Tanker - Chief Officer
Familiarisation Booklet
Welcome on board
ESTd 1903
m.t. ______
Chief Officer
Format Issue Date : 1 Feb , 1997 This Book prepared by : Master, C/E
Created by : Marine Supt. SID Checked by : Supt. TD
Approved by : Director, SID
Rev. May 2012 1
Tanker - Chief Officer
Objectives & Safety, Health, Environmental & Quality (SHEQ) Policy
The Objective of Wallem, as a Ship Manager, is to provide the customer with competent, safe, environmentally sound and cost effective services, which meet industry specifications for quality and environmental management. We are committed to managing Health, Safety and Environmental (HS&E) matters as an integral part of our business.
In doing so, we will strive to adhere to the following principles, in all our activities:
- Protect the health and safety of our employees at work
- Prevention of injury and ill health of our employees and strive for continual improvement in OH & S management and OH & S performance
- Conserve the environment; by complying with all applicable laws and regulations as well as legal requirements, and implementing programs and procedures to ensure compliance.
Where existing laws and regulations are not adequate to assure protection of Health,n Safety and the Environment, this company will establish pro-active standards to meet its own HS&E quality standards.
- Prevent loss to life and property.
- Minimize process loss and practise continuous improvement of loss control.
Wallem will employ systems and procedures specifically designed to prevent activities and/or conditions that pose a threat to Health, Safety or the Environment. We will minimize risk and protect our employees and the communities in which we operate, by employing safe technologies and operating procedures, and being prepared for emergencies.
In doing so, Wallem is determined to prevent all injuries on board & ashore, while maintaining high standards of environment protection.
To achieve this goal, WALLEM: -
- Requires the on-going commitment of all employees,
- Will ensure that employees have the required skills and support,
- Encourages concern and respect for the environment, emphasizes every employee’s responsibility towards environmental preservation, and ensuring appropriate operating practices and training,
- Will strive for Zero incidents of harmful releases to the atmosphere, land or water, and will minimize the amount and toxicity of waste generated, always ensuring its safe treatment and disposal,
- Will provide training on technical and operational matters which will obviate injury to health or undue environmental impact,
- Will include assessment of health, safety and environment matters before changing standards or operating procedures,
- Prepares for future requirements and anticipated developments in all HS&E areas, and
- Recognises that overall responsibility for Health, Safety and Environmental protection rests with the highest level of Wallem’s management ashore and on board vessels, and it is the duty of all members of Wallem to act responsibly and support the above objectives and policies.
Full Ahead The Wallem Way
Format Issue Date : 1 Feb , 1997 This Book prepared by : Master, C/E
Created by : Marine Supt. SID Checked by : Supt. TD
Approved by : Director, SID
Rev. May 2012 1
Tanker - Chief Officer
Possession, distribution or sale of narcotics by any officer or crew member warrants instant dismissal and will render the person liable for legal proceedings. Any person found to be under the influence of alcohol at any time will be suspended from duty and will be subject to harsh disciplinary action including dismissal.
Format Issue Date : 1 Feb , 1997 This Book prepared by : Master, C/E
Created by : Marine Supt. SID Checked by : Supt. TD
Approved by : Director, SID
Rev. May 2012 1
Tanker - Chief Officer
STCW-95 requires that you familiarise yourself with the following :
1. All safety and emergency equipment and procedures
2. All pollution prevention equipment and procedures
3. Ship arrangements and characteristics
4. Your specific duties on board
Format Issue Date : 1 Feb , 1997 This Book prepared by : Master, C/E
Created by : Marine Supt. SID Checked by : Supt. TD
Approved by : Director, SID
Rev. May 2012 1
Tanker - Chief Officer
1.1 In each cabin there is "emergency familiarisation card" which shows your emergency stations duty and your designated life boat. You are required to read full details under Chapter II of the safety manual.
1.2 Signal for local emergency stations is a continuous ringing of the alarms followed by four long blasts on the ship's whistle. At this time you must go to your emergency station immediately.
1.3 In case of a general emergency, or abandon ship, you will hear seven or more short blasts followed by one long blast on ships whistle. This signal will be repeated on general alarms. In this event you must proceed to your designated life boat with your life jacket. Order for abandon ship will be given by the Master verbally.
1.4 Muster list is placed in the accommodation alleyways. You can see your boat number and the duty you are assigned on that list.
1.5 Vessel has two life boats of 30 persons each. The starboard life boat is designed to work as a rescue boat as well. The boats are open type and are located on either side of accommodation on Boat Deck.
1.6 Boat davits are conventional hinged gravity type. Lowering procedure is written and placed on the bulkhead near each life boat.
1.7 In the accommodation area, vessel has 4 inflatable life rafts of 20 persons capacity and 12 persons capacity. They are located on Boat Deck, on each side, just aft of the boat davits. Additionally there is one inflatable life raft for 6 persons placed on the focsle, aft of the windlasses.
1.8 Vessel has a total of 35 life jackets and 31 immersion suits, one for each person. They are located in individual cabins.
1.9 Extra life jackets are placed in ECR, Bridge, & bosun store so that persons on watch can proceed to their life boat stations directly in an emergency. You must familiarise with type of life jacket and how to put it on.
1.10 There are 31 immersion suits kept in individual cabin.
1.11 The Emergency Headquarter is located on Upper Deck starboard side. It contains two complete set of fire man's outfit, two additional set of breathing apparatus and various other fire fighting equipments.
1.12 1 set of fireman's outfit, including a self contained breathing apparatus is kept f'castle store.
1.13 1 extra breathing apparatus and 6 set of protective clothing, are placed in engine control room, 3 T.P.A are in each life boat.
