Feedback following the Autumn term Parent Survey 2017

We received 18 surveys back, which is a great cross section of parent views for a Nursery setting. I have read each comment and prepared a report showing the main findings and actions. Many thanks for the time you spent filling them in and the comments you made as this helps to plan for continuous improvement.

Are we a welcoming and supportive team?

18 responded (94% graded the nursery good or better). We are very pleased to say that we scored highly on this question, which is great as the whole team try really hard to give children, parents and visitors a good welcome.

The majority of parents stated “Yes, very friendly to and supportive to mother and son", “yes very supportive any problems will help” and that “always welcomed into the room"

Action: We will continue with the good practise taking place and ensure that everyone feels welcomed and supported.

From what you see, hear and read, do you feel your child is safe at nursery?

18 responded (94% graded the nursery good or better) Health and Safety are paramount in nursery and school.

The majority of parents were satisfied that their children were safe in Nursery. One parent stated that they “totally trust that he is safe”

Action: For staff to continue to with current practice to ensure that children remain safe in nursery.

Does your child enjoy their time once settled in Nursery?

18 responded (94% graded the nursery good or better)

All parents stated how’happy’ children are, parents stated that "he would love to come all day everyday" and “enjoys his time very much, and always has a busy-fun filled day!"

Action: We will continue to make sure that all children have the best possible time in the Nursery by providing fun, stimulating and challenging activities.

If you have a query do you feel confident we deal with it in an appropriate manner?

18 responded (89% graded this good or better)

The majority of parents stated staff will help you if you have a concern and deal with it on the day, parents feel they can talk to any staff member.

One parent felt that staff need to listen to questions more carefully

Action: We will continue to ensure that we listen to parents concerns and provide time for this.

Do you think your child has made progress?

18responded (89% graded this good or better).

The majority of parents were happy with the progress their children were making in nursery.

A few parentscommented on the good progress children were making "the support and encouragement received has been fantastic and they have come on leaps and bounds" and "yes has made progress and got more confident"

Action:All staff regularly observe children and then update assessment records and share children’s development with parents and carers.

Are you happy that we are promoting healthy eating and lifestyles?

18 responded (100% responded good or better)

Parental comments were all positive and included statements such as “Meals and snacks are always balanced and varied" and “The menu selection and snack options would suggest this to be the case"

Action: We will continue to provide children with a healthy snack and the menu and policy is fully reviewed every year.

And to end…

‘The team are fantastic Nursery, I am so glad I chose Newdale’

Thanks again for all of your comments they really do help us to shape future plans and improvements.


Mrs Lisa Curnow

Nursery Teacher