Procedural Requirements
- ESL teachers shall not complete paperwork during instructional time.
- ESL teachers must submit their daily schedule to the ESL Senior Administrator each fall and as revisions are made.
- In preparation for the annual ACCESS testing window, LEP contacts mustreview the annual ACCESS testing process and procedureswith their principals and request their assistance insecuring other staff members who will help in the administration ofthe ACCESS subtests.
- LEP Contacts must share annual ACCESS data with principals as soon as they arrive (May/June).
- LEP Contacts must submit the annual ACCESS test plan to Testing Director by Jan. 31st of each year and must submit the ACCESS roster to the ESL Senior Administrator by March 31st of each year.
- LEP blue folders are current, including:
- the original Home Language Survey (HLS)
- Review of Accommodations form for state testing, as appropriate
- W-APT, if assessed in WCPSS
- ACCESS for ELLs score reports
- End-of-Year Progress Reports (K-5)
- Parent communications, including refusals for a particular ESL service
- LEP Status Exit Letter/Form, if student met LEP exit testing requirements
- LEP Plans must be completed in the EASiLEP system by October 1st, Fall Reviews of existing plans by October 15th, and Spring Review by March 1st.
- LEP Contacts must seek assistance from their administration to follow up with teachers who have not signed the plans as required.
- EASiLEP processes are complete and accurate by due dates indicated within the system.
- Initial Identification Letter, Continued Identification Letter, etc.
Instructional Requirements
Best Practices
- Language objectives are posted for current lesson/unit.
- Language Function + Content + Support/Strategy
- ESL Teacher schedule must indicate how ALL LEP students are served, based upon types of services listed in LIEP. A chart listing all available Transitional services is acceptable for this third level of service. Teacher schedules must be submitted electronically to ESL Senior Administrator each fall.
- Teaching is based upon the five ELD WIDA Standards for language development:
- Language of Language Arts, Language of Mathematics, Language of Science, Language of Social Studies, and Social Instructional Language
- Students are actively engaged in classroom activities using speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
- Interactions with students are clearly appropriate (differentiated) for the students’ English Language Proficiency (ELP) levels.
- See Proficiency Level Chart, Speaking and Writing Rubrics, and CAN DO descriptors in spiral bound WIDA ELD Standards Resources Guide or
- Classroom environment is conducive to language development. Evidences may include student demonstrations, use of manipulatives and realia, presence of academic word walls, ThinkingMaps, graphic illustrations, student artifacts, relevant literature and non-fiction texts, and organized student interactions.
ESL Materials
- Elementary School ESL
- Avenues textbook series and ancillaries
- Reading Express
- Supplemental readers
- Learning A-Z Bundle (if applicable)
- Middle School ESL
- Inside series
- Supplemental readers
- Time: Exploring Non-Fiction
- High School ESL
- Edge series
- Supplemental readers
- Time: Exploring Non-Fiction
Teacher Collaboration
- Functioning and properly staffed LEP team (minimum of four members: ESL teacher(s) and 3 Principal Designees, one of which must be a classroom teacher)
- Evidence that the language of the content areas from CMAPP is infused within lessons
- ESL teachers participate in PLTsin school and/or at thedistrict level
- ESL teachers are active participants duringRtI Processes/IEPmeetings (not as an interpreters)
- Evidence of collaboration between ESL and Content teachers (e.g., communication log, evident connections between learning environments)
- Evidence that school administration, classroom teachers, and other pertinent staff have reviewed and understand all LEP students’ W-APT and/or ACCESS scores
Inappropriate Assignments
- ESL teachers working primarily with non LEP students (ESL teachers are designated as teachers of English language development/acquisition for English language learners.)
- ESL teachers using languages other than English for instruction,except for occasional support
- ESL teacher “tutoring” during whole group instruction or regular class activities
- ESL co-teaching assignments without common planning times and appropriate training
- ESL teachers using instructional timeto enroll LEP students or interpret
- ESL teachers serving as the CIE Contact
- ESL teachers interpreting at IEP meetings
WCPSS Title III/English as a Second Language Program Requirements Revised March 14, 2013 Page 1 of 2