





1300 Old Decatur

Fort Worth, TX 76179


Dear Wildcats,

Congratulations on your acceptance into the WMS Girls athletic program. It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of this program, and we know that you will help us to maintain a high level of integrity, discipline and commitment within our program. We expect a great amount of loyalty from our athletes and parents. Following is a list of expectations you must abide by to remain in good standing with our program. As a part of this program you will be expected to be dedicated, disciplined, and dependable to yourself, your team, your coaches, and your school. We will not sacrifice the principles of hard work, team, and class. For us to meet our goals it will take practice, time management, and prioritizing. When you compete in and support our program remember, you are representing Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD and you will be expected to do so with “Wildcat Pride”. The athletics program is considered a privilege and not a right, therefore you will be held to a higher standard both on the field, in the halls, and in the classrooms.

Thank you for your support,

Wayside Wildcat Coaching Staff

Girls Office Phone Boys Office Phone

817-232-0541 ext. 225 817-232-0541 ext. 234

Girls Coaching Staff Boys Coaching Staff

Kellie O’Hara – Coordinator Blake Lierman- Coordinator

Cassie Bradley Pat Hall

Shannon Atkinson Eric Moore

Bill Tippett Kyle Ellisor

Brynn Childers (boys and girls tennis)

EM-S ISD Middle School Athletic Philosophy

1.  To encourage participation in all sports.

2.  To stress the high ideals of sportsmanship.

3.  To administer the programs so that there will be minimum loss of school time.

4.  To require that all participants be properly examined, equipped, instructed and supervised.

5.  To foster proper respect for authority.

6.  To compete within the spirit of the rules and be gracious in victory and in loss.

7.  To teach good work habits to participants.

8.  To retain as many players as possible in the program to go on and play in high school.

Mission Statement

The aim of the Wayside Wildcat Athletic Program is to develop academically and athletically well-rounded young people who are disciplined, focused, competitive, cooperative, and willing to contribute to the success of their team and school.

Wayside Middle School 2013-2014 Coaching Assignments


Kellie O’Hara 8A

Cassie Bradley 8B

Bill Tippett 7A

Shannon Atkinson 7B

Cross Country

Shannon Atkinson


Brynn Childers

Girls Basketball

Cassie Bradley 8A

Kellie O’Hara 8B

Shannon Atkinson 7A

Bill Tippett 7B


Kellie O’Hara-Girls sprints and relays

Pat Hall-Boys sprints and relays

Kyle Ellisor- girls and boys hurdles

Shannon Atkinson- girls and boys distance runners

Bill Tippett- girls and boys high jump

Cassie Bradley- girls and boys long and triple jump

Blake Lierman- girls and boys pole vault

Eric Moore- girls and boys shot and discus

GOALS-Wayside athletes will develop:

·  Across the board athletic unity.

·  Total program commitment to success.

·  Pride, character, self-discipline, and self-esteem.

·  A winning attitude in the classroom and athletic arena.


·  Yes ma’am or sir.

·  Follow all classroom directions without question.

·  Be a leader by your actions. You are seen by more people due to your participation in athletics and are representing your school, your coaches, and our program.


·  Office referral, detention, call or email to coaches, or negative comment from a staff member, may result in additional conditioning exercise, loss of game time, and or privileges.

·  If an athlete has been placed in SAC, that student will have a one game suspension for the week they are in SAC. The same penalty will occur if it happens a second time. On the third offense, the student will be dismissed from that athletic team and possibly from the athletic program. It is under the coach’s discretion for any other punishment.


·  Playing time issues will be handled on a player/coach level. Coaches will not discuss playing time with parents until we have had the opportunity to speak with the athlete.

·  If a parent has an issue that he or she needs to discuss, please refer to the communications portion below, on the proper steps to take in order to resolve the issue.

·  Please be considerate about what you say around your children in regards to coaches and or other players.

·  Please be supportive of your Lady Wildcat team(s) and remember that you too are representing Wayside Middle School. We have included below the Behavior Expectations of Spectators set forth by the University Interscholastic League and followed by the EM-S ISD Athletic Department.


·  All athletes are issued a locker with a lock and are responsible for keeping all personal items in their locked locker when attending a practice or game. NO SHARING OF LOCKERS!!!!!

·  All jewelry and hats are to be removed upon entering the athletics area. Girls are to have their hair up and out of their face; this includes their bangs. Shirt tails are to be tucked in.

·  Athletes are responsible for keeping the locker rooms in proper order and clean. Last group to leave the locker room is responsible for checking that it is in order for next day.

·  We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items from the locker room area. Personal items should be locked in your athlete’s locker.

·  All other school handbook policies are in effect and will be enforced.


·  Talking will be kept to a minimum.

·  You may bring headphones to listen to.

·  Everyone is expected to ride the bus to and from games with their team mates. Any exceptions must be discussed with their coach.

·  Bus will be kept clean at all times.

·  No cell phone use until the trip home.


·  All athletes are expected to place academic success at the top of their priority list.

·  All athletes are encouraged to do their best, turn in all assignments, and take any opportunity to make up, or raise, low grades.

·  Grade check sheets will be required each week for any athlete who receives a deficiency at the three week mark, or fails for the six weeks.

·  No pass-no play is real. If you fail a class, you are ineligible for three weeks. At the end of the three weeks you must be passing all of your classes to be reinstated.


·  Be at practice every day you can.

