/ EU-GCC Clean Energy Network
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Consultation forthe Working Group (WG)

Electricity Interconnections and Market Integration topics

The Network and the WGs aim to facilitate EU GCC cooperation on policy, research as well as industry/technology aspects of each WG field.

The consultation process aims at identifying and prioritizing topics of interest as well type of services/offering that you consider being of interest for your region, country and organization as well as for your personal development as a clean energy expert.

It will also help us in developing the workplan of the Working Group for the next period addressing topics of high interest for its stakeholders.

Full Name
Organisation / Position
Country / E-mail
Consultation on the WG topics of interest
Please provide rating:
1:low to 5:highestinterest/priority / Specific Ideas / Proposals
Regulation of electricity markets /
Electricity market aspects/mechanisms on a national and regional level /
Integrating RES in the grid: Grid Operation issues /
Integrating RES in the grid: Forecasting /
Integrating RES in the grid: Advanced storage technologies /
Integrating RES in the grid: connection issues /
Integrating RES in the grid: Interconnection expandability /
Promote interconnections GCC, MEDRING, ENTSO-E and MED Reg /
Pursue development of effective wholesale GCC power market /
Other Topic(s): Please specify /
Consultation on the WG type of services/offering
Please provide rating:
1:low to 5:highestinterest/priority / Specific Ideas / Proposals
Services for Policy Cooperation
Policy Workshops, Exchange of information /
Policy briefs, studies /
Information and news on EU and GCC policies / best practices / projects(web) /
Services for Industry cooperation
Joint Demo and Pilot Projects development /
Information on best practices, technologies and standards (web) /
Information on financing opportunities of projects (web) /
Workshops /
Services for Research Cooperation
Joint Project Proposals (H2020, etc.) /
Joint Publications /
Information and Updates on Research Funding opportunities (web) /
Information and Updates on research projects results/activities (web) /
Cooperation with laboratories, research institutes /
General Services
Discussion Forum /
Training Seminars /
E-meetings, Webinars /
Other (please specify): /

Thankyou for your time and effort.
(send this to or give it directly to the Network experts)

Funded by:Consultation Survey on WGTopics and Services