Newyears – Neujahrs- ONLINE Special - Protocol of 30th December 2015
-Welcome to our last meetingbefore 2016.
-Thanks to all ourmoderators of these online sessions: Ase Slettvik, MeabhMcElligott, Seth Burton and Petra Ruether.
-Yourheart’swish to Christmas: waitingpatientlyforfulfilment
-Not require – butaquire
-Wearephysicallyseparatedbutnot in spirit:
-smallexercise of expanding (wearesitting in our 4 walls-in a house – in a city – in a country- on a continent - on mother Earth - in a solar system – in a galaxy - in a cosmos – weare a part of theentirecosmos and in contact will all! Ourspiritisunlimited!
-Lectureby Bruno Groening, Gräfelfing, April 19, 1951:
-"Onlytheonewhoisseriouslyill, canunderstand..."
-In Gräfelfing, (near Munich in Germany, not.Admin) at 19th April 1951 Bruno Gröning spoke in front of some help seekers from Switzerland.
-After he had talked individually with the ill ones, he gave insight into the ideological basics of his work with following speech:
-Bruno Gröning:
-„Only the one who is seriously ill can understand and this one can get rid of fear only when he has confidence and trust and faith in God. For I am not God. We are all God, that means we are the divine children - I always say: the children of God - and we all have only one father. I always say: Only He can help!
-We human beings have all left the house, the divine home, and because we left it, we are all abandoned by God. And I just want to lead back the people to our divine Father! Only He can help! I’m able to say: I will transmit the divine power for healing. I can take the illness only from people when they release them.
-The soul must be pure! You must not be defiled! And if it is, so one has to deliver from all the filthy seeds, that evil, satanic people have sown. And thus our souls are stained. We just need to get it to be cleaned, and that's what I want. For the satanic power is a power as well, and I think I can rightly say: We belong back to the divine house, because we are children of God, but humankind had gone astray completely.
-That's all I want and so everything happens. - That's just like that: you want to eat, you want to maintain your life. But when you are travelling, you will find nothing to eat; If you go back into the house, you have everything in abundance; but if you are travelling, you will find nothing. In the house you can eat.
-Actually, we have strayed from the true path. We have walked the forbidden path and so we have to go back. We have to leave that path and only then, we will be able to receive the grace of God again.”
-Because the parents will not be angry against their child when the child once leaves the home. If it finds its way back, they will forgive him.
-They will say to him: "Well, my child, well, you're here again. Come, be good. Now you have everything you need. You're so run down at heel. – No, it may not be like that! " And so this child is nurtured back in the family home and it has his home and his parents' house.
-If you invite me to your home, into your apartment, then it must be clean, it must be tidy; because in a dirty house I won’t go. And if there are people who can’t help themselves, so I am not afraid and help and clean up the apartment so that people are able to live there too. And just the same is, as we need to clean our inner self, so that God actually can dwell within us.
-You once prayed that beautiful little prayer, even if it’s small:
-I am small, my heart is pure, nobody shall live in it as God alone.
-But man let himself be tempted by this wicked, satanic stuff. And that’s why man can’t be good. Through his wickedness, by the distortion of many bad people he had become ill indeed. Instead of one supported each other so man fought against each other. And that is diabolical, which is satanic. This must not be done. And if someone believes that the other is bad, so it's the duty of good people, to adjust again the bad one and do him well.
-In your home, you wouldn’t grant bad people entrance and nobody has something to do there.
-But, those who are misled, believe to meet someone good, if he can only speak well and dress well. No, that’s wrong, that’s Satan in sheep's clothing. We need to feel the heart into man! It’s good if he’s clean inside, a believer, he does only good. The outfit and appearance doesn’t do it. Then I would have to say: "I don’t like you because you are not very well dressed, and I put just good looking people into my heart ".
-Or, when there were a young woman who wears nice clothes and I would push you all aside. Or if I would say: I'll just take the rich ones, but I will not be tempted! I’ll continue this path and that is infinitely far. Heavenly patience one must have. I don’t need complaints and despair! On and on to God, because we have once left the parental home, where we had peace and silence. Let us return now and the true blessing of God will comes over us humans.
-Then there will come that, what is my job for me, what I have to do as a duty on this earth. And I wish all would follow my advice! If they did it all, then we would have heaven on earth, as it should be, Earth is a divine work indeed, created by God. It's heaven on earth yet, but only then, when we are kind to each other, and if we’ll find the way back to our Father! And that's why everything is, with what you are stressed and afflicted, the sick and the Satanic. The devil, Satan himself leaves no stone unturned in order to destroy all divine and to devour.”
-Ase: Themaintopic was thateachsoul has to find his own way and not listen to thosewhohave 'learnedhow' likethebishops in Leo Tolstojs fairytalewhothought he hadsometing to teachthehermits, and was provenotherwise.
-And that Bruno did just that, he onlylistened to God, also at a veryearly age when he as 9 yearsold was seiously ill. He knewthatillnesscomes form theevil, he took up the fightagainstevil and won.Brunotellsus: "See to thatyoualways listen to yourconsciousness - itisyoursoul, yoursoulisdivine, itisGod in you."
-Meabh:Just wanted to conveyhowweare all connected to eachotherthrough Bruno and Godslove and with all of theloveconnectedaroundtheworldthatonly good thingcanhappen in 2016.The second thing I wanted to say was Bruno hold out his hand to each of us to helpus and he isalwaystherelovinglywaiting to help.
-Seth:Seth spokeaboutBruno'steachings on themeaning of life and thegrace of havingreceived a body, as a gift fromGod. Bruno emphasizedthat in a bodyit was possible to grow and learnspiritually in waysthatwerenotpossible in a body and evenmoredifficultwithout it. He readsome of Bruno'steachings on thisfromPowers of theSpirit, p. 247, 115, 128 and 251
-Prayersfor all members of the Chat
-at the end pictures of Bruno Gröningabout Christmas