March 6th, 2014
Athlone, Cape Town Metropole
We call on all citizens of South Africa - and especially the members of our churches – to take seriously the importance of participating in the democratic process in our country by taking part in the upcoming elections. Every Christian citizen who can, should vote.
We call on all South Africans to refrain from any form of violence, and to use the opportunity,and allow others the opportunity, to vote and let their voices be heard.
It is inappropriate for a church to call on its members to vote for any particular political party. Instead the church should teach the values of justice, compassion and integrity and call on its members to vote according to these values.
We call upon our members to value the role of a political party for what it should be: not an organisation dictating the whole of civil society in a country, but an effective instrument governing for the benefit of all the citizens of a country.
Every voter should vote not according to our natural inclinations to vote in favour of our racial or class privileges but for the good of all and for justice for all.
We call on all those campaigning for political parties at all times to refrain from any rhetoric that incites hatred or prejudice between citizens and to stick strictly to the truth. This truth also includes refraining from making unrealistic promises that will afterwards lead to frustration and aggression among people.
We also call upon leaders of political parties to refrain from any claim to be the only God-ordained institution to govern South Africa till kingdom comes.
We call on all authorities and parties involved in the election to see that the election will be free and fair and transparent.
We pray to almighty God to use this election to preserve the peace and promote the well-being of all the citizens of South Africa.
Rev Stephen Snyman (Calvyn Protestant Church of South Africa)
Rev Etienne Fourie (Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa)
General Secretary
Members of the Conventus present:
Calvyn Protestant Church of South Africa
Dutch Reformed Church
Dutch Reformed Church in Africa
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa
Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa
Reformed Churches in South Africa
Rhenish Church
Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa
6 Maart 2014
Athlone, Kaapstad Metropool
Ons doen 'n beroep op alle inwoners van Suid-Afrika – en veral die lidmate van ons kerke – om aan die demokratiese proses in ons land deel te neem en die komende verkiesing ernstig op te neem. Elke Christen wat kan stem, moet stem.
Ons doen ‘n beroep op alle Suid-Afrikaners om hulle te weerhou van enige vorm van geweld;om hierdie geleentheid om te stem, te benut én om ander dieselfde geleentheidte gun ten einde hulle stemme te laat hoor.
Dit is onvanpasvir 'n kerk om sy lede te versoek om vir 'n bepaalde politieke party te stem. In plaas daarvan moet die kerk die waardes van geregtigheid, deernis en integriteit verkondig en 'n beroep op sy lede doen om te stem volgens hierdie waardes.
Ons versoek ons lidmate om die rol van 'n politieke party te sien vir wat dit behoort te wees: nie 'n organisasie om die hele burgerlike samelewing in 'n land te dikteer nie, maar 'n doeltreffende instrument vir effektiewe regering tot die voordeel van al die burgers van 'n land.
Elke kieser moet stem, nie volgens ons natuurlike neigings ten gunste van ras of klas nie, maar vir die welsyn en geregtigheid van almal.
Ons doen ‘n beroep op die verteenwoordigers van alle politieke partye om hulle te alle tye te weerhou van enige retoriek wat haat of vooroordeel tussen die burgers van die land kan aanblaas en om hulle by die waarheid te hou. Hierdie waarheid sluit in dat hulle hulself sal weerhou van die maak van onrealistiese beloftes wat net sal lei tot frustrasie en aggressie tussen mense.
Ons doen ook 'n beroep op die leiers van politieke partye om hulle te weerhou van enige aanspraak om die enigste Godgegewe instelling in Suid-Afrika te wees wat salregeer tot die wederkoms.
Ons roep alle owerhede en die betrokke partye op om toe te sien dat die verkiesing vry en regverdig en deursigtig sal wees.
Ons bid dat die Almagtige God hierdie verkiesing sal gebruik om die vrede en die welsyn van al die burgers van Suid-Afrika te bevorder.
Ds Stephen Snyman (Calvyn Protestantse Kerk in Suid-Afrika)
Ds Etienne Fourie (Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika)
Algemene Sekretaris
Lede van die Conventus teenwoordig:
Calvyn Protestantse Kerk van Suid-Afrika
Die Rynse Kerk
Evangelies Lutherse Kerk in Suider-Afrika
Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika
Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Afrika
Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa