Name ______Date______

Literature and Film – Freedom Writers Mrs. Stephens

Define the following terms:




Family Relationships


Striving for Success

Paragraph Writing – You should have an answer that is six to eight sentences.

Pick one of the above terms. What does this term mean to you? How does it apply to your life, your society and/or your family?

Discussion Questions: Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1.  Why do you think Erin refers to the Nazis as the most famous gang in history? Why does this comparison make the students begin to listen to her?

2.  Why are the students so unwilling to associate with anyone outside their ethnic/racial groups? Where does this intolerance come from?

3.  Could Ms. Gruwell’s pro-tolerance teaching methods be extended to the entire school and beyond? How could this be achieved?

4.  Why do students initially only trust peers from their own ethnic/racial groups?

5.  Why is Eva so affected by the ending of Anne Frank’s Diary?

6.  How does Erin’s obsession with work conflict with her personal relationships?

7.  Why are the students filled with such anger at the beginning of the movie? Do you think their anger is reasonable?

8.  Why do Ms. Gruwell’s students hate and resent her at first?

Connecting Freedom Writers to All City High School

9.  Does All City High have similar problems to Wilson High from Freedom Writers? Are youth respectful of other’s differences? If so, what steps can you take to initiate change?

10.  Why is trust so important in teacher-student classroom relationships?

11.  Imagine you are a teacher in Ms. Gruwell’s situation. What would you have done? How would you have earned the trust of the students?

12.  How are relationships healthier when the individuals involved have mutual respect?

13.  Have you ever had to overcome a significant problem? Who did you turn to for support?

14.  What makes Eva choose to “go against her people” in the courtroom? Do you think this was a good decision? Why or why not?

15.  Do you think it’s more important to “protect your own” or to “do what’s right”?

16.  What are some of the difficulties of balancing your academic or professional life with your personal life?

17.  Do you or have you ever kept a diary or journal? If so, why do/did you write? Do/did you write about events, or emotions or both?

18.  Most of the teachers at Wilson High do not dress in formal attire. Why do you think Ms. Gruwell chooses to wear business suits and pearls to class? What impression does this make? How do clothes, accessories and make-up affect how others perceive you?

19.  Think about All City High. Are there inequities that exist? How can you document these injustices and urge school officials to make positive changes?