. Queensland Horse Council Inc.

ABN 77 020 814 044

Patrons: Dr Reg Pascoe & Mr Colin McAlpineSecretary: Ms Lorraine Decker

President: Mrs Julie de Visser Private Box 1110, UQ Gatton, Gatton, 4343

Vice-President: Mr Ron FittonPhone/Fax: (07) 5498 7202Mob: 0407 626 396

Treasurer: Mrs Bev HamiltonEmail:


Latest update on anticipated Zone Changes

Subject to no further cases of EI and the surveillance program progressing as planned, the following zone changes are anticipated during 2008.

Late February – target date 22 February, however there is a possibility this will happen the following week if there is a delay in finalizing collection of surveillance samples and subsequent national agreement.

AmberZone will turn into a White Zone. White is the classification that has been used for uninfected states and more recently the rest of the State. Within the White Zone horses may move without restriction on hoof and may be transported without restriction with a waybill.

Movement interstate to other white zones will require a waybill and other relevant travel documentation (contact the DPI&F for further details).

Movements to zones of a different colour will require a waybill and a travel permit.

Red Zone will become an AmberZone. Within the AmberZone horses may move without restriction on hoof and may be transported without restriction with a waybill. Movements outside the Amber Zone or interstate will require appropriate testing and isolation before movement depending on the individual horse status (contact DPI&F for further details).A waybill and a travel permit are also required.

Mid to late March – target dates either 14 March or 20 March, again subject to surveillance being finalized and national agreement.

Red Zone will turn into a Green Zone. Within the Green Zone horses will be able to move without restriction on hoof and may be transported without restriction with a waybill.

Movements outside the Green Zone or interstate will require an on-line Equine Waybill to be completed. The declaration will be completed on-line, the information recorded on a DPI&F database and the document printed for travel with the horse(s). This will be required so that DPI&F has a record of movements that have occurred. This declaration may also be completed over the phone via the DPI&F call centre and faxed to the owner.

30 June 2008

Green zone will turn into a White Zone. Existing white zone movement conditions to apply.


Your permit application will be processed quicker if you make sure that you include

  • Your Real Property description. It is on your Rates Notice in a box just below your name and address i.e. Lotnumber, RP number, Parish of …..
  • Thecorrect street address of all properties involved in your application.
  • The purpose of the permit you are requesting
  • The type of permit you are requesting

DPI&F Permits Department aims to get your permit processed as fast as possible but please allow a week.

Remember that multi destination permit applications shouldinclude either a copy of your vaccination certificate or blood test result and chip number.

If you are asked to send in extra information via fax or email, make sure that you writeyour reference number and your name clearly oneach page.

Don’t Forget the QHC’s General Meeting at UQ Gatton Campus this Saturday 23rd February 2008 at 9.30 am.

The QHC currently has 88 different affiliates which represent over 30,000 horseriders. This is your chance to be part of a united voice which can speak with authority to Government and deliver commonsense to members

Lorraine Decker
QLD Horse Council Inc.
PH. 07 5498 7202
MB. 0407 626396