Format Issue Date : 1 Feb , 1997 This Book prepared by : Master, C/E
Created by : Marine Supt. SID Checked by : Supt. TD
Approved by : Director, SID
Rev. May 2012 1
Tanker - Chief Officer
1.14 Fire extinguishing by CO2 flooding is employed for the engine room. CO2 Bottles are located in the CO2 room. Release selection / Pilot valves are located at/in EHQ. A detailed release procedure is mounted at EHQ & ECR. These release procedures must be read and fully understood.
1.15 Fixed low expansion foam system is provided for the cargo pump room. Fixed low expansion foam system is also provided for the main deck and covers the cargo tank deck area. Fixed foam monitors are provided at suitable locations to adequately cover the cargo tank deck area. The operating instructions are prominently displayed and all the valves/controls clearly marked for immediate operation of low expansion foam system inside the foam room.
1.16 Warning sirens are placed inside the spaces where CO2 can be released and it is important to vacate such spaces immediately on hearing the alarm. The flooding system must not be operated until a muster count is completed, every one onboard has been accounted for and Master has given permission.
1.17 Fire alarm push button switches are provided on each deck. On discovering a fire you should activate the nearest fire alarm button.
1.18 Switch to activate general alarms is located at bridge.
1.19 Emergency stop switches for fans and fuel pumps are located at EHQ / Bridge.
1.20 Controls for quick closing of fuel valves are located at EHQ.
1.21 Portable extinguishers for local fires are located in strategic locations within the accommodation, engine room and store spaces. Operating instructions for all extinguishers are mounted on the appliance and you must read and fully understand these instructions. Attention should be paid to appliance type (foam, CO2, dry powder) and the type of fire for which these are intended.
1.22 Fire extinguisher nearest to your cabin is located in the alleyway on your deck It is of 9 ltr foam type. Please read operating instruction pasted on it.
1.23 Emergency fire pump room is located in the recess inside steering compartment The pump is motor driven.
1.24 Fire hydrants and hoses are distributed in strategic locations all over the ship. All hoses are fitted with jet/spray combination type nozzles. The nearest hydrant to your cabin is located just outside the door leading out of the accommodation on the after part of your deck.
1.25 Emergency escape from engine room opens on main deck. This door must never be blocked or locked from the outside even as an antipiracy measure. Doing so would cut off the only Emergency escape route from E.R.
1.26 Written check lists on emergency procedures for different types of emergencies viz fire, collision, grounding, flooding, explosion, man overboard, pirate attack etc have been made by the Company. You can find them in section V, of the Major Casualty Contingency Manual. For the present you must make a note of where to find required check list in an emergency.
Format Issue Date : 1 Feb , 1997 This Book prepared by : Master, C/E
Created by : Marine Supt. SID Checked by : Supt. TD
Approved by : Director, SID
Rev. May 2012 1
Tanker - Chief Officer
1.27 There are 2 copies of training manual for life saving appliances & Fire Training Booklets. One copy each is kept at officers’ smoke room, crew smoke room, & other 4 WALLEM training manuals are kept in bridge, ECR, Capt cabin, & C/E’s cabin. You are required to read further details of life saving appliances in that manual.
1.28 Please note that an effective search for stowaway, drugs and other contraband is to be carried out before departure especially in sensitive ports.
1.29 Please note that an effective anti-piracy watch is to be maintained in sensitive areas.
1.30 When a rating, Petty officer or Repairman joins the vessel, the Chief Officer is required to show him and explain to him all safety, emergency and pollution prevention items before the vessel sails from the port. Safety and emergency items must be explained to supernumeries also. The Chief Officer may however delegate this responsibility to another officer if the circumstances so dictate. In such an event, the Master must be informed of the transfer of this responsibility who will satisfy himself that proper familiarisation has been imparted.
Format Issue Date : 1 Feb , 1997 This Book prepared by : Master, C/E
Created by : Marine Supt. SID Checked by : Supt. TD
Approved by : Director, SID
Rev. May 2012 1
Tanker - Chief Officer
Section 1-B: Media & Security
Dealing with the Media
Before agreeing to any media meeting following a casualty or crisis situation, authority must be obtained from one of the Media Response Team members (refer MCCM Sec.7.7 & Appendix 4).
Please remember that media response is only part of the WALLEM crisis response programme and is unlikely to have priority over reporting and dealing with other authorities, coastguard, etc., all of which is contained within the company’s manuals on the subject. NOTE: “WE ARE NOT SEEKING MEDIA COVERAGE IN A CRISIS”.
The Master has overall responsibility for the safety and security of the ship, crew, passengers and cargo.
For further information, refer to the Ship Security Plan and the section on Security in SBM II for guidance notes on hijacking, anti-terrorism and piracy advise.
The Chief Engineer, as the Ship Security Officer, is responsible for implementing, maintaining, and supervising the Ship Security Plan, under the overall authority of the Master.
He will ensure that the Master is aware of any incidents affecting or threatening the security of the ship and that reports on such incidents are passed to the Company Security Officer.
He will ensure that joining crew members are briefed as to their security duties and responsibilities and are kept informed of the security level at which the ship is operating.
For further information, refer to the Ship Security Plan and the section on Security in SBM II for guidance notes on hijacking, anti-terrorism and piracy advice.
The Chief Officer is the Deputy Ship Security Officer. He is to assist the Ship Security Officer (Chief Engineer) in implementing, maintaining and supervising the Ship Security Plan under the overall authority of the Master.
The Chief Officer :
The Second Officer :
The Third Officer :
The Radio Officer :
As Officers of the Watch (in the absence of the Ship Security Officer) they will, during the watch: