St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church

Chicago, Illinois 60707

Phone: 773.637.1711 - Fax: 773.637.5592

Palm Sunday, April 1, 2007


Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian


LectionsLetter of Paul to the Philippians - Pages 180-181
The Gospel According to Matthew 20:29 – 21:17 - Page 20

Epistle: Arnold Koresian Gospel: Michelle Babikian

Greeters:Craig Koresian - Gregory Tootooian
Church Schedule: Morning Service – 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy – 10:30 a.m.
We bring attention to our parishioners that it is most inappropriate to enter the
Sanctuary during:
Reading of Lections until the Creed is recited
  • During Confession and Communion
  • During the Sermon

You are to wait in the vestibule until such time when it is proper to enter the sanctuary.

Welcome to Parishioners and Friends

On this joyous Palm Sunday, we happily welcome each worshipper. As we emerge from the long penitential period of Great Lent, we now begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday, commemorating Christ’s triumphant entry riding into Jerusalem on a donkey colt (Matthew 21:1-11) 2000 years ago. The multitudes welcomed Him, waving palms and olive branches and spreading their cloaks and branches in front of the colt as it passed before them with shouts of “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” Following church services please join us for the Palm Sunday Luncheon sponsored by the Women’s Guild. At 2:30 p.m. we will return to church for a brief but very impressive service, “Opening of the Doors” (Trunpatzek), whereby the faithful beseech God to admit them back into Paradise. It is here that through Christ, the doors are opened to salvation and eternal life in the Kingdom of God

Prayers for the Sick (Der Voghormia) – Page 45 of the Divine Liturgy Book

Remember in your prayers and ask God’s Blessings for our parishioners who are ill, in a hospital, nursing home or recuperating at home. Let us offer our prayers for the healing of:

Jeffrey Alloian Mihran Erkiletian Virginia Nazlaian

Kathy Burke Marty Hamparzomian Lisa & Alyce Schaffer

Susan Byrne Diramayr Aurora Jebejian Mary Sommese

Ashley Davis Mary Kerridan Sam Sommese

Arsen Demerdjian Grace Klujian Julie Tarpinian

Gregory Demerdjian Joshua Lion, MN John Traiforos

Mary Demirjian Benjamin Manoyan

Prayers for our Military: Robert George, Cortland, Ohio – In IRAQ

Special Prayers

Kelly Garvanian requests special prayers for the soul of her aunt, Lena Indeousoulian Chacker, MI who died on Thursday, March 29, 2007. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

Let us also offer our special prayers for Hagop Dirilen who is hospitalized at St. Francis Hospital, Evanston, IL due to a work related accident.

The collective families, children & grandchildren, of the late Magar and Rose Nahabedian request our prayers for the good health of Josh Najarian Mandell, San Diego, CA.

Prayer Requests

For those wishing to request prayers or to enter a loved-one’s name on the prayer list, please, call the church office by Thursday of that week.


Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Arsen Harutyunyan who died on Tuesday, March 27, 2007. Visitation will be at St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church on Monday, 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Funeral Services will be held at 8:00 pm. May God rest his soul in His heavenly Kingdom and comfort those who mourn him.

A special fund has been set up for Arsen’s family who live in Moscow. It is through Chase Financial Services, Account No. is 730415106. Or, you may make your check payable to St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church and it will be deposited to the account.

Altar Curtains Closed

During the period of Great Lent, the Altar Curtain of the Sanctuary is closed and opened after the “Opening of the Door” Service. Then the Altar Curtain is again closed for Holy Week and reopened on Easter Eve when the Good News of Christ’s Resurrection is proclaimed, ‘KRISDOS HARYAV EE MERELOTZ.’

The Nicene Creed

Together, we shall recite the Nicene Creed (The Profession of our Faith) on Pages 18-19 of the Divine Liturgy book placed in the pews.

Confession Time and Method

Those who wish to receive Holy Communion are asked to remain in their pews and together read the “Confession and Absolution” on Page 48 of the Divine Liturgy Book. Ladies must have a head covering when approaching the Holy Altar.

Kiss of Peace (Page 26-27 of the Divine Liturgy Book)

The person giving the greeting says: The person receiving the greeting responds:

Krisdos ee mech mer haydnetzav. Ohrnyal eh haydnootiunn Krisdosee.

(Christ is revealed among us.) (Blessed is the revelation of Christ.)

Donation of Palms

The palms decorating the sanctuary and the palms to be distributed for today’s service are donated by Nick and Nancy Berberian in memory of Nicholas H. Berberian.

Altar Flowers

The flowers adorning the altar today are presented to the glory of God by Raelene Ohanesian in memory of her grandparents Kniaz and Sarash Kachaturian.

