Teacher Name: Roderick Steward Week of: Feb 27-Mar 2, 2012
U.S. History PAP/VG Lesson Plans -Revised
Monday/Tuesday / Objective: ⓈSS.8.7B Compare the effects of political, economic, and social factors on slaves and free blacks.
ⓇSS.8.7C Analyze the impact of slavery on different sections of the United States.
ⓇSS.8.10B Compare places and regions of the United States in terms of physical and human characteristics.
ⓈSS.8.12A Identify economic differences among different regions of the United States.
SS.8.30A Use social studies terminology correctly.
Student-friendly Objectives
• I can examine political, economic and social factors and describe the different and similar effects of these
factors on slaves and free blacks.
• I can identify how slavery affected society in the North, South and West.
• I can compare the North, South and West in both physical characteristics and human characteristics.
• I can identify economic differences of the North, South and West.
• I can use social studies terminology correctly.
Warm-Up: Cues, Questions and Advance Organizer
Use the My Community Activity from the scope and sequence to assist students with identifying features of their community, city, or state. This activity will provide students with examples as they identify features of the antebellum north and south.
Classwork: Students will view a 15 minute video on The Causes of the Civil War. This video gives the
students background information about the United States during the early 1800s and takes them into what we
will be studying now and up to the beginning of the Civil War.
Summarizing and Note-Taking
Two-Column Notes.
Selected Highlighting – Use this strategy to assist students with organizing the main ideas and important
details of the Two Worlds: The Antebellum North and South reading.
Cooperative Learning
In groups, students will use the Two Worlds: The Antebellum North and South Graphic Organizer to assist students with organizing and summarizing the information from the reading.
Cues, Questions and Advance Organizer strategies
Pose the following key questions as a formative assessment:
1. Why was there little industry in the south?
2. How did improvements in transportation affect the economy of the North?
3. How was life for free Blacks [persons of color] different from life for slaves?
Extension Lesson
OPTICS Visual Analysis Strategy
Display birds-eye view maps (found at the Library of Congress) of different sections of the United States. Give students a minute to look at the maps. Then ask students questions about differences in the selected maps. The differences noted in the maps can provide clues as to the regional differences of the different sections of the United States. (See the Internet Resources column from the Scope and Sequence for links to Library of Congress birds-eye view maps.)
ELPS Standards: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing
Wednesday / Early Dismissal
Objective: SS.8.30A Use social studies terminology correctly. Students will be able to discuss social studies information.
Warm-Up: Students will get the Spring Benchmark Objective sheet and complete the ratings for each objective.
Classwork: Using the Spring Benchmark objectives, students will complete a rating chart to show what they know (1-I KNOW IT 2- I KNOW MOST OF IT 3- I KNOW IT WITH HELP 4- I DON’T KNOW IT AT ALL). We will then review those objectives that students have questions about and also compare those with the Level 1 and Level 2 questions students created last week.
ELPS Standards: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing
Thursday / Objective: SS.8.30A Use social studies terminology correctly.
Warm-Up: Students will review the Social Studies T3 Strategy, a Social Studies System to help students understand and determine what the question is asking them to do.
Classwork: We will analyze the Pre-Benchmark assessment students took last week and then review other key information to get ready for the Social Studies Benchmark for tomorrow.
ELPS Standards: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing
Friday / Social Studies Spring Benchmark
No 8th grade classes today