Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society, Inc.

PO Box 632

College Station, TX 77841-0632

(888) 542-5163

Foster Contract

Please read the following carefully.

This contract is between Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society, Inc. (hereafter referred to as

BEHS) and , (herein referred to as foster home) residing


at in located


in County on this date ______. This contract will remain in effect from the date of signatures until all equines owned by BEHS and in the custody of the above foster home are removed from the foster home’s care.

The foster home has applied for and been approved by BEHS to foster equines located at the above address. Fostered equines that located at an address other than foster home will be located at the following:

Address, City, State and ZipCounty

The foster home acknowledges and agrees to abide by the following statements by initials and date at the bottom of each page and with signature on page 3. If foster home consists of joint partners as stated in family membership application, then both parties of the foster home must initial and sign.

  1. That the undersigned foster home is at least eighteen years of age.
  1. All equines fostered for BEHS are the sole property of BEHS. No foster home shall transfer, sell, give away, lease out, or otherwise allow any other person to claim or have any partial or full ownership of any equine owned by BEHS.
  1. BEHS may at any time, without oral or written explanation and/or cause, remove any equine that is owned by BEHS and fostered by and in the care of any foster home from any property where a BEHS foster equine is located.
  1. At the time of fostering, BEHS will provide the foster home with any health records known to BEHS.
  1. The foster home understands that BEHS cannot guarantee the health, temperament, or soundness of the fostered equine. The foster home understands that the fostered equine(s) may have health or behavioral issues stemming from neglect or abuse that limit the equines’ riding abilities, and the foster home agrees to ride the fostered equine only in accordance with those limitations.
  1. If foster home must cease fostering an equine owned by BEHS the foster home agrees to give notice in writing or via email to the Foster Home Coordinator thirty (30) days prior to the date the equine must leave. If the foster home cannot or does not give notice thirty (30) days before the equine must leave, the foster home agrees to transport the equine at their own cost to a locationdesignated by BEHS and furthermore agrees that the foster home may beheld responsible for all cost of upkeep for that equine for thirty (30) days. In the event of a family or personal emergency, other arrangements may be made with an Officer of BEHS.
  2. It is understood and agreed that to continue fostering equines for BEHS, all foster homes must remain a member in good standing of BEHS. If at any time the foster home’s membership becomes inactive, BEHS will remove any and all equines owned by BEHS from the foster home’s property. This contract will then become null and void.
  1. Foster home will provide all basic care of equines fostered. This includes but not limited to providing hay, grain, wormer, farrier work (unless medically necessary due to illness or injury) and safe, sanitary living conditions. The foster home further agrees to adhere to BEHS’ Minimum Standards of Care Policy.
  1. The foster home agrees to notify BEHS immediately of any health or medical issues of the equines fostered by them and owned by BEHS. The foster home will provide timely veterinary care to all equines fostered and owned by BEHS. All veterinary care will be provided in accordance with the Veterinary Procedures Policy.
  1. The foster home agrees to comply with and all requests from any officer of BEHS for information on any equines fostered by them and owned by BEHS. Such information will be provided in a timely manner.
  1. All foster homes will allow potential adopters of any equine owned by BEHS in their foster care access to said equines for purposes of pre-adoption visits once potential adopter has been approved by BEHS. Visits by interested parties that have not provided all necessary information and been approved by BEHS to adopt an equine will NOT be allowed.
  1. No equine owned by BEHS and in foster home care may be, as stated in paragraph (a) be sold, given away, leased out, sent to slaughter, removed from the foster home's personal supervision or moved for any reason, other than evacuation purposes, from the above designated address without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors of BEHS. A violation of any of the above by any foster home shall be subject to legal action, including possible criminal charges. The minimum value for violation of stated purposes above for any equine owned by BEHS is Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). If violation of any term of this paragraph and/or paragraph (a), foster home will pay this amount to BEHS.
  1. In the event of an emergency, foster home may move any equines owned by BEHS to a safe and secure location. Foster home agrees to give BEHS notice, in the form of telephone call or email, within twelve (12) hours of re-location.
  1. Should it become necessary to euthanize any equine owned by BEHS for medical reasons when the foster home cannot reach an Officer of BEHS, foster home will notify BEHS within twelve (12) hours of euthanization. The foster home will provide a written statement detailing the reasons for the equines euthanized with signature of a licensed veterinarian concurring with said actions. Foster home agrees to follow all guidelines in BEHS Euthanasia Policy.
  1. Foster home agrees that authorized representatives of BEHS, those being officers, directors and/or any other persons delegated by them, may enter without notice the property where any equine owned by BEHS and in foster home's care is located to determine if all conditions of this contract are in compliance. It is also agreed that an authorized representative of BEHS as stated above may, with or without cause, enter any property where equines owned by BEHS and in foster home care
    are located and take immediate possession of said equines without recourse.
  1. It is further agreed that the foster home accepts all responsibility for any action or lien resulting from an action, directly or indirectly, involving any equine owned by BEHS while in the care of the foster home. It is understood and agreed that neither BEHS nor its employees or agents will be held liable for any damages or injury caused to any member of the foster home and/or any third person by fostered equine(s) owned by BEHS in the foster home's care once the foster home receives delivery of the equine(s). This includes but is not limited to damages or injuries caused by the behavior or performance or lack thereof of the fostered equine(s), in any manner expected.
  1. The foster home agrees to pay any and all reasonable attorney’s fees and all court costs of BEHS in the event that any matter under this contract is forwarded to an attorney for the enforcement of BEHS’ rights and remedies under this contract.
  1. When an equine owned by BEHS becomes available for adoption, the foster home will have two (2) weeks from the date any equine fostered by them and owned by BEHS become available for adoption to adopt the equine without prejudice before said equine is made available to the general membership. It is also agreed and understood that if foster home chooses not to adopt an equine fostered by them within the two (2) week period said equine will be made available to the general membership. The first person to submit a complete and approved application for adoption will be allowed to adopt said fostered equine owned by BEHS.
  1. If the foster home becomes unable to care for any foster equine owned by BEHS in any way or defaults on any of the stated conditions of this contract, or in the event of the foster home person's death, this contract acknowledges the foster home directs his or her estate to acknowledge that the foster equine(s) owned by BEHS will immediately be returned to BEHS and that said equine(s) is separate from
    and not included in foster home estate or personal property in any manner or form. The foster home also directs that if he/she is unable to return said equine

to BEHS thatwhomsoever shall have directive powers over his/her affairs, shall immediately return or cause to return foster equine(s) to BEHS.

  1. It is the responsibility for all foster homes to read, understand and comply with the current policies of BEHS including any revision or change to those policies. All policies and procedures of BEHS are located and available on the BEHS website at Printed copies will be made available upon request.


Whereunto, I hereby accept and agree to the above stated conditions and requirements of this foster home contract.

Dated this day of ,


Signature of Foster HomeSignature of BEHS Representative


Signature of Foster HomeTitle





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© 2005 Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society, Inc. Foster Home Contract