounds at all times, the school cannot assume responsibility for the bicycles. We suggest the bikes be locked in some fashion. Skateboards can be placed in the student’s locker. Wheelies and rollerblades may not be worn inside the school. There is no riding of bicycles, skateboards or rollerblades on the playground or on school property except for arriving or departing from school.

Like fireworks, this universe is a CELEBRATION and you are the spectator contemplating the eternal Fourth of July of your absolute splendor. Francis Lucille


Parents may recognize their child’s birthday at school by sending a treat to be shared by ALL students in the classroom. Since instructional time in the classroom is very important, please contact your child’s teacher to plan a time for the treat.

DO NOT SEND INDIVIDUAL party invitations to school for students to pass out to other students.


Breakfast and lunch are served at MGS. All students will be required to complete an application for free or reduced meals. Those students who do not qualify MUST PURCHASE A LUNCH TICKET OR PAY DAILY for their meals. There is NO CHARGING. Reduced breakfast cost is $ .30 and lunch is $ .40. Full price breakfast is $ 1.25 and lunch is $2.00 for grades K-3 and $2.25 for grades 4-12.

Menus are printed each month in the Bennett County School District Newsletter. The menu is also posted on the bulletin board by the front office and in the lunchroom.

Students who wish to bring a sack lunch to school may do so. We ask parents to provide a nutritious meal. NO pop is allowed in the lunchroom during food service hours by staff or students.

Parents who wish to eat with their child are welcome to do so. We ask that you please notify the office at MGS before 9:30 that day so that day your name can be added to the lunch count. There is a $3.50 charge for adults who eat at school. The lunch schedule will be sent home with students along with their daily schedule.


Riding a school bus is a privilege and should be treated as such. Students riding buses are expected to follow the guidelines established by the bus driver. These rules are posted in each bus. Any student who does not behave appropriately on the bus may lose bus privileges for a period of time or for the entire year. If seat belts are in the suburban or bus, they are TO BE WORN BY ALL students and the driver.

Bus drivers are authorized to assign seats if needed to ensure the safety of all riders. Refusal to obey the driver may cause disruptions that could result in injury to the driver and passengers.

Students need to ride the bus to which they have been assigned. Space on all buses is limited and there is NO ROOM FOR EXTRA RIDERS. Students must ride their ASSIGNED bus unless the office has completed a GUEST STUDENT BUS PASS.

Questions or concerns dealing with the bus need to be directed to Bob Toczek, Bus Supervisor, or Wayne Semmler, Superintendent at 685-6112.


A student body, school or community is often judged by the appearance of the school property. Care of the grounds, classrooms, building and equipment is the responsibility of ALL students and staff. Any student found destroying/damaging school property will be referred to the office for further action.

Have pride in our schools and be proud to show them to your family and friends.


Cell phones may not be used in the building during the school day and must be turned off and out of sight. If students are in violation of this rule, the cell phone will be turned in to the MGS office where a parent may pick it up. Students that must make a phone call may use the front office phone with permission. The Bennett County School will not be responsible for any cell phones brought to school that are lost or stolen.


In most cases, when parents are divorced or separated, both parents continue to have equal rights where their children are concerned. If you have a court order that limits the rights of one parent in matters of visitation or custody A COPY MUST BE FILED WITH THE OFFICE for the school to follow the orders. Unless the court order is on file with the school, we must provide equal rights to both parents. All staff members who have contact with the child will be notified of any custody orders.

If BOTH parents REQUEST copies of their report cards, schedules, calendars, parent-teacher conferences, etc. those addresses need to be filed with the office and included in the registration packet.


Communication between home and school is extremely important. This handbook was provided to give the major regulations, service information and details about Martin Grade School. It does not include everything that happens or may happen at school. Parents will be informed of their child’s progress through a variety of means. Each Wednesday ALL students will bring home a PURPLE folder that will contain completed student work notes from the office, and messages from the teacher on student progress, work missing, or behavior concerns. Please read through this information, contact the teacher for further information and/or sign off that you have gone through the folder with your child.

Students in grades 4-6 use a Daily Planner. This allows the student, the teacher and the parent to keep open communication on what the students are doing daily.

Classroom and grade level news will be sent home either in a weekly note from the teacher or included in the Bennett County School District Newsletter.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for September 23 and February 10 and at other times when necessary. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher to schedule a conference should you have a question or concern. Please do not go to the classroom for a conference without an appointment as this disrupts the instructional time for all students.


Community groups may use the school facilities when they are not being used for school or student events. Should you wish to rent / use the facilities please contact Mr. Semmler at 685-6112 for further information and scheduling.


The Bennett County School District offers computers and network access to students and staff for educational purposes in various instructional activities. The Bennett County School District invites any parent to inform schools IN WRITING if there is an objection to the child using the Internet with these activities. In the registration packet there is an ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY form which ALL Bennett County School District students and staff must sign for computer / internet use.


Martin Grade School has completed curriculum maps for all grades for reading, math, science, social studies, music, technology, and PE. Curriculum development is an ongoing project with staff reviewing materials, connecting the South Dakota Content Standards and assessments to student learning. Questions about curriculum can be addressed with the classroom teachers or Ms. Halverson. The South Dakota Content Standards can be found at

The curriculum of Martin Grade School encompasses learning experiences to meet the needs, abilities, interests and emerging self-image of each pupil. The curriculum will be broad in scope and provide a wide range of rate, readiness and potential for learning through a balanced instructional program. Core materials used for instruction include Open Court (reading), Saxon (math), Harcourt (social studies Grades 4-6) and McMillan/McGraw (science grades 4-6). Supplemental materials are used at all grade levels to meet the needs of each student and the standards being addressed


Under Section 504, rights are granted to students with disabilities. The intent of the law is to keep parents and students informed of their rights. These rights include the following:

  1. Have your child take part in, and receive benefits from public education programs without discrimination because of his/her disability;
  2. Have the school district advise you of your rights under federal law;
  3. Receive notice with respect to identification, evaluation or placement of your child;
  4. Have your child receive a free appropriate public education;
  5. Have your child educated in facilities and receive services comparable to those provided to students without disabilities;
  6. Have evaluation, educational, and placement decision made based upon a variety of information sources, and by persons who know the student, the evaluation data, and placement options;
  7. Have your child receive special education and related services if he/she is found to be eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act;
  8. Have your child be given an equal opportunity to participate in nonacademic and extracurricular activities offered by the district;
  9. Examine all relevant records relating to decisions regarding your child’s identification, evaluation, educational program, and placement;
  10. Obtain copies of educational record at a reasonable cost unless the fee would effectively deny you access to the records;
  11. A response from the district to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of your child’s records;
  12. Request amendment of your child’s record if there is reasonable cause to believe that they are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of your child;
  13. File a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII, US Department of Education, Federal Building, Suite 310, 1244 Speer Boulevard, Denver, CO 80204.

In the Bennett County School District, Stacy Halverson at 685-6717, is responsible for assuring compliance with Section 504 and Special Education at Martin Grade School.