FRRR - REAPing Rewards (Rural Education Australia Program) / To support locally-driven projects and programs that directly benefit children and youth (0-18 years) and their educators in rural and remote communities. / Community based not-for-profit organisations supporting early childhood, primary and secondary education service providers such as playgroups, toy libraries, after school care programs, parent committees and more. / Up to $10,000 / Applications accepted until 31 October 2013 with assessments during Term 2 and Term 3 /
Adult Learners' Week National Grant Funding / ALW small grants programs encourage community groups to host local events and activities designed to promote the benefits of adult learning - in the home, at work and in the community.
In addition, there is now an opportunity for organisations to apply for Australian Government funding to contribute to ALW’s national presence and enhance community awareness of the role and importance of adult learning. Projects funded under this Program will be strategic, national in approach, and may include some co-ordination or linking of ALW activities taking place at the state, territory or regional level. / Organisations are eligible to apply for funding. Funding is not available to individuals. / Applications for funding for ALW national projects must be for a minimum of $50,000 / 6 May 2013 / Adult Learners' Week National Grant Funding
Caring for our Country - Community Environment Grants / To help community groups and organisations to contribute to the sustainable management of Australia’s environment. Community Environment Grants were previously known as Community Action Grants (CAG). / Targeted towards established and emerging local community-based organisations that are successfully delivering projects to support protect and enhance the natural environment. Includes established and emerging Indigenous groups, Landcare, Coastcare, 'friends-of' organisations and other local community-based groups / Between $5000 and $50,000 (GST exclusive) / 8 May 2013 /
Queensland CountryCredit Union Community Grants Scheme / Aims to provide support to groups in our branch areas for a wide range of activities, facilities and services that offer a tangible and sustainable benefit to the community, and encourage active participation in these local communities.
Community Grants are provided for programs in the areas of:
• Arts, culture and heritage
• Sport and recreation (where the activity benefits the whole community)
• Education
• Health
• The environment / Preference will be given to Not for Profit Organisations within a 50klm radius of where Qld Country Credit Union operates, i.e. Tieri, Capella. NFP organisations outside this area who have projects that benefit those in the area where QCCU operates may be considered. / Up to $10,000 / 10 May 2013 /
Coles Junior Landcare Garden Grants / Activities supported:
*Bush Tucker gardens;
* Vegetable gardens
* Composting and green waste recycling activities
* Awareness raising of food miles through growing your own produce
* Waterwise and Carbon gardening activities
* Purchase of kids gardening equipment (gloves, shovels etc) up to the value of $500. / Any school or youth group seeking to educate young Australians about the environment.
If your group is not incorporated you will need to form a partnership with an organisation that will (and can) accept responsibility for administering the financial aspects of your grant, for example an incorporated Landcare or catchment organisation. / Up to $1,100 including GST / 10 May 2013
• Round 3: closes 5pm (AEST) Friday 2 August 2013 /
Smart School Subsidy Scheme (SSS Scheme) / Aims to contribute to the cost of school community facility (capital works) projects to enhance learning outcomes for students and the wider community.
The funding is initiated for capital works that fall outside of the scope of other capital works programs offered by the Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE).
The SSS Scheme is supportive of innovative infrastructure projects. / All Queensland state schools (including state primary, high, middle, special education and distance education schools) or organisations within a state school’s community are eligible to initiate projects seeking funding under the SSS Scheme, including the Parents & Citizens’ Associations, local councils and local sporting or community organisations. / Projects must have a total project cost of $50,000 or greater. The maximum subsidy that will be provided for an entire project is $500,000 over a 5 year period (adjusted by the State Locality Index). / 13 May 2013
for Expressions of Interest (EoI's) /
The Salter Foundation / To enable all youth to reach their highest potential regardless of race, religion, environment or economic situation.
- Preventative programs for youth dependency on drugs, alcohol and other abusive substances.
- Support organisations that tackle the problem of youth homelessness.
- Education, training and employment for disadvantaged youth.
- Mental health issues and Preventative programs designed to tackle this issue.
- Support for children in third world countries to assist with education. / -Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status.
-Income Tax Exempt Status. / 15 May 2013 /
Sport and Recreation Disaster Recovery Program / One-off funding in relation to damage caused by Tropical Cyclone Oswald and associated rainfall and flooding.
CHRC area is included in Group B and can apply for funding to:
• replace equipment and operational items (including office and canteen equipment); and/or
• repair/restore damage to sport and recreation infrastructure; and /or
• mitigate the effect of future damage due to a similar natural disaster event, to damaged sport and recreation infrastructure. / Incorporated not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations in defined areas under the
Queensland Government Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) in relation
to damage caused by Tropical Cyclone Oswald and associated rainfall and flooding (the disaster
event). CHRC is eligible for Group B Funding. Refer to website for full details. / Up to $25,000 / 15 May 2013
Applications will be assessed by the department when applications are received. /
Connellan Airways Trust / The objectives of the Trust are:
* To promote and encourage the advancement of knowledge of people, especially younger people, living in remote parts of that area of outback Australia formerly served by Connellan Airways, and in other parts of Australia similar in remoteness.