·  If your child is absent for the day, please notify the coaches office. Girls’ 817-232-0541 ext. 225

·  If the student athlete is ill, a parent or doctor note is required. A parent note will excuse the athlete for two consecutive class periods or practices, after that a doctor’s note is needed. Points will be deducted from your child’s grade for more than two parent notes in a six weeks period.

·  Any unexcused absence will be grounds for make up conditioning. If make-up conditioning or make-up practice is not completed prior to next game, a loss of playing time will result. If the athlete is in our off-season program, they will still need to make-up practices missed or points will be deducted from their grade also.

Tardy Policy

1=verbal warning and conditioning

2=verbal warning and conditioning

3=reduction of play time and conditioning

4=suspension of game-athlete will be in uniform on the bench- and conditioning

5=removal from the team and conditioning

·  Athletes are required to suit out every day, even if they are excused from participation. If the athlete can not participate, they must have a written note from their parent or a doctor. Points will be deducted from your child’s grade for not suiting out. Each athlete will start the week with 100 points. If an athlete does not suit out or participate, 20 points will be deducted. If an athlete does not suit out, but does participate, 10 points will be deducted.

**Notes need to be as specific as possible. Please don’t ask that your child be excused from all practice for a minor injury. Our coaches are professionals and have training and knowledge on dealing with injured athletes. Please allow them discretion.

·  If an athlete quits a sport, they may not be allowed to try out for another sport.

·  School related activities will come before outside activities.

INJURY Notification and Evaluation

·  Sports by their nature can lead to injuries. If an athlete does suffer an injury, the athlete, or parent, needs to notify the coach so that they can make a determination as to whether the athlete should seek assistance from the athletic trainer or a Doctor/Nurse.


·  Workout clothes ($30.00 per set)

·  Worn daily by athletes

·  Are NOT to go home

·  Washed daily by coaches

·  Socks (white on game day)

·  Proper shoes for their sport (laced and tied properly)

·  Any equipment/uniform issued to an athlete is the responsibility of that athlete. Lost and or damaged items will result in a monetary fine.


·  Court set-up & take down: The athletes with the help of coaches, will be responsible for setting up and taking down all equipment for the games. This includes poles, nets, antennas, pads, referee stands, chairs, score table, balls, and water jugs.

·  All athletes must stay till the completion of the last game and till all equipment is put away and you are dismissed by your coach. Reduced playing time will be given to anyone leaving prior to a coach’s dismissal without prior planning with your coach.

·  Food. If you have pre-purchased the Jason Deli’s food it will be delivered or if you plan on bringing food each game, that is fine and may bring it to her after 3:45. Please do NOT bring it to the school before then. The office is too busy to take care of these deliveries.

·  Game time. The team that is not currently playing must sit together as a team in the bleachers and cheer for the team currently playing. NO BOYS, NO CELL PHONES again NO BOYS, NO CELL PHONES!!!!!! If either issue becomes a problem, conditioning will be given the following day.


·  If an early dismissal from class is necessary, you will be responsible for getting any work you will miss.

·  It is your responsibility to be on the bus at the designated time, dressed in your uniform. Make sure you have everything you need as we will not go back to the school for forgotten items. All cell phones will need to be shut off

·  You are expected to behave appropriately on the bus. You are to remain seated and are prohibited from hanging any body parts out the window. On the way to games, it should remain quiet on the bus and start thinking about game time. You will pick-up all trash and place it in a trash receptacle once we get off the bus. There will be consequences for any trash left on the bus. Trash must NEVER be thrown out the window.

·  Immediately following the game all teams will meet in one designated area before leaving. We will check in and clean up. This is a security procedure. All players are required to ride to and from the games on the school provided transportation. Emergencies are the only exceptions to be made on game days. Everything else must be made prior to game day(s). All players and parents will be required to complete the provided transportation release form for this occasion. You will not be released to anyone except a parent without a note or a phone call from the parent prior to the game. Once the athlete has been released to this person WMS will no longer be responsible for their safety. Athletes will only be released to parent or immediate family members in an emergency.

·  We encourage parents to be prompt when picking up athletes after all games as the coaches do spend countless hours away from our own families. We will return the athletes phones when we get on the bus and have them call their parents/guardians with the time to pick up.

The designated pick up point is in the parking lot behind the school.


·  The athletes are not allowed to have their cell phones out and must be kept put away until the conclusion of the last game.


·  Our coaching staff dedicates a lot of time to our athletes. However, at the end of the day we need to go home to our families. Please make sure you respect our time and pick up your child promptly after practices and games. Please call if there is a problem.

Girls’ coaches office- 817-232-0541 ext. 225

Boys’ coaches office- 817-232-0541 ext. 234


·  Any athletes reasonably determined to have been involved in illegal activity is subject to dismissal from the program. Any athlete having knowledge of such illegal activity is encouraged to come forward and speak to the coaching staff.


·  As a member of volleyball program, you are held to a higher standard than the regular student body.

·  Any player receiving a negative behavior report from a teacher will result in reduced playing time. If the player consistently receives negative reports, a parent conference will be required and the player will be placed on a behavioral contract.

·  Any player receiving multiple detentions or placement in SAC, are subject to reduced playing time and or removal from the team.

·  Any player receiving an out of school suspension will be suspended from competing in the next two matches and will complete their make-up practices and conditioning upon return.

Sports Workout and Game Schedules


7th grade practices from 7:15am-9:00am with games played on Thursdays.