Children’s Ministry Handbook and Policy and Procedures Manual

About This Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to provide policies and procedures for the Children’s Ministry of Cross Pointe Church and the volunteers who work in that ministry.


The mission of the Children’s Ministry is to connect children to God, to each other, and to the world.


Cross Pointe calls upon volunteers to serve in various roles throughout the Children’s Ministry. Workers are screened using the following procedures:

  • Application

All children’s ministry volunteers must complete the Volunteer Application and Consent to Background Checks. The current form of the Volunteer Application and Consent to Background Checks is included in this Manual.

  • Interview

All children’s ministry volunteers will be interviewed by a member of the pastoral staff.

  • Criminal History Check

Individuals who have been arrested for, charged with, are on deferred adjudication or regular probation for, or have been convicted of sexually oriented or sex related crimes, either misdemeanor or felony, cannot serve in any area of the Children’s Ministry.

  • Child Abuse Training

Individuals interested in working with children must read and complete a child abuse training handbook. The handbook contains pages that should be turned in to the church office or to Scott which will indicate completion of the course.

  • Revocation

Cross Pointe reserves the right to revoke any volunteer’s ability to serve in the Children’s Ministry with or without notice at any time for any reason.

Team Leader

Each Sunday, the person responsible for check-in will also cover emergencies, make decisions as needed, and other duties mentioned in this handbook.

Policy Against Child Abuse

Cross Pointe supports and maintains an environment free of child abuse and neglect. Child abuse and neglect include physical or mental injury, sexual abuse, negligent treatment, or maltreatment. Sexual abuse is defined as the use, persuasion, or coercion of any child to engage in any sexually explicit conduct (or any similarities of such conduct) for the purpose of producing any visual depiction of such conduct or rape, molestation, prostitution, or incest with children.

It is against the law and against Cross Pointe’s policy for any volunteer or employed staff, male or female, to physically, sexually, or mentally abuse or neglect any child.

Cross Pointe will neither condone nor tolerate:

  • Infliction of bodily injury upon any child or physically abusive behavior towards a child.
  • Physical neglect of children, including failure to provide adequate safety measures, care and supervision in relation to church activities.
  • Emotional mistreatment of children, including verbal abuse and/or verbal measures.

Child Abuse: Reporting and Investigations

Child abuse is a serious crime, and in order to protect the children at Cross Pointe, it is very important to recognize and report any possible suspicions of child abuse or neglect. You are under these obligations as a volunteer:

  • Reporting requirements

All volunteers and employees shall immediately report and document and incident of abuse or violation of the two-adult of open door policy of which they have knowledge or which they have observed to a member of the Cross Pointe pastoral staff. Any person making such a report shall keep the information strictly confidential.

  • Incident of abuse defined

An “incident of abuse” means any occurrence in which any person:

-Has threatened to inflict or has inflicted physical injury upon a child, youth worker, or vulnerable adult, other than by accidental means, or is reasonably suspected to have done so.

-Commits or allows to be committed any sexual offense against a child, youth, or vulnerable adult, or is reasonably suspected to have done so.

-With respect to a child, youth, or vulnerable adult, makes any kind of sexual advance or makes a request for sexual favors, or engages in sexually motivated physical contact or is reasonably suspected to have done so.

-Exposes a child, youth, or vulnerable adult to verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, or is reasonably suspected to have done so.

  • Imminent threat

In all cases where an imminent threat of continued or actual abuse exists, any witness shall immediately contact a Cross Pointe pastoral staff member to request that immediate steps be taken to ensure the safety of the alleged victim.

  • Obligation to report suspected abuse

In all cases where any volunteer or staff member has reasonable cause to believe that a child or youth has been or may have been abused or neglected by either known or unknown persons inside or outside of Cross Pointe Church, the worker shall contact a Cross Pointe pastoral staff member, and the two will telephone the Florida Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-96ABUSE) to report the suspected abuse or neglect.