* To assist such people through facilitating air travel and the delivery of education needs, communication requisites and health related supplies.
* To foster education of people in outback Australia, other than those living in its remote parts, who provide service or assistance to people, living in those parts. / You are eligible to apply to the Trust for financial assistance if you:
* Reside on stations or in small settlements in the remote parts of outback Australia or,
* live in the larger outback centres of Australia and provide expertise or otherwise serve or assist remote area residents / 15 May 2013
15 August
15 November
15 February
However, as meeting dates may change, applicants are advised to confirm the closing date well in advance of each meeting. /
Connellan Airways Trust Sponsorships / The Trust is prepared to consider sponsoring events that will spread awareness of the Trust amongst potential beneficiaries of the Trust. / Grants can only be made to children and adults who reside on stations or in small settlements in the remote areas of outback Australia, or to people living in the larger outback centres of Australia who provide assistance to such remote area residents. / 15 May 2013
15 August
15 November
15 February
However, as meeting dates may change, applicants are advised to confirm the closing date well in advance of each meeting. /
Australian Artists' Grant & Eckersley's Art Materials Prize for NAVA Members (formerly the Janet Holmes à Court Artists' Grant) / To provide financial assistance to professional artists for the public presentation of their work.
This grant provides assistance towards the costs of public presentation of visual arts, craft and design. This can include, but is not limited to, framing, media releases, media photographs, advertising, space rental, installation costs, promotional printing, mail outs, documentation, freight, travel, equipment rental, insurance, technical assistance and opening costs. / * Individuals and groups are eligible to apply only once per round and if successful, cannot apply again for 12 months.
* If submitting an application as a group the application must come from two artists in that group. If the application is successful, funding will be awarded to the two artists.
* Indigenous artists and artists from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds are encouraged to apply. / $500 + GST for individuals and $1000 + GST for groups
This grant does not provide assistance towards the production of artwork (materials, studio rental, research etc).
/ 15 May 2013
(for exhibitions in August, September, October)
Further rounds:
15 August 2013 (for exhibitions in November, December, January)
15 November 2013 (for exhibitions in February, March, April) /
World Hepatitis Day small Grants / To support community organisations to coordinate an activity for activity for World Hepatitis Day – 28 July 2013.
Projects may include:
* community events (picnics; coffee nights; sports events; cultural or arts activities)
* Education (e.g. workshops; guest speakers; pamper days; support groups)
* Displays (information stalls or media events e.g. regional forum and stalls combined with other services)
* E-health (producing an online blog, MySpace page, online video, YouTube video competition, comic/flash animation or podcast) / Government and non-government organisations or groups operating within Queensland / Up to $1000 / 17 May 2013 /
Caring for Our country - Regional Delivery / Provides funding to eligible regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations to help deliver the Caring for our Country initiative at the local and regional level. / Regional NRM organisations / $133.4million in 2013-14 across both the Sustainable Environment
and Sustainable Agriculture streams / 20 May 2013 /
Child Protection Week 2013
Queensland Regional Event Grants / Regional Events that will:-
* Facilitate a regional event that promotes the theme “Protecting Children is Everybody’s Business – Play your Part” and reflects the interests and diversity of the region;
* Provide people with an opportunity for ongoing involvement in helping prevent abuse and neglect;
* Where appropriate, linking participants to the broad range of information, resources, services already available through Government and Non-Government Organisations.
* The event must raise awareness of issues connected with the protection of children and the prevention of abuse and neglect
You must actively include and involve at least 5 organisations (both non-govt & government) who work with children, young people, parents, carers and families as part of the event planning committee / Non-Government organisations and/or not-for-profit organisations. Funding submissions must reflect collaboration a minimum of five other agencies within the region agencies within the region. / Up to $3,000 (incl GST) / 20 May 2013 /
Caring for our Country - Reef Rescue Water Quality Grants and Partnerships / To improve the quality of water entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Increase the voluntary uptake of improved land management practices by landholders that will reduce the discharge of sediments, nutrients and pesticides into the Great Barrier Reef. / Regional NRM organisations / Refer to guidelines / 22 May 2013 /
Action on the Ground / Creating new opportunities for farmers and land managers to help the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide by increasing and storing carbon in soil and in plants as they grow. / Farmers, land managers, research, industry sectors, non-government and farmer ‘care’ or ‘grower’ group/organisations and/or consortiums/partnerships to undertake on-farm projects. / Up to $775 000 (GST Exclusive) / 23 May 2013 /
FRRR CATCH - Culture Arts Tourism and Community Heritage / To support activities that enrich community life, centered on arts and culture, history and heritage and tourism of small rural and remote communities across Australia. /
- Not for profit community based organisations (such as museums, community art groups, progress associations, event organisers, cultural groups etc)can apply for funds to assist projects, events and activities that support the culture, arts, tourism and community heritage aspects of small rural and remote communities across Australia.
