Free Training Opportunities for Disability Services Providers

Nutrition & Disability
The MENU-AIDDs Program

  1. Basic Training
  2. Booster Session

The Montana Disability and Health Program team created MENU-AIDDs(Materials supporting Education and Nutrition of Adults with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities), a nutrition support and education program for DD group homes.MENU-AIDDs was developed together with adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities, DD service providers, and nutrition professionals.

MENU-AIDDs is not a therapeutic diet! It is a comprehensive food and menu-planning system that group home managers can tailor to the needs, preferences, and constraints of their homes and consumer clientele. This MENU-AIDDs program and training can teach you how to better utilize the menus you already have by tailoring them to your home’s specific needs.

MENU-AIDDs Basic Training

Billings, MTBillings Inn & Convention Center October 28th, 10:00-4:00

Who should attend this training? People who have not yet participated in MENU-AIDDs training.

Group home managers who want the MENU-AIDDs program in their home

Provider trainers

Provider health specialists, directors, or coordinators

MENU-AIDDs Booster Session

Billings, MTBillings Inn & Convention Center October 29th, 10:00-2:00

Who should attend this training? People who took MENU-AIDDs training previously and who want more skills and information on menu planning, cost containment, menu evaluation, and special dietary needs.

Group home managers

Provider trainers

Provider health specialists, directors, or coordinators

The MENU-AIDDs program is only available to individual group homes with the accompanying training. Participating in an evaluation of the training and first six months of the MENU-AIDDs program is required.

Sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Montana Developmental Disabilities Program, and the Montana Disability and Health Program, the MENU-AIDDs program and training events are free!

Enrollment is limited! To reserve a place for this unique training opportunity, contact the DDP Central Office, 444-2995

Call Kathy Humphries if you have questions (406)243-2515


MENU-AIDDs provides:

Menu planning tools for healthy, well-balanced meals that reflect the unique preferences and needs of individuals in I/DD group homes;

Nutrition education and reference materials;

A 75-page cook book of simple, healthy, and inexpensive recipes selected for the unique features of I/DD group homes. Recipes include nutritional analyses;

Nutrition standards and guidelines for adults with I/DD;

Menu assessment and evaluation tools;

Easy tracking of past menus; and

Many other daily food system supports.

MENU-AIDDs is proven in Montana group homes. MENU-AIDDs was shown to:

  • Improve quality of menus created by direct care staff;
  • Improve the nutritional quality of diets served to consumers;
  • Keep costs constant while improving dietary quality;
  • Improve consumers’ gastrointestinal function;
  • Improve weight management and weight status without consumer complaint;
  • Increase consumer engagement in food system activities and self empowerment; and
  • Be acceptable to managers, health specialists, direct care staff, and consumers.

Trainees receive:

Freetraining led by Montana Disability and Health Program nutritionist Kathy Humphries, Ph.D.

Acopy of the MENU-AIDDs Program, First Edition, a 180-page binder of nutrition supports for ongoing use.

Interactive forum with of DD professionals to create and evaluate specific home menus, swap best practice ideas and have fun while learning more about food and nutrition.

Continuing education for yourself on food and nutrition for disability.

Door prizes!