Volunteer/Child Protection

Cross Pointe Church intends to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of volunteers and children. As a precaution and to ensure strict accountability from one adult to another, follow these rules:

  • Two adults in a room

-Two adults should remain in a classroom at all times if at all possible. In occasions where this is impossible, the top part of the Dutch door must stay open. Adult to child ratios will still be maintained.

-Only screened adults and children are allowed in the children’s rooms on Sunday mornings from 10:00 a.m. until all children have been checked out.

  • Appropriate touch

-Appropriate touch is part of a healthy ministry. These are the following guidelines for when, where, and how to use appropriate touch.

-Using good judgment, the following are appropriate ways to touch children:

  1. An arm around the shoulder
  2. Walking hand in hand
  3. Carrying small children piggy-back
  4. Short congratulatory or greeting hugs
  5. A brief, assuring pat on the back or shoulder
  6. Handshakes and high-fives
  • Inappropriate touch

-Never touch a child in anger or disgust

-Never touch a child between the navel and the shin

-Never touch a child in any manner that may be construed as sexually suggestive.

  • Open door policy

-Volunteers must keep classroom doors open at all times for safety and accountability measures.


Cross Pointe Church takes seriously the obligations to its children. Attendance is one of the important obligations and volunteers must abide by their guidelines.

  • Arrival

Volunteers must arrive one half hour prior to the event at which they are serving

  • Departure

Volunteers must remain at the children’s ministry until the last child has been picked up by a parent.

  • Notification

Volunteers must call the church office to inform them of their absence and confirm that a substitute has been found.

  • Substitute requirements

Volunteers must make every attempt to find a sub from the provided list of children’s workers. If he or she is unable to find a substitute, the volunteer must contact the coordinator.

Sunday Morning Expectations

We serve the children of Cross Pointe Church primarily on Sunday mornings, and we want to be at our absolute best! A great way to let parents know that you are working is by wearing a Children’s Ministry polo or a Cross Pointe shirt. On Sunday mornings, volunteers must adhere to these expectations.

  • Infant/Toddler Area – In the infant and toddler area, volunteers must meet these expectations.

-Check-in policy

Children will be checked in at the front desk, a name tag and matching sticker will be printed, and the parent will leave a cell phone number so that he or she can be texted if there is an issue.

-Age requirement

Unless express permission is granted by a Cross Pointe Church pastoral staff member, volunteers must be at least 16 years of age to volunteer in any the nursery or walker room.

-Diaper procedure

Only female workers are permitted to change diapers. Children must be changed on the changing table. Volunteers must wear disposable, latex-free gloves while changing diapers and must wear new gloves with each change. Volunteers must appropriately dispose of all dirty diapers. Volunteers must disinfect diaper changing area after each diaper. Volunteers must disinfect their hands after changing diaper.

-Check out policy

An adult must bring the child’s corresponding sticker in order to pick up the child.

  • All other age groups

-Check in and check out policy

Parents must drop off and pick up their children before and after an event. A child is NOT allowed to leave alone. A child is not allowed to leave with another parent unless a provision has been made before the event.

-Age requirement

Volunteers must be at least high school aged to serve. They must complete all of the screening requirements that adults complete.

-Bathroom policy

A female adult must accompany a child to the restroom; while the child waits outside of the restroom, the adult must check the restroom prior to the child using the facility. The teacher must take an entire class to the bathroom at the same time. Again, the teacher must check the restroom prior to children using the facilities.

-Transfer of kids

Children should be taken to another program or classroom in an orderly fashion with one teacher monitoring the front of the line and another monitoring the back of the line. Children should be counted prior to leaving one area as well as upon arrival at the new area.