- Organisations should have an ABN or be incorporated.
- Applications from communities with a population of 10,000 or less will receive priority
- Communities demonstrating organisational partnerships will be preferred to multiple applications from one community
Newman’s Own Foundation / Projects that focus on the following two priority areas:
• Children with Life-Limiting Conditions – projects that enhance the quality of life for children with life-limiting medical conditions, and/or for whom the experience of childhood has been disrupted by circumstances beyond their control.
• Empowerment - projects that empower people to overcome extraordinary adverse circumstances, and/or provide equal access to human rights and contribute to the development of a civil society. / Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR)
Status required. / up to $75,000 / 24 May 2013
for Expressions of Interest /
The Cory Charitable Foundation / Supports organisations that care for our community. Contributes to the growth and well-being of a number of Queensland-based charities and institutes. Notable fields to benefit from include medical research, social welfare and emergency relief organisations / Must have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status with the Australian Taxation Office.
Favoured applicants tend to be Queensland based, seek funding for actual, acquittable purposes and demonstrate efficient financial accountability within their organisation. / $5,000 to $10,000 / 24 May 2013 /
Equestrian Australia - International Competition and Development Fund / Supports projects and events that either clearly fall into the “international competition” category or can be demonstrated to further the “development” of the sport in general or a particular discipline. “Development” predominantly denotes workshops and seminars for the training of judges and officials, and other activities carried out for the development of competencies, including opportunities for skill practice (competitions and events). / Events, Project Organisers and Individuals / The Chair of the ICDF Committee may approve grants up to and including $1,000.
The ICDF Committee may approve grants of up to and including $10,000. Grants of more than $10,000 must receive the approval of the Board. / 24 May 2013
For ALL events and activities taking place during the next “Financial Year” (01 July – 30 June) /
Child Protection Week 2013
ACTIVITY GRANTS / The Queensland Child Protection Week Committee encourages applications for events that have been designed to positively support the theme and aims of Child Protection Week.
Thus your local activity will:-
• promote the theme 'Protecting children is everybody's business'
• provide people with an opportunity for ongoing involvement in helping prevent abuse and neglect
• where possible, link participants to a broad range of information, resources and services already available through government and non-government organisations. / Examples of organisations eligible for funding include:
* Non-Government Organisations, Neighbourhood Centres, Childcare Centres, Womens’ Centres, Parents and Friends’/Citizens’/ Associations, Police Citizens Youth Clubs, Community Playgroups, Youth Centres.
* Organisations can only submit one application per funding round for any one location
* Applications for funding will be considered for new and separate activities/events of existing projects / Up to $1000 (incl GST) / 24 May 2013 /
Endeavour Foundation Endowment Challenge Fund (EFECF) / The aim of such grants is to encourage non-profits to consider how they could directly include people with a disability (especially an intellectual disability) within their current work. / Non-profit organisations, such as sporting, artistic, cultural or music organisations. / Total pool of $20,000 available. Non-profit organisations are invited to apply for up to maximum amount of $20,000 / 28 May 2012 /
The Ian Potter Foundation - Arts / To support cultural institutions and organisations in Australia which are distinctive in artistic achievement, imagination and innovation.
To extend cultural opportunities to regional centres, and encourage the development of arts programs at a local level. / Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status;
Endorsed Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1, or specifically named as a DGR in Subdivision 30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; &
Government Entities.
Other eligibility criteria apply. Complete 'Eligibility Quiz' on website to verify / Small Grants
< $50,000 and
Large Grants
> $50,000 / 28 May 2013
Small Grants
Future rounds:
17 September 2013
Large Grants managed through a two-stage Expression of Interest (EOI) process. /
The Ian Potter Foundation - Conference / To support symposia and conferences of international status to be held within Australia. Generally grants are made to assist with the travel and accommodation costs of an international keynote speaker. / Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status & Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR's) where the "Provision for gift deductibility" is "item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997" / Travel grant applicants cannot request more than the cash financial contribution from the organisation. / 28 May 2013
for conference after 6 September 2013;
17 September 2013
for conference after 20 December 2013 /
The Ian Potter Foundation - Education Small Grants / To support early intervention initiatives for children with a view to improving school readiness and/or parental engagement
To support initiatives and organisations working to provide basic material, personal and learning support to students / Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status & Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR's) where the "Provision for gift deductibility" is "item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997"
The Foundation does not support performances, exhibitions or festivals unless there is a special educational focus. / < $50,000 / 28 May 2013
Future round:
17 September 2013 /
The Ian Potter Foundation - Travel / To assist early career researchers to travel overseas for professional development through attending conferences. / Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status & Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR's) where the "Provision for gift deductibility" is "item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997" The Foundation does not support performances, exhibitions or festivals unless there is a special educational focus. / Generally between $2,000 & $3,000 / 28 May 2013