Care, Maintenance and Cost of the “Light of St. Gregory”

Our thanks to Isabell & Sema Nahabedianand Kathleen Moore for taking responsibility for the care, maintenance and cost of keeping the “Light of St. Gregory” illuminated for the month of April in memory of their parents, Takvor and Surphoui Nahabedian and sister, Mary and brother, Paul Nahabedian.

Sunday School

This is a reminder to all parents and Sunday School students that regularly scheduled classes will not meet on Easter Sunday; instead all will worship in church as a family.

Women’s Guild Palm Sunday Luncheon/Bake Sale Today

Following church services, the Women’s Guild cordially invite you to attend their Annual Palm Sunday Luncheon as well as their Palm Sunday Bake Sale.

Flowers/Candles for Holy Week

Parishioners who wish to donate flowers for the tomb of Christ on Holy Friday, and for lily plants or candles to adorn the church sanctuary and altar during Holy Week and Easter Sunday, please call the church office. Order forms for the purchase of Easter lily plants are placed in the church vestibule.

Memorial Day of Easter (Merelotz)

Requiem Service will not be offered during Holy Week or on Easter Sunday. Requests for Requiem Service for loved ones will be fulfilled on Monday, April 9, the day for the remembrance of the dead. Please give the full name of the person(s) you wish to have remembered on the sign-up sheet placed in the vestibule.

33rd Annual Armenian Fest

The support and help of all who are able to give of their time is needed for the 33rd Annual Armenian Fest, which will be held on August 11-12, 2007. Chairpersons are needed to fill various committees. Please see co-chairs, Craig Koresian and Armen Zakarian. The next meeting of the “Fest” will be held on May 9th at 8:00 p.m.

Conclusion of the Divine Liturgy

The faithful should remain in their pews until the final blessing. After the final blessing, the faithful should come forward to kiss the Gospel saying:

ÚÇß»ëó¿ î¿ñ ½³Ù»Ý³ÛÝ å³ï³ñ³·ë ùá:

Hes-shes-tseh Der za-me-nayn ba-da-ra-kus-ko

(May the Lord remember all your sacrifices.)

The Celebrant responds by saying:

î³ó¿ ù»½ î¿ñ Áëï ëñïÇ ùáõÙ:

Dat-zhe Kez Der Esd Ser-dee Koo

(May the Lord grant to you according to your heart.)

Upon leaving the sanctuary, one is to do so quietly and reverently.

When the Need Arises - Get in Touch With The Church Office

Before making any preparation when choosing dates and time for Weddings and Baptisms, please be sure to contact Fr. Aren. All Sacraments must bearranged at least three months ahead. Other church related matters, such as hospital and home visitations and counseling, should also be made first with Deacon Aren. In order to invite clergy from other churches, arrangements must be made through the church office.


Parish Council Meeting – 3rd Tuesday of each month 7:00 PM

Bible Study – 1st and 3rd Monday of each month 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Children’s Sermon – 3rd Sunday of each month


Saturday, April 14 - AGBU Center – Theatrical Group from Toronto,

Presenting a sketch from Saroukhan – 7:30 p.m.

Sunday, April 15 - Children’s Sermon

- Women’s Guild Outing

Tuesday, April 24 - 92nd Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

Host: St. Joachim & Anne Armenian Church, 12600 S. Ridgeland Ave Palos Heights, IL Requiem Service – 7:15 p.m.

Wednesday, April 25 - Parish Council Meeting

April 30-May 3 - Annual Clergy Conference

May 3-7 - 105th Diocesan Assembly

Host: Saints Vartanantz Armenian Church,

Chelmsford, MA



Pastor, Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian




Morning Service 10:00 a.m.

Divine Liturgy10:30 a.m.

Palm Sunday Luncheon hosted by the Women’s Guild 12:30 a.m.

Opening of the Doors “Trunpatzek.” 2:30 a.m.


Service of the “The Wise and Foolish Virgins.” 7:00 p.m.


Remembrance of the Last Supper and Passion of our

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Divine Liturgy10:00 a.m.

Washing of the Feet “Vodunluva” 7:00 p.m.

Service of Darkness “Khavaroom” Betrayal and Passion of our Lord 8:30 p.m.


Remembrance of the Crucifixion and Burial of our

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

The Church will be open from 12 Noon to 3:00 p.m.

for Prayer and Contemplation

Commemoration of Christ’s Crucifixion “Khachelootiun”

and Burial “Taghoom”7:30 p.m.


Guest Celebrant – Rev. Fr. Vahram Hazarian

Traditional Armenian Easter Eve Scripture Readings 6:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy “Jurakalouytz” 6:45 p.m.

Following Services, Light refreshment will be served by the Women’s Guild




Morning Service 10:00 a.m.

Divine Liturgy10:30 a.m.

Festive Home Blessing Noon


Remembrance of the Dead “Merelotz”

Requiem Service – “Hokehankisd” 11:00 a.m.