  • Sunday morning security

-Stranger in the hall

Only children’s ministry volunteers, church staff, authorized medical personnel, and children are allowed in Children’s Ministry rooms. All other adults (including parents) should be asked for identification and immediately escorted out of the Children’s rooms. If there are any questions or concerns associated with a stranger in the area, an authorized contact should be notified immediately to question the stranger. An adult able to provide security in case of emergency will be able to be texted during the church service in case an emergency arises.

-Child custody issue

Due to the nature of child custody laws, volunteers must act diligently in making sure the correct people are picking up their children. Please match stickers with the child before allowing them to leave with an adult.

Emergency Procedures

In the case of an emergency, do the following:

  • Medical concerns

Immediately report any medical needs or concerns to the week's leader. The notified person will decide if 911 should be called and send a runner to the worship service to notify a doctor or nurse. The teacher should remain calm and divert the attention of the other children. The victim should be kept quiet and lying down.

  • Weather alert

If there is fear of dangerous weather, volunteers should wait for the team leader to instruct them in what to do. In no way should a volunteer act in such a way as to incite panic among children or other volunteers.

  • Fire

The first priority in any case of a fire is that all children and volunteers’ safety is maintained. Any attempt by volunteers to put out a fire is absolutely forbidden unless judgment to do so is unquestionable and presents no possible danger to anyone present. In the event of a fire, an alarm will sound. Teachers are asked to lead children from the building through the nearest marked exit. Please stress the following rules:

Absolutely no talking.

Absolutely no running.

Follow the teacher’s lead.

  • Missing children

In the event that a child is missing, the team leader should be notified. The team leader will continue the search, notify parents, or increase church awareness. All should remain calm and rational while moving in as timely a manner as possible.

  • Media response

In the event of a severe accident or death, it is likely that the media will be on site to cover the incident. It is important that all volunteers not say anything which could be mistaken or misquoted by the interviewer. Cross Pointe Church staff members or their designee shall be the only persons to make such a statement. If asked by a media member for a statement, please direct them to the appropriate person.

Parent Involvement

Volunteers must follow these guidelines in notification of parents.

  • When to pull a parent

A parent should be called from the worship center by the greeter in the event that the child is completely inconsolable (after ten minutes of care) or a danger to himself or herself or other children. Also, in case of sickness of any kind, the parent should be notified to pick up the child in order to keep the other children healthy.

  • Teacher-initiated discipline issue

In the event of a teacher-initiated discipline situation, the teacher should contact Scott, and the two should meet with the parent to discuss the incident with him or her.


Physical discipline, such as spanking, is never permitted. Using physical restraint to prevent a child from doing something disruptive and dangerous is permitted and may, in some instances, be necessary. Affirmation and encouragement is always encouraged.

A member of the pastoral staff shall advise volunteers on the best age-appropriate discipline methods.

Class Size/Ratio

For infants, there should always be one volunteer for every three babies.

For toddlers and preschoolers, there should always be one volunteer for every six children.

For all other ages, there should be one volunteer for every twelve children.


This Children’s Ministry Handbook and Policy and Procedure Manual contains important information about Cross Pointe Church. I understand that I should consult a Cross Pointe staff member if I have any questions that are not answered in the handbook.

I also acknowledge that revisions to the handbook may occur at any time.

My signature below acknowledges that I have received and read this entire handbook, including, but not only, the sections on:

  • Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation
  • Security
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Appropriate/inappropriate Touch




Printed Name


Cross Pointe Staff MemberDate

Children’s Ministry
Background Check Information Form

Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last): ______

Date of Birth: ______

SS#: ______

Home Address (Street, City, State, Zip): ______



Phone: ______E-mail: ______

APPLICANT CONSENT: I understand and agree that Cross Pointe Church will verify all or part of the information I have given them. I understand that this verification may include any inquiry into criminal and civil records, as well as other public record information. I authorize the release of such information as may be necessary to verify the information I have provided. I release and hold harmless from all liability any individual or entity requesting or supplying information with respect to my application for employment or volunteering at Cross Pointe Church.

Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______
